Mar 11, 2025
Mar 11, 2025
Middle class people believes rich people are shallow...
Rich people believes rich people are strategic.
Middle class believes the road to riches is paved with formal education...
Rich people believes the road to riches is paved with specific knowledge.
Middle class people believes money is earned through labor...
Rich people believes money is earned through thought.
Middle class people worries about running out of money..
Rich people thinks about how to make more money.
Middle class sees money through the eyes of emotion...
Rich people sees money through the eyes of logic.
Middle class people underestimates the wealth building power of referral marketing...
Rich people knows referral marketing creates millionaires.
Middle class people focuses on pleasurable activities...
Rich people focuses on money making activities.
Middle class people sees money as a finite resource...
Rich people sees money as an infinite resource.
Middle class earns doing things they don't like to do...
Rich people gets rich doing what they love to do.