Feb 05, 2025
Feb 05, 2025
Follow these tips to impress your prospective employers and ensure a smooth interaction
Preparation for the interview
Do a thorough research about the organization from its website or from stock exchange websites like www.nseindia.com or www.bseindia.com . When you click on “quotes” you will get the quotes as well as all other information down below – e.g. company announcements, shareholding pattern, financial results, address of the company .Note that a company that has good “reserves” is cash rich. Detailed information about what a company does can be obtained from the relevant website.
Before the interview
Keep in mind the name of the person who called you for the interview. Ensure that you arrive a good 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled hour. The first impression is the best and lasting impression. Enter the interview room in the best attire possible, sport a confident smile and be at ease. This will ensure that the interviewers get positive vibes about your personality. Before introducing yourself or during the process of introduction, give the interviewer a firm handshake. This conveys confidence and trustworthiness about you as a candidate.
Adequate research about the organization prior to the interview is a must. It is very likely that you will be asked questions to test your knowledge about the organization.
During the interview
It is essential to make direct contact with an interviewer while you are speaking to him. Avoiding eye contact is seen as a sign of weakness. Please rest assured that while answering it is okay to pause for a few seconds to gather your thoughts and answer accordingly. Speak slowly but clearly. Do not ramble incessantly as otherwise you will regret it later. Answer to the point.
Be cautious about your body language. Sit straight and do not slouch. Leaning a bit forward conveys the impression that you are fully attentive, are interested in the conversation and are a good listener. Folding your arms can convey defensiveness, so it is not recommended.
Be optimistic that you will be selected after the interview. Answers to questions need careful consideration. Do not hurry up in an attempt to please the interviewer. Be calm and composed.
Sample questions and model answers
Q.1. what is your hobby?
Suggested answer: With two children studying in a reputed school, I prefer to spend time with them to help them finish their school assignments. My children value my moral support and encouragement. I find this hobby very rewarding.
Q.2.What is your major strength?
Suggested answer: I strive hard to complete the task entrusted to my superiors to their satisfaction. I do not look at the clock or calendar when there is work. I tend to finish the tasks assigned within the stipulated time.
Q.3.What is your major weakness?
Suggested answer: I have no weakness that can affect my working life and routine. At home, I tend to eat spicy food much to the chagrin of my spouse.
Q.4.How soon can you join us?
Suggested answer: I have a commitment to go by the appointment letter issued by my present organization that stipulates a notice period. I desire to complete the notice period and leave with green memories.
Q.5. But, we want you to join earlier. Can you do that?
Suggested answer: I will certainly try from my end, but I can confirm the same to you on receiving your firm offer.
After the interview
Before leaving the interview room, say a thank you to the interviewers and convey your feelings that you were pleased to meet them. This will present a good exit impression to the interviewers. Even if you are not selected for the job, do not get flustered. Be perseverant in your efforts. Analyze what could have gone wrong and ponder at the lessons that you learnt from the experience. Never send a stinker to the interview panel in case you are not selected. Tell yourself that your attempt has failed, but you haven’t.