Let me share my musings on my turning 62 today.

I feel at sixty time circle closes and I began travelling back!

Yes. This is my second childhood! I can find it true in many revelations: a carefree state of mind, no unnecessary worrying over this and that, increased desire to spend time in playing games (thrilled to find such a vast scope online- my grandchildren initiated me into them!), love for innocent pleasures like sweets, icecreams, snacks etc, pleasure in watching birds and flowers and pure naivety.
Grudges are forgotten soon and daily life is becoming filled with very simple joys like enjoying a sudoku or crossword puzzle, watching children playing round, listening to the gentle patter of raindrops and satisfactory outcome of cooking each dish! In spite of childish bouts of ill temper and impulsive behaviour there certainly is a childlike glee in flying hither and thither like a little bird.

No specific goals to achieve, no unfilled mission to lose sleep on- in short the yoke of life feels lighter. Is this state of aloofness the 'vanaprastham' spoken of by sages? Whatever it is let life roll on at this same pace and come to a peaceful end! 

More By  :  Pavalamani Pragasam

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Comments on this Blog

Comment Thanks, TagoreBlog, for your poetic musings!

Pavalamani Pragasam
04-Feb-2013 01:38 AM

Comment The Postlude What are you going to do, dear friend, The rest of your life? Your beloved wife Seated by your side Darns with devotion And skips a stitch or two often in her design Never forgetting to peck at you With a needlepoint fine Picking up the times When you were damnably wrong Which she now conscientiously condemns And will condemn all your life. Your darling child Repeatedly reminds You have outlived your time. All of them judge you according to their lights But how do you judge yourself Now that the summit has been gained Does the struggle seem worthwhile? In the dying light Going the downhill of your life Do you sadly repine All your priorities have been wrong? Did you chase only a mirage Ignoring things dearest to your heart Put off for another time? This height Cost you a lot of opportunities Worse still, some compromise. My heart Now it is too late in the day To realign. Let us have some rest The rest of our life To amuse ourselves to see How life eludes life.

03-Feb-2013 20:07 PM

Comment Very Optimistic, practical and frank...I wish you all the best...but how many sixty plus take life like you is a big question..

G Swaminathan
05-Dec-2010 22:21 PM

Comment I thought retirement brings a package of pleasures as well as responsibilities. Pleasure of doing what we want to do and responsibilities of giving something back to society, something like time, effort, money and more.

04-Dec-2010 23:55 PM

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