Hi Guys,

I made this blog collating all the information I've gathered over the past many years since 2011 when I started investing in British houses by focussing on BTL business. As with any business, there have been ups and downs, things I haven't relished or found boring, but I've steadily continued and expanded the business. It has kept me busy and it has made me learn a lot. Being a landlady isn't easy. It's a role that comes with immense responsibility and accountability to ensure the tenant is happy and the property meets the tenant's needs. Liaising with the estate agent has been an integral part of this job to ensure repairs and maintenance are done in time, the tenant takes care of the house and pays the rent on time.

BTL business is not for the faint-hearted. Property investment is fraught with risks. You need to have the time, money, health, diligence to keep going. Don't look for short-term gains. Your efforts might be rewarded in the long run. When you retire and are unable to work, you might reap the rewards of this business by either getting the rent as a source of income or selling some of your properties to add to your savings. You can be financially independent without depending on your children's earnings. After you pass away, your children inherit your estate and it makes their life somewhat easy by adding to their wealth. The rising cost of living is a challenge for every generation and so if we are capable, it behoves us to see how we can make it easy for the next generation and for posterity.

If you are planning to stay long-term in Britain and want to rent or buy a house, this is the Blog for you.


It's the one-stop blog for all the information you need to get started. Obviously, if you need more details, you can ask Google or Perplexity.

If you find the blog useful, you can bookmark it. I'll keep updating it as and when I find more info to share with you.


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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