
Ayurvedic Description of Sleep

Sleep is a physical and mental resting state of a person. During sleep he becomes inactive and will not be aware of surrounding environment. His senses do not respond to external stimuli.

According to ayurveda sleep is
“ yadaa tu manasi klaante karmaatmaanaha klamaanvitaaha |
 Vishayebhyo nivartante tadaa swpiti maanavaha ||”

When mind , sensory and motor organs are exhausted they disassociate themselves from their senses and stimuli. This makes a person to go to sleep.

Effects of sleep:

According to ayurveda sleep has both beneficial and harmful effects depending on sleeping time and duration. A good sleep nourishes body, strengthens it. It increases memory power, knowledge, virility and longevity.Untimely sleep leads to unhealthy conditions and reduces longevity.

Day time sleep:

Sleeping in daytime is harmful to health. But persons who are exhausted by physical work, travel and trauma can take afternoon nap. Singers, emaciated persons, children and elderly are benefited by day time sleep. Persons who have undergone purifactory therapies (Panchakarma therapies) can sleep in daytime. During summer nights are shorter than days, hence daytime sleep is recommended for everyone. In these conditions day time sleep nourishes body tissues (dhatus) and rejuvenates body.

Benefits of good sleep

A good 6-7 hrs of sleep is necessary to keep our body healthy. People who sleep less than 6-7 hours are at the risk of developing diseases. The benefits of sleep are as follows

  • It keeps our heart health.
  • It Reduces stress and calms mind.
  • Good sleep helps to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Body repairs its tissues in sleep.
  • 6-7 hours of sleep boosts memory power and increases alertness.
  • It helps to overcome depression

    Ayurveda Home remedies to induce sleep.
  • A good massage with vata balancing oil and warm water bath before going to bed helps to induce good sleep.
  • Consume warm light food like rice and milk before going to bed.
  • A clean and comfortable bed with good surroundings helps to induce sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping in daytime
  • Do not watch television before going to bed
  • Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco before going to bed.
  • Reduce stress levels with yoga and meditation.
  • Exercise regularly in daytime.
  • Massage your foot with warm oil and take a foot bath in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Avoid consumption of oily foods at night.

More By  :  Dr. Savitha Suri

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  • Comments: 1

Comments on this Blog

Comment Very nice article. One thing about sleep, people do not know is, food is digested during sleep -- and like clockwork. Almost all digestion  takes place between 9 PM to 2 Am. For excellent digestion - a precursor of excellent health, sleeping during those hours is very essential. Some even consider it a therapy for curing awful diseases - like cancer.

Also it is very important for a glowing life and personality that one gets up at Brahm Muhurat -- slightly befotre the Sun comes up. But making a resolution  "I will get up at 4 AM" --fails all the time. The correct resolution should be "I will sleep at 9 PM  so I can get up at 4 AM".

Sleeping during day time is bad but a light nap during day has been advised in Ayuerveda --  30 minute nap that is.

Thanks for writing what you did.

09-Aug-2010 11:11 AM

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