
Women and self-care: Selfish or essential care?

Women, most likely mothers in their 30s and beyond, do not dare to indulge in self-care! Why? They feel – 1) it is a waste of time and 2) a sense of guilt for being selfish and not spending their free time on the kids, husband, and household chores. Isn’t it true? By the way, what is self-care? Self-care means taking care of the self, especially the physical, mental, and emotional well-being, by involving various activities and practices based on individual needs, preferences, and choices. Self-care is essential for women because we tend to ignore or overlook the importance of taking time for ourselves amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. For most women, whether homemakers or employed, self-care is a luxury rather than a necessity. Thus, we tend to neglect the most crucial aspects of our self - physical, mental, and emotional well-being amidst our varied responsibilities of being a wife, mother, or an employee. 

Simple ways to practice self-care can be reading a book, exercising or hitting the gym, attending yoga sessions and meditating, simply walking in the early hours of sunrise or sunset, listening to your go-to music, or watching a favorite movie, treating yourself to a pedicure or manicure or massaging, exploring a new hobby like dancing or learning something new, cooking your favorite meal and savoring the dishes that you like, getting total 8 hours of sleep or wearing clothes and accessories that you want and feel beautiful to be with are simple ways to practice self-care. Also, starting or ending your day with journaling is self-care. Taking care of the self is a personal journey; therefore, spending time with pets at home is one way of self-care. Catching the sunrise on the balcony, having coffee, observing and being aware of the surroundings, appreciating the beauty, and finding happiness in little things is also self-care. Pampering oneself with a skincare routine when down and feeling low can be a pick-me-up for most women who want to indulge in self-care. Spending time with friends over tea or coffee, laughing and cheering about is self-care. Confiding in best friends when you need mental and emotional support is also self-care. Yes, self-care can be anything – anything your heart likes and would like to cherish, and why not? 

Dear beautiful women, it's time to change our perspective on self-care. It's not selfish, it's essential. Like the oxygen mask on a flight, taking care of yourself first enables you to support those around you better. So, let's leave that guilt behind and start indulging in ourselves. Self-love and self-care will not only boost our confidence but also help us navigate the challenges that lie ahead. So, let's commit ourselves to prioritizing self-care. God bless, and see you in another blog :)

More By  :  Dr. A. Nivedita

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Comments on this Blog

Comment The need for a girl or a woman to have self-care is very important to be self-reliant and have self dignity in tact. One need not be anti-society or men for that matter. They have to take care of themselves too!

Sonali Pandey
08-Aug-2024 23:55 PM

Comment Self do, self have, and self preservation is the first law of nature. These are the two sayings I was reminded of on reading your blog. Actually, rising above the self and selfless sacrifice underscore the importance of the self in that they suggest that even service is a desire essential for our well being. Sacrifice does not necessarily imply loss while doing service. In the true sense of the word, it means making an act sacred. There is no other without the self.We take cognizance of our self thanks to the presence of the other. Self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem precede our recognition of the other. Charity begins at home basically means charity begins with the self. Unless we make ourselves strong and self-reliant, we cannot assist or help the weak. Ayan Rand was obsessed with selfishness as a virtue.

07-Aug-2024 18:26 PM

Comment Your blog really inspired me and made me realise the importance of self care in our daily lives. It made me realise that women like us don't give time to themselves which is a necessity. Your blogs always leave an impact on me and l hope receiving these beautiful thoughts from you again. Proud to be a friend of yours.

Shweta singh
06-Aug-2024 12:13 PM

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