Mar 11, 2025
Mar 11, 2025
Sometimes it's the nagging memory of an awkward comment made without thinking. There was no malice intended but you're wondering if it might have been noted, and if someone thinks less of you now. Maybe it's something someone said to you that had no negative intent but stung nonetheless. Or oerhaps it's something as simple as having to wait in line when you're in a hurry.
Turning these repetitive thoughts over and over in your mind till your head gets thick with anxiety...these little accumulation need to go somewhere..
Held in northen Thailand, and usually falling in November, Loy Krathong sees thousands of candle-fuelled paper lanterns drift away into the night sky, creating a warm amber glow as these symbols of worry and anxiety are let go.
As the lanterns float away, a surprisingly gentle, undoubtedly happy celebration takes place below. It's a simple act, but making these little burdens disappear into the air, perhaps combined with the beauty of their departure, has a powerful effect.
How can you do this at home? Why not start with something simple, like writing down each thing that is irritating you on a separate piece of paper. Read each one, give it a moment of consideration, then make a ball of it and shoot for the wastepaper basket.