
This is How I See - Atheism Answered

If we live in a purely material world then how do we account for the many supernatural experiences that people have, such as encounters with God, ghosts, spirits, etc. Isn’t it surprising that supernatural experiences in people around the world vary from place to place. People in Europe, the Americas and other Christian countries say that they have experienced Christ. In India, people have experienced various Gods and Goddesses, spirits and other supernatural entities. In Islamic nations, people have experienced Jins, revelations by Prophets and Allah. If everyone of these religions claim their God(s) is true, then how come all these people have different religious experiences? A simple answer is : Human mind is highly susceptible to hallucinations, light tricks, and childhood indoctrinations of their religion being the right one. 

Where does all of the incredibly complex information come from that is stored within DNA? Information doesn’t just appear by itself. Someone has to put it there. I am quiet sure the people who pose this question are highly mystical and have no clue about what is DNA and what it is made of. So for your information, DNA consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides, with backbones made of sugars and phosphate groups joined by ester bonds. These two strands run in opposite directions to each other and are therefore anti-parallel. Attached to each sugar is one of four types of molecules called bases. It is the sequence of these four bases along the backbone that encodes information. So, chemical variations in DNA, decide how the organism will be. If the sequence of 4 bases along the backbone is changed, the organisms characteristics also change. We have been able to alter the DNA sequences in organisms to produce hybrids. So, there is nothing Godly about existence of a molecule like DNA. It exists just like other molecules exist. 

Why does humanity seem to have an innate desire and need to worship something, or someone? Why is there such a universal religious sense within humanity? Because worshipping a God gives a sense of security. Humanity’s need for comfort is of course real. We still need a security blanket, a thumb to suck, a skirt to hold. But it is astonishing that so many people are unable to understand that if “x” is comforting, it does not imply “x” is true. For example, when we give a difficult exam, we may find it comforting to believe that the evaluation of the paper will be lenient, but that does not imply that our belief in lenient evaluation will make it true. 

Isn’t it a bit extreme to assert “God does not exist”? To make such a statement you would have to have complete knowledge and to have been everywhere in the universe. Maybe God dwells somewhere in the universe you don’t know of or have not been to? Is that possible? I am a day factor atheist. I can’t know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there. I am an agnostic and I have a belief in God as the same level of belief I have in fairies or pink unicorns. Probability of existence of God cannot be refuted completely as it is a scientific hypothesis. But if God dwells in this universe, then universe must have created God and not the other way round!!! 

What about the evidence of design in all of creation? It is obvious that anything that is designed has to have an intelligent creator. For example, a computer never came about by mere accident, but had to have been thought out and planned by an intelligent designer. It is the same with creation, and more so, as the natural world is far more complicated than anything humanity can create. In the familiar world of human artefacts, things like watches, computers, complicated things that look designed are designed. To naive observers, it may follow that similarly complicated things in the natural world that look designed; things like eyes, ears and hearts are designed too. Although this argument looks plausible, it is actually a fallacy. If you randomly scramble the fragments of an eye or a heart a million times you will not probably hit on one that could see or pump. This demonstrates that such devices could not have been brought together by chance. And there are many people who think that only alternative to random chance is design. So this means that the design of complicated things has to be done by a designer who is even more complex and advanced. So that means he himself must be designed!!! Darwin gave us the answer to this when he observed species of animals and birds in and around Galapagos Islands. The answer is natural selection. I won’t go into description about natural selection as it is not the purpose of this post. Do a Google search if you are not aware about the process of natural selection. 

Where does all the matter in the universe come from? Matter is highly condensed form of energy (E=mc2). All the energy was condensed together in a point. Due to inherent property of Entropy in all of the matter and energy, the process of expansion began. Why the property of Entropy exists is a question that we are still working upon. Entropy is a property of matter (and energy) that causes disorder from order. A highly ordered ice cube (molecules of the ice crystal are highly ordered) will melt into disordered group of molecules (first water and then vapour). The same is also the reason why we die. Living beings are highly ordered. They disintegrate after death. Again entropy in action. There are now new evidences that entropy is also countered in the universe. Universe may not expand for ever but there may be a time. 

If no supernatural Creator exists, how did the universe originate? We don’t know for sure. But saying “God created Universe” just pushes this question to a level up : “Who created God?”. 

If no supernatural universal Designer exists, why is the universe suitable for the existence of life? Most of the universe does not support life. Only very few places are there where life has been able to adopt according to the conditions. It isn’t that hard to imagine existence of places that can support life considering the fact that these places are very few and the universe is very vast. 

If no supernatural universal Designer exists, what caused the repeated disappearance of more primitive forms of life and the appearance of new more advanced forms of life? Species of plants and animals that no longer exist are due to their failure in adapting to the environmental changes. And the species that came thereafter were able to adapt to the changing conditions and in turn were evolved into those species that we see around. 

If no God exists who can work miracles and communicate with men, how did the Jewish people come to believe that their ancestors experienced the Exodus and the Revelation at Mt. Sinai? Human mind is highly susceptible to hallucinations, light tricks, and childhood indoctrinations of their religion being the right one. 

If we have no soul, why do we feel conscious of ourselves? A plant that is kept near the sunlit window bends towards the window. This happens because of the presence of a chemical called kinetin. Sunlight causes excessive secretion of kinetin in that area which kills the cells in the stem. Thus, the growth of the stem only occurs in the shaded region, causing the stem to bend towards light. Thus, even plants are conscious to factors like sunlight. Consciousness in humans and other animals are just buildup of such multiple stimuli. 

If no God exists, why are we obligated to be nice other people? So that they are nice to us and we are not totally rejected by them. Its for our own good.

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