
Now, I Know What is Gay

I am an old man, about to be dumped in the incineration chamber of Hell, any moment, for Heaven’s golden gate is permanently slammed shut for me. I never knew I could be in demand at this age too. Not only that, I am a born foolish. I didn't know that invite to join a social network site may not be from a genuine friend: the site owners send it in the name of the friend. Such an invitation kept coming in from a good Internet friend. Believing it to be true, I was dragged to be “Tagged”. “Tagged” is the social website. 
So I got ‘tagged’. Mails kept rushing into my inbox with the request ‘please respond to your alerts.’ Though retired, but being sufficiently tired and lazy to boot,   I don’t have much time for networking. Often, I simply delete the deluge of emails, but at times I open to find some ‘winks’, or ‘requests for friendships’ etc. Many send me love and kisses. Some saw me as ‘god of love’, some ‘very cute, smart, nice, and handsome’, my eyes are ‘very sparkling and attractive ’. The adjectives I culled from the messages, I received. There are emotional outpourings fit to be addressed to fiancé or girlfriend. Quite a few desires normal friendship just to have exchange of views and share experiences. Those who mix kiss and love have some ulterior motive, which gets revealed later. In my naiveté, first I fell into the trap of one guy. He is a mechanical engineer, working as GM of an internationally reputed airport. He is only 53. Initially he flew to Hyderabad to meet me, thinking I reside there. Taking pity for the trouble he took just to meet me I gave him my home address, mobile number and email ID, and he gave his. Every morning he sends me an SMS, namaste , love and  kisses.  I am his “dream man”, mind that not “dream girl”. But the fervour is the same. Emails also are replete with lots of love, hug and passionate kisses. Gradually – this being first encounter of the kind -- I was getting frightened and I conveyed to him. Despite his reassurance of not to be apprehensive, his noble intention got enlightened ultimately. He is married with no issue. It was just by providential stroke I had to cancel an invitation for dinner extended to him. This is the first incident of the kind occurring in my life: I never cancelled any invitation so far.

Now, let me give brief profiles of limited clutch of my other clients. There are 2 bankers, aged 47 and 29. The former is from Chennai, married with two kids doing engineering; the latter is from Dubai, single – having Salman Khan Type six-pack body. There is a retired doctor from Cuttack, with two children – one is in America. He invites me to visit Puri quite often. A friend, 28, from Moradabad, serving in Saudi Arabia eagerly waiting to meet me at Delhi when he will be back home. He asked me – without elaboration -- if I liked upper or lower part of the body. There are many others from finance, management and IT profession. I omit the ones with the motives of simple friendship. If I responded to all, I hope my modicum of clientage would have exceeded at least 100, within a short span of time. Not a mean achievement, I suppose. Boy!  Make hay when the sun shines.

Diverting to a different category now: wanting to suck and getting f…ed. I asked Tata, 28, a graphics designer from Kuala Lumpur, how he acquired this hobby or habit. Frankly admitting, he gives credit to his grandfather. He sees his grandpa in my photo and wants to re-live the childhood experiences with me. Presently, dumped by his girlfriend, he is after me. He wanted to meet me at Chennai during his visit in December. He went to Sydney in January and bought a life-size doll. He is all praise for the doll and willing to lend it to me, if I like. Still, he desires me fervently.

For the sake of propriety I am not quoting all the phrases used by many of them in messages. Just to give you an idea of the world I am in, only one sample is quoted below:




Date:July 5, 2011 at 9:28pm

Subject:Re: hi


bee and rucas also my name. hehe.

i am boy dear.

i want kiss your lips and suck your cock.also if u want to fuck me.hehe

He is only 23, located at Kuala Lumpur:  works as DJ, knows ice-skating, swimming, dancing and singing. Have some clips on YouTube also. I lost the link now; otherwise, you could see his angel like visage singing in a choir. He is a very lovely kid.  He is the latest addition to my client’s list.  He likes old man like me.

Surely, in the actual world also, some gays may probably spot me as a potential prospect, but due to unknown apprehension they don’t come out in the open. But in the privacy of virtual world of Internet the inhibition is knocked off. They can express their mind freely without fear.

I think, male organ is not intended by Nature for the waste disposal canal of the body of man or woman, or the mouth, and the sperm is not for the eating. Could eating of sperm be termed a variant of cannibalism? Poor Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Health Minister got caught in the crossfire of controversy by calling gay relationship unnatural and a disease, though, WHO and NAC norms are supportive of the practice. And same sex marriage is getting legitimized in many countries.

Is there any dividing line between natural and unnatural? Should the word ‘perversion’ be wiped off from dictionary? Is ‘foot fetish’ too normal? So -- it appears -- there is no deviant behavior, in the modern parlance: anything a human being does for sensual pleasure is normal. Shrinks, please take note.

I just tweaked the tip of the ‘iceberg’, perhaps by accident, and not going to fathom the bottom any further. No doubt, it is also a fascinating topic.

More By  :  Nalinaksha Mutsuddi

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Comment I couldn't locate the latest comment, which was posted 11 hours ago, so no reply is warranted.

25-Jun-2017 07:58 AM

Comment Dear Mr Yadav,

In the morning I couldn't finish the reply because of the power failure.
Now I continue further; For many gays and bisexuals childhood abuse by elders may the responsible -- though I cannot generalise.

It is surprising that quite a good number of highly educated and wellplaced people suffer from this malady. of course, they don't consider it as a disease.

I stumbled on the topic entirely inadvedrtently. i don't have any bias against them. I am glad i came face to face  to another important aspect of human life. i feel the trend is on the rise. We don't have any alternative but to accept them. it is a world wide phenomenon. Whether it was there in ancient times or in primitive cuktures I don't have any idea. However, Khajuraho sculptures may be indicative of such existence.


09-Aug-2011 11:10 AM

Comment Dear Mr Yadav,

In the morning I couldn't finish the reply because of the power failure.
Now I continue further; For many gays and bisexuals childhood abuse by elders may the responsible -- though I cannot generalise.

It is surprising that quite a good number of highly educated and wellplaced people suffer from this malady. of course, they don't consider it as a disease.

I stumbled on the topic entirely inadvedrtently. i don't have any bias against them. I am glad i came face to face  to another important aspect of human life. i feel the trend is on the rise. We don't have any alternative but to accept them. it is a world wide phenomenon. Whether it was there in ancient times or in primitive cuktures I don't have any idea. However, Khajuraho sculptures may be indicative of such existence.


09-Aug-2011 11:10 AM

Comment First time I was caught unawrae. I didn't expect such well stationed people in life have such tendencies. I thought he wanted simple and genuine friendship. in my simplicity I extended an invitartion for dinner. I had to cancel it without knowing his true nature as I went out of the town on some unavoidable emergency. It proved to be a providential stroke. i find God helps me though I am a pucca atheist. Or it is due to some unknown reason.
  In the case of Tata, I wanted to know the reason how he developed such habit. For him grandfather was responsible. May for all such gay or biseaxuals it is the reason.
Sprroy I couldn't complete

09-Aug-2011 02:49 AM

Comment  Why do u tolerate these people...? i know they are your clients but still.. man we all have certain grounds...

08-Aug-2011 13:59 PM

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