
What's love?

Human beings are made in such a way that we can fall in love with animals also. Then what is it that prevents us from trusting others, makes us judge them and in the mean while we have lost the whole experience with the other person.

Here love could mean love towards a friend, a parent or a significant other. Do we all behave like "once bitten, twice shy"? Or do we walk on the road with an open and brave heart? Life is too short to carry the remnants of the past. But all of us do not have an infinite capacity to absorb shocks. At the end of the day all of us want to be with the people who truly love us. But what determines this true love. What if its not respected and reciprocated? What if you had a friend who you thought was your favorite person on this planet. But this was the story only at your end and it was an alltogether different version at the other side. What if you were just that friend's fancy way of passing his/ her time and a source of entertainment? Now that you have had that experience, would you be willing to go that extra mile for someone else you thought could be a significant part of your life?

I believe I will rule out parents from the above discuusion since they are the most beautlful of God's creations and that explains my frequent trips to Delhi! But ya over a period of time, I have discovered that making good friends is an art. First of all, you can't be good friends with everybody. Secondly, you don't make the first person you meet your best friend. You take your own time to share about yourself. When you look and see around you, you will definitely find people who you would like to keep for life. And ya, such people deserve just more than a mile of walk.

More By  :  Anusha Badhwar

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Comments on this Blog

Comment @DJ....thanks for the nice comment. It's given me a different perspective :)

20-Oct-2012 05:01 AM

Comment You spoke too much , yet could'nt define love , your writing reflects that you are hurt , write better notes , you write well.The subject 'Love' is not always defined the way you have defined, some aspects of love are still hidden , do not mix love with self-restraints notions , what you think of love may sound a mundane routine for someone.Perceptions may vary.Love is a tricky feeling , it cant be determind , neither governed nor mislead.Anyways you are a talented writer , hope you write on some other topic , and then most probably I would prefer subscribing your window :)

16-Apr-2012 07:13 AM


You seem to be a young person. My suggestion to you is to find your full potential in life. Friendship will come automatically to you. Life is too precious.

Dr. Chetan Chopra
22-Aug-2011 11:03 AM

Comment nice practical writeup..! seems u were betrayed by a friend..

20-Aug-2011 13:15 PM

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