
Father and Son

A nurse escorted a tired, anxious young man to the bed side of an elderly man what was dying. "Your son is here," she whispered to the patient. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened. He was heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack and he dimly saw the young man standing outside the oxygen tent.

He reached out his hand and the young man tightly wrapped his fingers around it, squeezing a message of encouragement. The nurse brought a chair next to the bedside. All through the night the young man sat holding the old mans hand, and offering gentle words of hope. The dying man said nothing as he held tightly to his son.

As dawn approached, the patient died. The young man placed on the bed the lifeless hand he had been holding, and then he went to notify the nurse.

While the nurse did what was necessary, the young man waited. When she had finished her task, the nurse began to say words of sympathy to the young man.

But he interrupted her. "Who was that man?" He asked.

The startled nurse replied, "I thought he was your father."

"No, he was not my father, " he answered. "I never saw him before in my life."

"Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?" asked the nurse.

He replied, "I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. When I realized he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I knew how much he needed his son at the very moment.

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More By  :  Dr. Chetan Chopra

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I   am reminded   of    an  extraordinary incident in the life of an ordinary housewife  who carried  food to the hospital  for both her ailing mother - in - law  and another lady patient with whom her mom-in law had become friends.She did so because she felt  deeply for the other lady who gazed wistfully at her as  she took out the tiffin- carrier.   She had no previous acquaintance with  the other lady .  Her mom-in - law  expired  after a few days   and nothing was known about the other lady. Yet I am sure that she  was blessed sincerely  by both of them.

Arundhati Sarkar
27-Apr-2012 03:31 AM


Dr.  Chopra's   story   makes me feel   the  innate  beauty  of a human  being's  demeanour.  Feeling for others  is    absent   today   .   I   know an ordinary housewife  who regularly visited her  sick  mother - in - law  in hospital and carried  food for her  mother - in - law and  another lady patient  whom she did not know  at all. That lady had become friends with  her mother - in law  and  had watched   her taking out  the tiffin- carrierwistfully  . She   did it  uncomplainingly   and talked to both the old ladies cheerfully whenever she visited the hospital. Her  mother - in - law expired  after a few days. Nothing is known about the other lady . Yet I am sure that both of them  blessed her from the core of their hearts.

Arundhati Sarkar
27-Apr-2012 03:16 AM

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