
Let's Discover Life

I always wonder about the purpose of our existence. How all the beautiful nature around us might have developed? How different forms of life got developed?   Is their any reason behind our existence? Are we a creation of scientific process of evolution or a part of supernatural power? I tried my best to solve this puzzle on my own but failed miserably. Both Science and Religion are so confident about their theories that a common person like me feels confused after hearing both the sides. The intellectual part pulls me back from falling for blind faith on religion and also simultaneously questions the claims of science.  Let’s ask ourselves Who we are? Why we are? What we will be?   
God, the name we hear from the first day of our life till the last moment we live. God, the creator of all the creation around us from the Universe to the Earth to the oceans to the mountains, the creator of all the beautiful nature. Winds do not blow without his consent, even a leaf cannot fall without his wish. God the name that is the source of  life, the father of the mankind and all living beings. We cannot take an extra breath without his wish, cannot walk an extra step if he does not want us to.   
According to the most common story being told in all the religions about the origin of life is that once we all were true souls and were in union with the God. Then He decided to create this cycle of life on the Earth. The Earth was decorated with all the beautiful landscaping that we see (and much more that we did not get a chance to see) and was provided abundant resources for different life forms to survive. The souls were provided with bodies. During their span on Earth they are influenced by both good and evil forces and have to make their own choices. The God is not directly visible but is believed to be omnipresent and keeps an account of all our actions and the choices we make between good and evil and on the judgement day announces his decision about the future of our souls. The aim of all the living beings is to achieve salvation, to reunite with the real father God. He keeps sending his messengers to educate us the ways to reach him.   God is one but there are different ways and means of reuniting with him and these ways are called religions. 
The above all information is told to us by our parents and religious preachers, they were told by their’s and so on is being passed on by one generation to the next. No one knows the origin of this belief but this is what we are told and we are supposed to believe and follow diligently. People are so sure that they are ready to shed lives to prove the supremacy of their respective religions and faiths.    
On the other hand we have Science which rejects the above philosophy of a supernatural power being the creator of life. The most popular theory among scientists is The Big Bang theory according to which Earth got all the properties conducive for development of life due to its gravitational power. It is believed that life developed as a bacteria due to some chemical reaction or was seeded on Earth from somewhere else from the Universe about 3500 million years ago and started transforming from one form to the other to the present day. The story is well supported with facts and figures. The current day human beings are a result of continuous transformations from the initial form of life, the nearest being Apes. Scientists do not consider human body anything more than a machine. Today science has developed so much that we are talking about cloning human beings with pre-decided features. 
Both the above versions seem genuine if some doubts are clarified. I would request all the readers to answer the below questions mentioning the serial numbers of the respective questions. It is not necessary to answer all of them. Anyone can comment on the answers given by the other readers. The first 2 questions are for people convinced with the Scientific Theory of Evolution and remaining 2 are for people convinced with the God theory.
1. How was the Universe created? We understand different planets got created due to Big Bang. But how the universe before the Big Bang was created even if it was just compressed matter and gasses. There has to be a creator or inventor of everything or atleast there has to be a logical reason for every existence.    
2. If humans are a result of series of transformations from apes then why is it that we have such developed intelligence and our nearest ancestors stand nowhere near us? In 2.5 million years apes became present day intelligent human beings why other species could not develop intelligence anywhere close to humans?  
3. If all the souls were a part of God then What was the reason for starting this cycle of life and death on Earth?  Their must be a serious reason for creating such a system. God cannot be immature to have started something just because their was nothing except him. 
4. From the current state of affairs of human beings it is very obvious that the world is heading towards a big mess. God is considered to be a generous and forgiving father. Why doesn’t He forgive all the souls and make them reunite with him and end this cycle of life? Or even if He shows himself clearly it will end all confusion and atleast humans will start behaving.
         Let’s discuss who we are, why we are?  Let’s discover Life. 

More By  :  Vijay Khurana

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Comment Dear Prof. Shubha Tiwari,

Thanks alot for taking time and energy to write your comments.  However my basic question remains unanswered which is to find a sensible reason for our existence.   Once we are clear on that, rest of the things will automatically make more sense.   


11-Aug-2011 06:43 AM

Comment Perhaps you have many big questions in one go. Small parts of each question require huge treatises. It would have been so good , had life been just so simple and we could just ask God to get things fine and forgives us for all our faults.

Personally, I think of God as goodness within us. Each noble impulse is God and each negative impulse is opposite to the noble force within us. Our positiveness, our goodness is God.

This, obviously, is no final word. This is how I've simplified it for myself.

Prof. Shubha Tiwari
10-Aug-2011 10:58 AM

Comment Interesting blog. There are attempts made on this question even in Rig Veda. Read "Nasadiya". Then there is a beautiful write up by Maalok - "Is God Lonely?".

06-Aug-2011 17:27 PM

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