
Induction Cooking – 4

Additional Plus Points

I am an ardent advocate of the use of induction cooktop sage, and in the past, I published three articles concerning the advantages associated with induction cooking as compared to cooking in gas stoves and electric stoves. The most recent of these articles can be accessed at The article listed twelve major advantageous factors of induction cooktops. The summary was “It can be said that induction cooktop scores over other modes of cooking in terms of EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY, SAFETY, and COMFORT/CONVENIENCE”.

A few days back I came to know of two additional advantageous qualities associated with induction cooking. Both these beneficial aspects arise from the fact that heat is generated in the bottom of the vessels and so only the base of the vessel gets directly heated.

When we cook in gas stoves, it is not just the base but the sides too get heated due to contact with flame and radiation. An undesirable effect of the sides getting heated is that the top surface of the liquid in contact with the vessel gets overheated. This leaves a brown or black stain as shown on the left side in the figure below.

Fig. 1

This will affect the quality and flavor of the cooked food. And also cleaning will become bothersome. This phenomenon will not be seen in the case of induction cooking as can be seen on the right side in the same figure.

Fig. 2. Convection Currents

When we boil any liquid the convection currents are expected to be ideal as shown in the figure above, This will promote uniform mixing. This type of boiling is realized if we use an induction cooktop. With a gas stove, on the other hand, there will be eddy convection currents on the vessel walls, and hence the boiling will be less effective. When milk is boiled using induction, my finding is that the milk tastes better, and we get more cream. On the other hand, milk heated in a gas stove tends to boil somewhat prematurely and will be less tasty.

We can now modify the summary of the earlier article as “It can be said that induction cooktop scores over other modes of cooking in terms of EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY, SAFETY, COMFORT/CONVENIENCE, and FOOD QUALITY”.

More By  :  Dr. KS Raghavan

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