
Living while Dying

Chanced upon this Blog today during my usual web-browsing....

Well worth a read.
The guy is a developmental psychologist and an associate professor at Western Washington University. 
Last year, he was diagnosed with incurable cancer and now at the age of 41, has decided to end his life with euthanasia.
Some of his posts touched me to tears....
May he RIP in his final journey.
He leaves behind his mother Kathy, his partner Grace, and his 2 sons - one aged 8, and the other a 3 year old toddler.
: Aparna :

More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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  • Comments: 2

Comments on this Blog


28-Jul-2011 04:53 AM

Comment Thanks you Aparna for this touching blog.

Monica Surati
17-Jun-2011 18:02 PM