Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Declared in 1999 by UNESCO March 21 of every year is celebrated as World Poetry Day. A very noble declaration by the world body for a good cause. Every nation has its poets, its songs and its heart-beats. The writers, specially the poets, occupy a pride of place in every society.
India’s philosopher-politician and the former President, Dr. S Radhakrishnan had once said, ‘Had Newton not discovered the laws of gravity, it would have been done by some one else, but if Shakespeare were not to write, there would not have been another.’ Such an opinion by Dr Radhakrishnan has great weight. Referring to the imagination of the poet it is also said, ‘Where the sun cannot go, the poet can go.’
Boloji is predominantly a literary forum with a vast readership. Let us therefore celebrate this day and vow to keep the world free of fear and violence, and spread love and friendship.
Spring Equinox
By a coincidence it Spring Equinox today; the sun rises at 6.00 am and sets at 6.00 pm. From today onward the days will be longer than the night, have more light and less darkness.
Yesterday it was Navroz , meaning New Day or New Year in Parsi calendar. Let us greet all our Parsi and Iranian friends across the country. May Navroz usher happier days and peaceful lives among all.