Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
What Is Eye Flu?
Eye flu or viral conjunctivitis is an infection that affects the eyes. This eye problem arises by viruses and can make your eyes red, itchy, and watery. It can also lead to a sticky discharge and make your eyes feel uncomfortable. It is contagious, which means this disease can pass from person to person easily. You might have it by touching your eyes after touching surfaces or objects that have the virus on them, or by close contact with someone who has this eye problem.
Most Common Symptoms of Viral Conjunctivitis
The eyes may look pink or bloodshot due to the inflammation caused by the viral infection.
The affected eyes may face continuous itching, leading to discomfort and rubbing.
Excess watery discharge is a common symptom of this eye disease.
The eyes may produce a sticky, yellowish discharge, especially after waking up.
Sensitivity to Light:
A few individuals may experience sensitivity to light, known as photophobia.
Blurred Vision:
In rare cases, it can cause temporary blurred vision or a gritty sensation in the eyes.
Prevention and Hygiene Practices-
Protect yourself and others from contracting this eye problem by adopting these hygiene practices to minimize the risk of infection:
Soap and Water should be used regularly to clean hands for at least 20 seconds prior to touching any facial features or eyes, including touching or rubbing them. Touching eyes directly may introduce viruses and bacteria.
Utilize Tissues or Elbow:
When coughing or sneezing, using tissue or coughing into your elbow will help prevent respiratory droplets from spreading further.
Avoid Sharing Personal Items:
Never share towels, cosmetics or any other personal items which might come into contact with eyes with anyone.
Clean and Disinfect Surfaces:
On an ongoing basis, be sure to disinfect surfaces that come into regular contact, such as doorknobs, counter tops and electronic devices.
Practice Good Contact Lens Hygiene:
If you wear contact lenses, be sure to follow proper hygiene practices, such as disinfecting and replacing them according to schedule.
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