
Challenges: Terrorism from Pakistan

Haven of peace turned out to be a hell of terrorism. Is it true and raising questions? India seems so, in the context of ongoing hyper-terrorism threat which began engulfing rapidly many States in our country.
Terrorism perpetrated by single, now transforming to a collective sabotage. since the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948, murder oriented attack on leaders continued to this multitude which aggravated the intensity and growth of anti-national elements in our country. We had lost many glorious stalwarts to terrorism, since the independence of India in same kind of conspiracy in different times hatched by so-called anti-national offenders. Did any of above ever prompt the security system to wake up? This question indeed crammed us about the essence of obscure theory, prevailing upon many incessant events, in view of continued threat to peace and harmony.
Before India’s freedom, British rulers used to kill Indians. After the independence, Indians became the target of killing act as it was deliberately launched by Indian terrorists.
Former Central Minister L.N. Mishra was killed in bomb blast at Samastipur some decades ago, which triggered shock waves across the country and posed challenges to the base of internal security system. It was probably considered first ever bomb blast in post-independent era. It was Khalistan followed by Kashmir militants, ULFA in Assam, insurgency in Nagaland, Maoist in Bengal and Orissa, now all that displayed the realm of wilderness and created panic, fear and hatred among our citizens. How the government holds responsibility out of desperation, not obvious, but obscure and the violence blooded terrorism in any form or manner should be prevented at any cost. The high echelon of security agencies must concentrate on latest technology and communication to gather information in remote rural areas. It is the duty of authority to allay the fear of people who obsessed with consternation. Instance of youngsters becoming extremists, raised alarming sensation in backward areas that indeed created critical issues to our government.
Unity in diversity is rhetoric but probably the surveillance on various ethnic people and culture, failed to check the deep-rooted secessionist activities in many States. Thus, divisive forces gained and attained strategy in view of govt’s lethargic, impassive attitude that contributed much to violence-led agitation by such forces. Perhaps, the rule of law did not convince citizens, took them to misconception that our country’s internal security set up did not cater needs of people, and failed to meet the expectation of common people. They are skeptical to assume, the concerned agency is not at liberty to act on its own. However, hibernation in any sense with shilly-shally to security issues and lack of intelligence can not be tolerated.
The recent Maoist ambush, killing our security forces radiated the instances of dangers of threat from militants. It might be that government policy towards neglected rural areas will pay bad dividends and this is right time for government to have a glance at facilities in rural areas, such as socio-economic programmes, land rights, forest resources, education and health schemes available to them and also the essentials ought to reach them. Generation of employment opportunities may have to play a role in the healing process against sufferings. The extremists at one hand find reasons and misguide the youth population, train them of weapon usage alongwith skills of jungle warfare.
India with its global aspects, tends to imbibe real factors from political activism for the purpose of regulation in operations pertaining to the security not only confined to internal level, but also to external level. Boundaries and other issues with neighbouring countries made an outcome of damage to existing relationship with foreign countries. China shows attitude which is enigmatic. Pakistan and Srilanka both never addressed to the issue of our security and common interests. Many countries have succeeded, emerged with triumph in such operations, combating militants and terrorists. Our forces need more training and warskills to counter the bloodshed from insurgency.
Pakistan known to its notoriety for invading foreign lands and cohesion to religious rancour, presently emerged as “Cradle of Terrorism” according to western media. India conquered Pakistan in Kargil war that infused strength and morale to Indian defence cadres and exposed the fact that our mission to save democracy in dauntless India would promote our enthusiasm and patriotism. India endowed a massive might and strong presence of arsenal equipped with multi-level technology, can monitor the movement and intrusion of militants in our soil. We do hope that our India will prove its supreme competence in eliminating the evil designs evolved by anti-national elements. Unless, there is perfect planning conceived by security intelligence experts which aimed at cracking down the conspiracy and offensive actions, the arena of militants will expand its wings everywhere.
India learnt lessons from past periods over Gandhiji, Indira Gandhi, and Rajiv Gandhi. Our country never goes back from courage and will march towards success. Proper channelisation of security intelligence agencies would pave effective strategy to tackle the paramount threat. Besides handling the situation, Our Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram, a dynamic leader, committed to patriotic pursuits would never allow the atrocities to recur. Our citizens are highly confident about his sagacious strategy, and goal setting task to safeguard the larger interests of country. 

More By  :  T. Anandh Krishna

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