
My Ideas to Repress Corruption

Corruption is a virus swiftly reaching the roots. It’s a menace, which has entrapped almost all sections of the society. From Peon till CEO, everyone shares a cherry of the cake. 

Eradicating this menace is a tough but possible task. I belief technological advancement is the best way to curb corruption. Five years back, all government data was to be registered in paper files and folders. Ten years from now, everything would be memory card and chips. So, if all administrative policies will be formulated, adopted and implemented via computer systems, it would be very difficult for a crook to cheat. One can enter bogus data in paper, but it’s hard to fool the computer machine. 

Unlike others, this is not an utopian idea. Technology has modified man’s way of living. If we notice recent changes, we will find that schemes like e-governance have brought tremendous improvement. 

Right to Information Act is another great strength that the common man has access to.  Public awareness about this act can make a big difference. Now people have the weapon to get their government works done without paying any bribery. This act has benefited several awakened citizens of India who got their pending works done by availing the provisions of the act. 

As the saying goes, ‘Every drop makes an ocean’. Similarly, if every Indian keeps an eye on himself/herself, revolution can be brought. Value Education plays a prominent role here. If the person is a man of principles, he/she can control the temptation to be allured by money. There is no denial in the fact that money is power but then power shouldn’t subdue our values. This is easier said than done but control over senses can make it happen.

If our leaders turn to be highly qualified and intellectually supreme like those in USA, no one can stop us from becoming one of the most uncorrupt nations. As education makes a person wise and there is less possibility for a wise man to turn corrupt. Most of the multi-crore scams are led by political leaders. So, if basic qualification like graduation becomes mandatory for citizens to contest elections, making India corruption free wouldn’t be a difficult task. 

These were some of the random ideas to eradicate the termite of corruption. However, if seen specifically, there are numerous other ways to emancipate this evil from every sector of the society. As no area is free from the greedy nature of humans!  

More By  :  Prerna Prasad

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Comments on this Blog

Comment  I want to put a simple question before the above two commentators. In your personal capacity, have u ever participated in acts of corruption? Do u share a pie of the crime? I hope u will reply to it.

Prerna Prasad
27-Apr-2011 23:31 PM

Comment  Well said..Roy D'Costa. Ur line 'bloods of corrupt will carry cells of corruption' is amusing. May the voice reach the corrupt. And, make them realise the crime they are doing.

Prerna Prasad
27-Apr-2011 23:25 PM

Comment  I agree to ur views Tagore. But, I believe in the present circumstances, the villains have supersede the heroes. So, heroes have to strengthen themselves by sharpening their weapons. And, my ideas are in that perspective.

Prerna Prasad
27-Apr-2011 23:23 PM

Comment Locks of various combinations and makes invented and used at various stages of human civilization have made the theives more ingenious to break them all. So your innovative suggestions will meet with the same fate, if not already done so, my dear friend. Moreover, different kinds of viruses are said to be made and spread by the producers of the anti-virus softwares themselves for uniterrupted good business. It is difficult not to believe this rumour. What do you say? In the human comedy we need both heroes and villains. This has always been so.

18-Oct-2010 17:01 PM

Comment Nice thoughts. I hope the younger generation of India will understand the folly of living a corrupt life.  I have never been able to understand how a person can use money made with corrupt means to bring home food. Doesn't he/she realize that the food that will be eaten by the family memebers will affect their metabolism and their blood will only carry the cells of corruption.  History shows again and again that generations have been destroyed because of corruption. Corruption is nothing but theft and robbery.

Roy D'Costa
17-Oct-2010 16:37 PM

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