Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Every Relation comes up as we born to this earth but Friendship is such a relation, which we create and carve while living on earth any where in the world. This Day is celebrated in honour of friends who make our lives so special and help us by giving a meaningful direction to our lives. On Friendship Day people must pay sincerest tribute to friends, both old and new, and appreciate the important role played by them in shaping our lives. Friendship Day has come to be celebrated in a big way in India. And One can see the festival being enthusiastically celebrated by the youth especially, students.
Day Dedicated to Friends
In tune with the spirit of the occasion, people dedicate Friendship Day festival to their best friends. And celebrate the entire day in the loving company of their dearest friends. Recollecting sweet memories of the time spent together and catching up with their lives over a cup of coffee is the idea of ideal Friendship Day celebration for many.
Friends separated by geographical boundaries, call up their friends to express love and warmth for each other and to wish a "Happy Friendship Day". With more and more people getting hooked to the net, many people also choose to chat with their friends with the help of Internet. Sending SMS and Friendship Day e-cards is another popular way of greetings friends.
In the present fast pace age of nuclear families where people have little time to spend with each other, friends have become indispensable. Then there are times when we find it tough to discuss matters with our family members or even with our spouse, it is on occasions such as these that friends come to our support. They guide us and become our pillar of strength when we need them most. And the best part is we don't really need to put things in words when communicating issues to our best friends. Most often friends understand us, just by looking at us or hearing our voice. This heart-to-heart bonding is what makes friendship so exclusive, setting it apart from all other relationships, which we made here on earth
Friendship Day Celebrations in Schools and Colleges
To mark the day a special celebration. Children buy Friendship Day Cards or other special gift to thank their friends for their wonderful presence in their life. They exchange friendship Bands, which is the other most prominent feature on this Friendship Day. Friend who gets the most stylish band or who gets the maximum number of bands is supposed to be the best friend of all
In several colleges, special programs are also organized to celebrate the occasion. Most of these programs and events intend to give youth an opportunity to dance and sing with friends and have a good time.
Commercialization of Friendship Day
Just as in US and several other countries, Friendship Day has been commercialised to a greater extent in India. Gift marketers run an extensive campaign to lure the people to buy cards and gifts for their friends. Restaurateurs too try to attract people by offering special discounts or holding bashes. Some people however feel that advertising campaign has helped to generate awareness about Friendship Day festival and the idea of having a day dedicated to friends.
Significance of Expressing Love to Friends
Howsoever to make a relationship stronger, it constantly needs to be nurtured with love and care. We must therefore never lose an opportunity to express our feelings and the warmth we may be experiencing for our friends. We may do this by sending flowers, a heartfelt card or a thoughtful gift. We may also do this by being together with a friend in times of joy or sorrow. The idea is to keep expressing our unconditional love and support to our dearest friend
At times we get so busy in our daily lives that we start taking our friends for granted. It is the annual celebration of Friendship Day that reminds us that we must cherish the presence of friends in our lives and acknowledge with love the important role they play in our lives. So celebrate friendship on Friendship Day to the fullest and let their friendship fly to newer heights.