
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Natural Cure

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS or PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), is a very common hormonal disorder in women.

Ayurveda classifies PCOS as a Kapha disorder.Vata is responsible for movement of the follicle during the ovarian cycle, the rupture of the ovary wall releasing the matured ovum, the movement of the fimbriae – the finger like projections that guide the ovum into the fallopian tubes and the movement of the ovum towards the uterus.The action of the hormones expresses the nature of pitta, the energy responsible for transformation.Kapha’s heavy cool qualities nourish the development of the tissues that form and support the reproductive system including the nurturing energy supporting growth of the follicle during the ovarian cycle.PCOS is due to kapha blocking vata and pitta, hence movement is obstructed and the transformation process is suppressed.

Artava dhatu affected by the heavy sticky qualities of kapha and ama creates srota dushti in artavavaha srota. Apana vayu in artavavaha srota becomes stagnant – sanga, due to excessive kapha and ama accumulation blocking the channel impeding the flow of vata in the ovarian cycle. Because vata is blocked, pitta is blocked as well as pitta in order to act as the intelligence behind transformation needs the movement of vata in order for its energy to have potential. As pitta is blocked the hormones that carry the energy of transformation are unable to initiate their action. The accumulated kapha is expressed in the formation of the cyst in the ovary as it takes on a heavy white sticky quality expressing kapha and ama.

Due to vata and pitta being blocked in artava dhatu the other functions of both these doshas begin to become aggravated. Pitta aggravation at the level of bhrajaka pitta and ranjaka pitta manifests as acne and increased body hair. Menstrual problems manifest due to the aggravation of all three doshas but namely apana vayu.

"Without the aggravation of Vata, the vagina does not get disordered in women, hence it should be treated before Pitta and Kapha" – Astanga Hrdayam

# Treatment of PCOS With Allopathic Medicines :

Allopathy treats the condition on lines of hormonal imbalance and the major treatment includes HRT (hormone replacement therapy) where subsequent hormones are administered after proper evaluation of the patient. Apart from that, diet and certain exercises are also recommended. Apart from that, there is a growing belief that PCOS occurs due to malfunction of the hormone insulin and hence diabetic drugs like metformin may also be prescribed by your doctor for the same. Surgery is also an option exercised where the ovary is punctured or the cystic tissue above the ovary is destroyed for better hormonal gain. However, all these have their own after effects and you must evaluate all options about it by talking with your gynecologist and personally researching on the net. This rule not only applies to allopathy but also to other streams of medicine as after all it is your body.

In taking hormones, it further depletes your endocrinal system and puts them in sleep. The stuff that has to be naturally released by the body, once delivered with artificial means puts the body in a lazy mode. The HRT treatment may give you good results but is not recommended in long run as it can cause other problems.
# Now taking in account the above-mentioned treatment modalities, we can place a pattern for proper evaluation and treatment modalities for PCOS.
1. Eat at regular intervals. For example, if you have breakfast, lunch, and dinner between 8 to 9, 12 to 2 and 8 to 9 respectively, see to it that you follow these timings as the thyroid gland become trained to secrete juices in these times. Any variations and it puts pressure on the glands. Doesn't matter even if you gulp down a glass of milk, but the timings must be maintained.
2. Salt restriction is another major aspect. Prepare food without salt. Take as much as you want in the plate (only one helping) then add salt to taste. Prefer saindhav salt (Himalayan crystal salt).
3. Have a papaya for breakfast/dinner at least 2-3 times a week until your cycles regularize. Apart from that also intake porridge prepared from Ragi extract (nachini, Eleusine coracana). prefer crystal sugar (Khadisakhar, Mishri) for taste instead of normal sugar. Weight watchers can prefer sugar substitutes however crystal sugar is very safe.
4. Avoid sleeping after lunch. Have a glass of buttermilk (prepared without salt).
5. Stay away from direct/indirect use of the following items; Brinjals, Peas, Peanuts, cauliflower, seafood, pickles, curds (buttermilk is okay), green chilies, mustard, bakery products (pastries okay).
# Here is List of some simple herbal decoctions, which if taken over a period of 2 to 3 months will definitely help:
1. Take Ashwagandha roots (Withania somnifera; entire about 150 grams), Arjun bark (Terminalia arjuna; about 70 grams) from a local herb shop. Divide both of these into 30 equal parts. Now boil 1 part every morning in 3 cups of water (approximately 150 ml) and reduce to 1 cup. Now filter this mixture and add 1 cup of cow's milk to it. Boil the mixture again over a low flame until milk remains. Add 2 cardamoms while boiling. Consume this milk early morning empty stomach. Little sugar can be added for taste. The remaining filtrate of Ashwagandha and Arjun can be used similarly in evening. During summer months, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus var. javanica) can be substituted for Ashwagandha.
2. After 30 days or 35 days if the periods do not commence have the following mixture for 3 days, 10 grams Nagkeshar (Mesua ferra flower stamens), 10 gms crystal sugar (Khadisakhar, Mishri) and 10 gms Cow's ghee (clarified butter from cow), it must be mixed and consumed with milk once a day. The above combination is for one day. If the periods do not commence even after this medicine, then do not worry. Keep taking the above medicine. Eventually they will come and with proper ovulation.
The above simple remedy coupled with diet will definitely help and let you lead a normal menstrual life with kids and no infertility. In case you feel you need to evaluate this option more, try and consult a good Ayurveda physician. Having customized and specialized treatments will help you gain more. For example:
1. Generic preparations like Ashwagandharishta, Ashokarishta, Kumaryasava, Chandraprabha Vati, Pushyanug churna, Phal Ghrita, Raupya Bhasma, Vang Bhasma, Abrakh Bhasma, etc. are useful.
2. Panchakarma techniques like Basti, Uttar Basti, Vaman, Virechana, Nasya are also undertaken.
3. Certain yogic exercises like Simhasan, Vajrasan, Shalabhasan, Sarvangasan are also helpful and may be coupled with the above medicines

# Ayurveda says to do this before trying conception #

Besides the above remedies, the simple Ayurveda method to check if the periods are adulatory and with proper hormonal functions is to take a few drops of menstrual blood on a clean white cloth and wait for few seconds. Now wash the cloth with plain warm water (no soap, detergents) and observe if it leaves a pickle like stain. Clean periods as per Ayurveda must not leave stain on the cloth. Once you achieve that, you can then try conception !

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More By  :  Dr. Vipul Sharma

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03-Jan-2018 05:22 AM

Comment really effective kit ... I used it for 5 month and now my problem cured completely with Dr. Vipul Sharma Medication.... thanks a lot doctor.... Era

18-Aug-2017 04:15 AM

Comment Hello Ms.Shreya... We really appreciate your concern . you tried a lots of medicines but nothing works for you. so best is go with complete herbal treatment with Arogyam Pure herbs PCOS Kit.. really effective for curing all the problems arises due to pcos problem. Can contact us on or ring us on +91-98050-38733...

10-Sep-2016 02:38 AM

Comment Hi Riya Really appreciate your concern and want to inform try not to use allopathic hormonal treatment for your problem, as external intake of hormones leave so many side-effects in the body including weight gain ( Mainly ) . As per my suggestion start your treatment with Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For PCOS - specially formulated herbal supplements for PCOS problem.. Can contact me on Or call on : +91-98050-38733 .. Thanks And Kind Regards

10-Sep-2016 02:35 AM

Comment Hi... apoorva... best is go with arogyam pure herbs kit for pcos... really a complete herbal solution for polycystic ovarian diseases... Regards...

09-Sep-2016 05:50 AM

Comment Hello doctor, my age is 23 and after few months i get marry from last 9 months i took ayurvedic medicine but still i have more than 10 cysts in ovaries please give me permanent solution im so upset.

Shreya arora
01-Sep-2016 15:54 PM

Comment Hi,myself riya,21years old.i am suffering from pcos since 5 years.i have tried many medicines like Dronis 30,Glycomet, i am taking yasmin for 1years,but pco still appear in my usg report.periods do not occur without medicine.pls give me a solution to cure this disease for lifetime

Riya Ray
22-Aug-2016 04:42 AM

Comment hi .. I have a daughter who is 28 and she has been suffering from PCOS for a few years Tried Homeopathy, ayurveda and even allopathy but nothing seems to help and she has non existent periods and weight gain for about a year now. I am worried about her medical issues and the resultant insulin problems that may crop up She is about to get married in a few months. Can you help suggest something ? Will be grateful.

20-Aug-2016 01:12 AM

Comment hello ms. akhila.. you please send your scanned copy of all test reports n dont be so stressed... ayurveda have complete solution for your problem.. have faith on ayurveda and send all the details to us. Will guide you accordingly...

13-Aug-2016 03:15 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Uttera... We really appreciate your concern . you tried a lots of medicines but nothing works for you. so best is go with complete herbal treatment with Arogyam Pure herbs PCOS Kit.. really effective for curing all the problems arises due to pcos problem. Can contact us on or ring us on +91-98050-38733...

13-Aug-2016 03:13 AM

Comment Having pcos since 6 months.periods was regular b4 6 d six months started gaining wt so checked thyroid n detected subclinical hypothyroidism n pcos.last tym i had brown spotting on 5 july and continued till 13 july n on 14 july i passed out clots of blood like liver mass n bleeding which was normal for 2 days n further spotting for 10 days.then again period started on 5 august which is again scanty spotting wat 2 do.i am married since 2 yrs n 25 yrs old

08-Aug-2016 06:12 AM

Comment hello, I am uttera . I am 32 and have pcod since 10 years but tried my treatments but didnt work then i had proper diet and to some extent my pcod problem was solved. But it has not solved completely , i follow healthy diet control and avoid brinjals specially as i notice them cause for delay in my cycle and even found that hot climate also delays my cycle mainly in may month. So i started healthy diet and weight control to keep my cycle regular it delays for 10days but comes everymonth i found this article almost same the way i keep my health check . But still my pcod is uncured n above suggested ayurvedic medicine had never helped me in getting periods so my ayurvedic health dietrician suggested not to take them .still working no it to get regular periods.

Uttera shah
28-Jul-2016 09:24 AM

Comment Hello Mr. Ronak Best is send your all health issues on with your contact number, so that we could reach a decision for the cause of your problems.. gd lk

23-May-2016 01:09 AM

Comment Hello Ms.Ginnevidhya... Before starting these remedy best is discuss your problem completely with us, so can get a better treatment plan for you. you please send your all details on regards

23-May-2016 01:06 AM

Comment Hello Mr. amanpreet ... You are completelty right that if PCOS left untreated it will lead to infertility ...As ayurveda have complete cure for this problem.. so best is start your treatment with Arogyam pure Herbs Kit For PCOS/PCOD.. and cure your problem naturally...

23-May-2016 00:57 AM

Comment I m having depression pigmented skin weight gain since 9 yrs bt reports were clear bt one doctor said endocrine doctor said u hav pcos n started medicine btsince 3 trhee yrs I had taken aloepathy homeopathy n ayurvedic treatment nothin suited me cz my body is so sensitive n hot I only get side effects

Ronak ramzan
22-May-2016 19:49 PM

Comment Sir am having bilateral pcos the above medicine does it gelps to bring healthy periods with ovulation n how many months does it takes to cure

21-May-2016 04:50 AM

Comment Hello doctor,, I am Amanpreet, 26 years old. I am suffering from pcod along with body and face hair. Please suggest me the appropriate medicines as I've heard that pcod can lead to infertility in future also.

17-May-2016 08:26 AM

Comment hello ms. archna.. you please send your scanned copy of all test reports n dont be so stressed... ayurveda have complete solution for your problem.. have faith on ayurveda and send all the details to us. Will guide you accordingly...

25-Feb-2016 07:05 AM

Comment hello ms.jasmeet kaur... our centre situated at una ( himachal pradesh ) so it would be better if you personally visit our centre for check up.. or can send all details on so can guide you better..

25-Feb-2016 07:00 AM

Comment Hello sir, I am 24 yr old and recently been diagnosed with pcos. I have started homeopathic medicine and my dr. Has removed milk, wheat, oils from my diet. In a month i have reduced 3kg weight. my bones are getting weaker day by day, making tik tik sound all through my body. What shall i do to maintain my bone health and pcos. Kindly acknowledge

Jasmeet Kaur
25-Feb-2016 00:13 AM

Comment I am Archana, and I am 23 years old. I am suffering from PCOD since I was 8 years old. I have tried everything but nothing worked out. Now I am getting depressed. I don't know what will cure me.

Archana S
15-Feb-2016 04:19 AM

Comment Hello Dr. I am 25 year old and from childhood i am overweight. I am 5 feet 7 inch tall & when i was 15-18 i weighted around 80-85 and maintained the same until 21-22 of age with little bit of fluctuation.I consulted endocrinologist for hirsutism and irregular period and he put me on metformin and diane . all this while my periods got regular but not good flow. I lost weight because of medication. but then without any doctoral consultation i discontinued metformin . I gained my weight back soon after.Now from past 2-3 years i am constantly gaining weight. My appetite has doubled. in past 2-3 years i have gained another 20 kilos . For past 8 months i am getting my periods non stop. I bleed almost daily . not a lot very little but its almost daily for 8 months. I am really worried why my periods have not stopped from past 6 months. everytime i check there is always a lil blood and i am very scared. i havent consulted any doctor because i hoped it will stop but it has'nt. Please help me.

09-Feb-2016 10:47 AM

Comment HHello I have pcod. Been trying to get pregnant for last 1 year no luck. Just started ayurveda medicines. How long before my cycle regularises? Thanks Aparna

05-Feb-2016 11:08 AM

Comment Furocyst is a natural and promising dietary supplement effective for management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS),a chemically proven and US patented medicine.

03-Feb-2016 03:32 AM

Comment I am premalatha I am 41 years old I am suffering from hemorrhoid cyst about 2 cms in size. Is there any treatement to cure the same. I am facing lot of problems due to this 1. Irritation, 2. Depression 3.Restless 4.Night mare. Please help me with a medicine.

premalatha r
30-Jan-2016 00:07 AM

Comment I'm 35 completed, married before 4 years. When I get treatment for pregnancy many times I got the follicles grow and rupture but can't able to get pregnant. All the tests for my husband shows normal. May I know the reason for that?

02-Dec-2015 08:58 AM

Comment Respected sir ,maam. I am suffering feom pcod problem from the last four months. I want to know that will AshokaRista help me in getting my period. Please reply as soon as possible please.

Chandraleena Ahmed
27-Oct-2015 03:15 AM

Comment Hi, I am 25 and unmarried. I am suffering from Hypothyroid problems I am on regular medication for Thyroid problems (Thyroid 50). But from 3 months I was facing white discharge problem and stomach pain. So I consult doctor, she suggest me for sonography and I did it. In sonography report shown mutiple follicles and now I am taking goecyst & Lukol from 1 month . Doctor suggest me take for 2 months my periods comes but 7days late. Pls suggest it's is harmful to take this tablet & and some Ayurveda treatment suffering from tremendous weight loss, acne,hair fall, unwanted facial hair, emotionally down.

25-Oct-2015 15:00 PM

Comment Hello dr.i hv Pcod Problm Since 4 yrs.i Am 28yrs unmarried Girl.due To Ds Problm i m Very Stressed.i Am Hv Hvng 4-5 Month Gapng Period.and Till Not Come My Period.plese Rely me Dr.

shweta gupta
30-Sep-2015 03:33 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Tanya... Best is go for Arogyam Pure Herbs Infertility Treatment... see more on

27-Sep-2015 06:37 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Tanya... Best is go for Arogyam Pure Herbs Infertility Treatment... see more on

27-Sep-2015 06:37 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Tanya... Best is go for Arogyam Pure Herbs Infertility Treatment... see more on

27-Sep-2015 06:37 AM

Comment I hv been suffering from pcos for 17 years now and hv not been able to conceive a child. For the last 17 yrs I hv been taking metformin 850mg. Can u advise which ayurvedic medicine I should take to get pregnant?

25-Sep-2015 01:27 AM

Comment Hello Ms.ChanDaNa.. all alone ashokarishta will not provide you the desired results. As per our suggestion do not take allopathic medicines for Pcos and conception as Ayurveda have a complete herbal solution for it which is completely safe... send your details on will send you the complete treatment for pcos...

04-Sep-2015 04:04 AM

Comment Hi Anjum Surely natural herbs works wonder to cure this problem completely.. but to recover from this problem along with natural supplements.. calm and stress free mind is needed..Increased Stress => Increased Pregnenolone Output => Hormone Fluctuations => Increased Display of PCOS Symptoms Herbal treatment really helpful if followed properly.. to consult more can send details at or can call on +91-98050-38733.. Dr. Vipul Sharma

04-Sep-2015 04:00 AM

Comment Hi Anna We read your mail and got to know about tour problem. We do not recomend you to go for withdrawl bleeding. Better you switch on to herbal treatment which will cure your problem completely from the root cause. PCOS can be cured easily with herbal treatment. So do not be stressed up and get rid OFF from PCOS with herbal treatment. This treatment not only cures PCOS, also regularise the periods and wash out all the symptoms of PCOS. For further queries, feel free to reach us on +91-98050-38733

03-Sep-2015 08:49 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Geeta... You are right its too difficult to live a life with PCOS problems. You need not to worry as Ayurveda have a complete herbal cure for this problem. Your all problem like irrregular manstruation, facial hair are curable With Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For PCOS... send your all details on

03-Sep-2015 08:33 AM

Comment Dear Sir, I am Chandana and i am 28 yrs old. I have PCOD since i had my first periods. i have been over weight since childhood and had irregular periods till the time i started working in 2010. After that due to change in physical activity and diet my periods got regularised and my weight was getting better. Then i got married and now i have a kid of 3 yrs age. But now i am again having irregular periods and weight gain. I tried many diets but no use. I recently consulted a doctor and she put me on metformin and period initiating drugs. I recently came across Ashokarishta and its benefits. The main reason i am getting so stressed now is we want to plan for second baby and i am not geeting my periods without medicinal help. Plz suggest me how to use ayurveda to cure myself. Regards, Chandana.P

Chandana P
03-Sep-2015 04:33 AM

Comment Respected sir, I have been diagnosed with Pcod 9 months back while taking treatment to conceive. My cycles are although regular from starting but had difficulty in took clomifene ovulation induction therapy and conceived in January 2015 but had abortion later in March. I have gained weight since then . Now I'm 79 kg ,height 164 cm(5' 6") age 32 .My hormonal reports were normal as done in April. Now I'm on metformin.i have complaint of pelvic pain which comes and go frequently by itself although no signs of uterus or bladder infection.took antibiotics and homeopathy for this, but little relief.kindly advice me Ayurvedic treatment for naturally conceiving. As doctor has adviced for ovarian drilling but I don't want this. Also how to loose weight. Thankyou

02-Sep-2015 06:29 AM

Comment Hi, I am 23 and unmarried. I am suffering from Hypothyroid problems and PCOS. I am on regular medication for Thyroid problems (Thyroid 50) and have been on Ayurveda treatment for PCOS. Its been 6 months now that i am on Ayurveda treatment. My periods are never natural even after so many medications. Eventually, the doctor prescribes medicines to force the periods. This is what happens every month.Suffering from tremendous weight gain, acne,hair fall, unwanted facial hair, emotionally down. Please suggest!!

28-Aug-2015 22:18 PM

Comment Dear Sir, I found your article very helpful. I have been detected with PCOD since last five years. My periods are very irregular, occurring rare, and delayed. Since I am a student, so there is very less physical activity in my day to life. Also I get stress at times and get irritated over things. Also I have gained weight in last few years. The condition of hirsutism is very severe in me which I have been believing genetic as my mother does have same hair patterns so have been ignoring earlier, but she had normal menstrual life as told by her. Its very difficult to fight with PCOD for me. I want to be normal, loose weight, get over all these hair problems, be stress free, and most importantly dying to get my periods every month without getting all these troubles. Kindly help me with the diet routine and physical activities I should follow. Also tell me if there are any stress control measures with PCOD, like meditations or yoga? And how can I follow a routine with study life, maintaining a balance to cure PCOD?

27-Aug-2015 23:32 PM

Comment Hello Ms.swathi... we already replied on your mail id regarding your problem and its herbal solution , Rest assured no need to take tension..

26-Aug-2015 07:08 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Suruchi.. we advised you send your all details including your husband test report on, so guide you better as per your problem... Thnaks

26-Aug-2015 06:57 AM

Comment Hello Ms.Nell Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For PCOS... is complete herbal treatment for your problem and for more info send your details on, so guide you better as per your problem... Thanks

26-Aug-2015 06:53 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Vishakha.. we advised you stop taking allopathic medicines it just harm your body.. Suggesting you go for Arogyam Pure Herbs PCOS Kit... herbal treatment for your problem and send your details on, so guide you better as per your problem... Thnaks

26-Aug-2015 06:50 AM

Comment hi i am swathi ,i am 26 years old height 5-3.i got married in the month of december 2014 .after marriage increased weight from 43 to 48.We are trying for childrens.Before marriage my periods was regular.After marriage my periods was irregular max 43 days cycle.we consulted doctor and scan reports was showing that multiple cyst .They given folic acid tablets .but from the last 2 months i didn't get the periods.And my pregnancy test is negative.i am getting depressed .Will i get pregnancy

26-Aug-2015 06:02 AM

Comment Hello dr..m suruchi from mundra..gujrat. I got married in 2010..I had miscarriage of three months ..and after that I had c section but I lost my baby two years back. Now I m trying to concieve bt my report came n I have pcos. So I want to know that can I get pregnant with ayurvedic treatment for pcos. Is it 100% effective ? And from where can I get the treatment in gujrat(kutch)plz guide me..thank you.

25-Aug-2015 06:14 AM

Comment how I get treatment for my pcos problem

22-Aug-2015 08:04 AM

Comment Hi.. I am 23, weighing 80kgs 5.6" height suffering from PCOD. Started allopathic treatment last year.. it ws quite okay till i had medicines but aftr i stopped it i get my periods after 3-4 months time. Please assist me for the same. I also used to take one medicine Primolut N for getting periods after evry 2-3 months.

18-Aug-2015 05:34 AM

Comment Hi Lalitha... you please send a scanned copy of all your test report. Only after that we guide you properly...

07-Aug-2015 02:26 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Sunita... Could you please tell me which Ayurvedic medicines you are taking for your PCOS problem, as lots of medicines are available today in the market. so you please send your details on, so that will guide you accordingly...

07-Aug-2015 02:22 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Shefali... If cow milk not available than can take any other Dairy milk too..

07-Aug-2015 02:13 AM

Comment Doctor has diagnosed with pcod and asked me to go for surgery. Doctor did hormone test and it was normal. I have fibroid 10mm. trying to conceive..for now taking ashoka herb.Kindly assist me..

06-Aug-2015 02:36 AM

Comment Thanks for the information! If pure cows milk is not available, is it ok to take mixture of ashwagandha and arjuna with only water?

Shefali Jain
02-Aug-2015 17:05 PM

Comment Hi mam...I hv pcod hv started ayurvedic treatment ...3rd month is gng on of taking medicine ....i hv hair legs nd on stomach ...could u pls advise me more abt it......I want to concive too....pls advise me abt it more.....thanks. regards sunita

sunita sethi
29-Jul-2015 08:49 AM

Comment Hi Raabiyah... Try to use raw milk and take it in the morning empty stomach and half in the evening ( Same mixture divided in two part ). Do not take it during menstruation.. Can use Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For PCOS ... For best results...

27-Jul-2015 02:52 AM

Comment Hi madam I have Pcos from 10 years I read your article and it gave me hope I had one abortionpreviously since then I have no natural periods every time we have to induce periods I have some doubts regarding the medicine mentioned above.should we boil cows milk before adding it.can we take this mixture during menses.and what quantity of mixture is to be taken do we need to take the morning prepered mixture tiwce or we have to prepare fresh in the evening and by what time we have to take.thank u

25-Jul-2015 12:11 PM

Comment Hi Madhu.. will you please tell us for which purpose you are taking dashmoolarishta ??

20-Jul-2015 08:20 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Suma... all alone ashokarishta will not provide you the desired results. As per our suggestion do not take allopathic medicines for Pcos and conception as Ayurveda have a complete herbal solution for it which is completely safe... send your details on will send you the complete treatment for pcos...

20-Jul-2015 08:18 AM

Comment Hi I m taking dashmoolarisht....some told me not to drink milk if taking dashmoolarisht... Doi have to avoid milk for a month?

20-Jul-2015 07:31 AM

Comment Maam i m facing pcos pblm frm last 5 years. Frm lst 1yr trying to cocieve... bt i couldnt even after taking cubiphene estrogen tablet hcg triggers....nw my doctor suggested to take metmin.... can i get pregnent with this..... is there any problem if i take ashokarista along with metmin..

16-Jul-2015 10:31 AM

Comment Hi Naazi... Yes ! Surely your problem easily curable with herbal treatment. And as the point on weight gain will want to clear this myth that herbal treatment let put on weight,rather it helps to lose weight and regulise your metabolism and digestion level. As Ayurvedic treatment is based on good digestion and metabolism. You please send your details on ... will help you accordingly.

26-Jun-2015 08:17 AM

Comment Hi Srisuvitha... Need your complete information like weight, age, when problem started, thyroid report and many more... please send us complete details on

26-Jun-2015 08:12 AM

Comment Hi Shilpa ... You please send your latest sonography report to will guide you accordingly

26-Jun-2015 08:10 AM

Comment Hi Suranjanasaini ... Yes ! Surely she can lose her weight which arise due to PCOS problem. Please send her details on

26-Jun-2015 08:05 AM

Comment Hi Janavi ... Your problem is so serious and all the body weakness is due to repeated abotion and continue bleeding. i need complete information regarding your case only after that can suggest you the best herbal treatment for you. you please send details on .. regards

26-Jun-2015 08:01 AM

Comment Hello mam..I was married in 2012. till then my mensus was regular...After marriage my periods were delayed and after consulting a gynic, she told that besides PCOD, i do hav a problem for which i have 2 undergo a surgery.. exactly one year back i've undergone a surgery called VAGINOPLASTY wth laproscopy....and again my periods were delayed...from may15th 2014 to may 15th 2015 i gt 7 worried about english medicines... and being afraid 2 take ayurvedic.. coz,few of my frns told dat ayurvedic treatmnt may cause weight gain... well mam, im actually trying 2 shift abroad and i wanna cure my problem before i leave... do i get cured as early as possible without any side effects??will i get my periods regularly soon????Plz help me out...

26-May-2015 07:51 AM

Comment Hi doctor iam 9840983927yrs having irregular periods 52-60days cycle thyroid problem taking eltroxin 75mg putting over weight height 165cm but weight 95kg plz give suggestions for me doctor

11-May-2015 09:18 AM

Comment Sir, I'm 28 yrs old..... And undergoing Ayurveda treament on pcod,and doctor had provided medicine for pcod and now started for pregnancy. I'm getting ovulated and also implantation of zygote in uterus also takes place.... But by 38 day I'm getting bleeding on the same..... It's not at all stopping.... Whether it's an external bleeding or inside lining of uterus shedding out...... Whether I'm able to get pregnant.....

19-Apr-2015 07:57 AM

Comment My daughter aged 25 not married has been diognised with pcod but she is having regular but scanty periods which last for 3 to 4 days . She has gained 14 Kg's weight and also has started getting acne and has facial hair growth on chin area which has to be threaded once weekly. Wanted to know if it's cureable.

12-Apr-2015 07:42 AM

Comment Hello doctor, I m 31years old.had 2 abortions in the year 2012&20l13.after 6 months of the last abortion I had severe blneed ind for 1month continous.since then I m feeling Very low n sleepy,drowsy,no stamina,dont feel like doing an y thing,pain in the body n very nervous.sonography hy reports says of polysystic overies I m very much tensed doctor please help me with proper medicine ... Thankyou.

07-Apr-2015 02:58 AM

Comment the information is very clear and easy to understand.thanks for that,but i don't drink milk instead can i have those mixtures with water???

21-Mar-2015 08:09 AM

Comment thanks mam

preeti dhumal
14-Mar-2015 09:09 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Archana... We really appreciate your concern and will advised you go for herbal treatment for your problem and best is go for Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit for PCOS... or can contact me on + 91- 98050-38733... gd lk

03-Mar-2015 00:30 AM

Comment Hi Ms. Bhumika That's great that this decoction helps you. You are advised send your details on , so that will guide you better.. good luck...

03-Mar-2015 00:27 AM

Comment i have pcod problem after abortion my age is 32 years i want to proper medication this problem please let me we have to go and consult i am already showing in homoeopathy but it's no result please give a proper advise to me

archana pk
30-Jan-2015 11:01 AM

Comment hello mam me 2months se Ashwagandha roots , Arjun bark ka mixer le rhi hu or mera 2 months se time pr period a rha h sath me me vedhnath ki ashokarishta syrp le rhi hu me kub tuk lu please advice me

20-Jan-2015 01:13 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Swati.. we really appreciate your concern and want to inform you that best is send your all reports in details on mail id : , before reaching for a treatment plan , need to study your case properly.. regards...

03-Jan-2015 06:06 AM

Comment Hello ms. sakshi... we advised you go for Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For Pcos/ Pcod...

03-Jan-2015 06:04 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Aditi... we really appreciate your concern and want to inform you that best is send your all reports in details on mail id : , before reaching for a treatment plan , need to study your case properly.. regards...

03-Jan-2015 06:03 AM

Comment hi , I am 31 yrs old and try to conceive from past 1 yr ,but not successed , now going through some tests and come to know that I have pcos ,I have all harmone and diabetes tests but all are normal and even my periods are regular I don't know what prob I have exactly ,dr dunt give me enough time to ask my queries, I am going through auyrvedic treartments . I am feeling so much mood swings also.please suggest me what to do

30-Dec-2014 09:44 AM

Comment i m suufering from pcos my age is 27 and i m unmarried periods are missing and only for 2 days.plz give me advice

23-Dec-2014 07:21 AM

Comment Hi i m 29 yrs old nd want to concieve bt i m nt able to due to pcod from last 10 yrs..nd tried all medications bt nothing worked nd i cn b able to mk eggs in ovary wid fsh shots bt aftrr hcg it takes a lot tim like 6 to 7 days nd one of dem bcomes cyst so doc suggested me to do laproscopy bt i m nt convienced so pz guide me pz for ayurvedic treatment for ma life change moment

Aditi Pankaj Kumar
12-Dec-2014 13:17 PM

Comment Hello sir I am suffering from pcod since my age is 29yr . My periods comes after 8-9 height is 5 '1 wait 81 i am married .luckily I blessed with 2 childern by using medicine.but still my periods are irregular.I am poor eater. suggestme proper treatment.

09-Dec-2014 10:12 AM

Comment Hi Sarika ... We really appreciatr your concern and want to inform you that only Ashokarishta alone will not provide you the complete solution for your problem. best is go with complete herbal cure for pcos . You are suggested go with Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For PCOS .. As soon as possible .. regards - Arogyam Pure Herbs

06-Dec-2014 05:52 AM

Comment Hi Manisha... Best is consult with our consultant with all the latest details of your health condition.. send details on

06-Dec-2014 05:47 AM

Comment Hello Ms. Namu ... we really appreciate your concern and want to inform you that you are very much right that you are not able to get all the required herbs in Australia.. You are requested to kindly send your all health history via mail on . Our related health consultant will guide you better and we can easily deliver the supplements at your door step i.e Australia.... regards - Arogyam Pure Herbs

06-Dec-2014 05:42 AM

Comment Hi I am facing menustral ptoblem from last 3 month i did not get it from past 2 month.I have contacted to gyno. and also did the test for throid and sonography.All things are normal except in sonography it is saying both overies are normal but shows polycystic appearance. Can you please suggest me what ayurvedic treatment will be good for me although i have started to taken Ashokarisht on regular basis.

sarika tripathi
30-Nov-2014 01:27 AM

Comment I suffered with pcod in 2011,I had ovarian aspiration now I have again the problem what should I do

Manisha Sharma
28-Nov-2014 13:26 PM

Comment I am suffering from pcos. I was taking birth control pills for that but now I have stopped taking it. I am not getting periods from last month.I am in Australia I think I don't get all herbal powders n all so is there any way out to get normal periods

09-Nov-2014 07:53 AM

Comment Hi mayuri ... best is send your all details regarding your problem on , so that will guide you better...

08-Nov-2014 03:28 AM

Comment Hi Neetu , To cure PCOS problem with herbal treatment will take time depending on the severity. its better you consult with Dr. Vipul Sharma on for more details...

08-Nov-2014 03:16 AM

Comment Hi jayashree ... your problem is too complicated as its from last 12 yrs and to much irregularities in your menstrual cycle... please don't waste your time and consult with our related health consultant on

08-Nov-2014 03:09 AM

Comment Hi Mukta... As its initial stage and size is not too large , suggesting you go with herbal treatment as soon as possible. Can start your treatment with Arogyam Pure Herbs PCOS kit..

08-Nov-2014 03:06 AM

Comment I am 22 yr old unmarried girl. I am suffering from pain in right side lower abdomen ,but I am not sure whether it is apendics pain or I am suffering from pcod.Pleas help me,sir.

mayuri jain
30-Sep-2014 02:51 AM

Comment I am suffering from pcod and undergoing ayurveda treatment. And also I am following diet. I married for 2 yrs and I want to conceive. I am taking treatment for 3 months. How much time it will take to cure my problem.?

Neethu Bhaveesh
18-Sep-2014 12:16 PM

Comment Hello sir I am suffering from pcod since 12 my age is 27 yr .my periods is so irregular.i am married and wants to pregnant but due to irregular period it's not possible periods is so irregular.and it comes after 8-9 months.please suggestme proper treatment.

12-Sep-2014 11:20 AM

Comment I m suffering from pcod, i am 25 years old unmarried girl, i detected for 3 months and it's size 55mm.Tell me what i have to do for this,I want to Norma earliest,Please help me....

07-Sep-2014 10:18 AM

Comment Hi Elezabeth Really appreciate your concern and want to inform try not to use allopathic hormonal treatment for your problem, as external intake of hormones leave so many side-effects in the body including weight gain ( Mainly ) . Regarding Ashokarishta - it is good for menstrual disorder but as your are facing the problem of cyst in overy for that you need to take complete herbal treatment. As per my suggestion start your treatment with Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For PCOS - specially formulated herbal supplements for PCOS problem.. Can contact me on Or call on : +91-98050-38733 .. Thanks And Kind Regards

04-Aug-2014 02:46 AM

Comment Hello doctor Due to menstrual irregularities I have been diagnosed with pcos. The gynecologist asked me to take a hormonal tablet named regesterone 5 mg once in 3 months for 5 days if periods do not come. I am watching over my weight with the help of pomegranate juice and by avoiding junk food. I heard that consuming ashokarishta will make some changes but I have read in one article that ashokarishta will delay the menstruation, is it true doctor? Please help my marriage is getting near.

03-Aug-2014 03:16 AM

Comment Hi Hemabathi Murgun ... Atleast minimum three months are required to get the desired results... If need more info please do write on :

22-May-2014 06:08 AM

Comment Good. How long to take these herbs sir?

hemawathi murugan
19-May-2014 15:22 PM

Comment Hi Yes ! Surely natural herbs works wonder to cure this problem completely.. but to recover from this problem along with natural supplements.. calm and stress free mind is needed..Increased Stress => Increased Pregnenolone Output => Hormone Fluctuations => Increased Display of PCOS Symptoms Herbal treatment really helpful if followed properly.. to consult more can send details at or can call on +91-98050-38733.. Dr. Vipul Sharma

09-May-2014 04:53 AM

Comment Will this guidance for treatment help for sure.... I m 24 yrs old and trying for conception and periods are missing most of the times due to polycystic ovarian dieseses.. Plz guide me .... If I follow your guidance how much time will it take to be normal

04-May-2014 05:58 AM

Comment Will this guidance for treatment help for sure.... I m 28 yrs old and trying for conception and periods are missing most of the times due to bilateral pcod... Plz guide me .... If I follow your guidance how much time will it take to be normal

Gurinder Kaur
23-Apr-2014 06:34 AM

Comment Recently found in USg polysystic overy, what should be t he best treatment for totaly cure, pl. advise me

23-Apr-2014 03:28 AM

Comment Hello, Doctor is there an email I can contact you. As even I am suffering from pcos so will want to ask you a few personal questions. Thanks

05-Apr-2014 13:32 PM

Comment thank u soo much

02-Apr-2014 15:01 PM

Comment this is the first time I'm reading article based on such an issue my cousin sister has this problem since she was 16 yrs old if this works I will definitely be thankful

16-Mar-2014 00:18 AM

Comment Will this guidance for treatment help for sure.... I m 29 yrs old and trying for conception and periods are missing most of the times due to bilateral pcod... Plz guide me .... If I follow your guidance how much time will it take to be normal

03-Mar-2014 08:37 AM

Comment Will this guidance for treatment help for sure.... I m 29 yrs old and trying for conception and periods are missing most of the times due to bilateral pcod... Plz guide me .... If I follow your guidance how much time will it take to be normal

01-Mar-2014 07:02 AM

Comment Very Very informative & clear writing. All the faces of the problems are attacked. Thanks a lot.

19-Jan-2014 01:17 AM

Comment I am Sona, and I am 20 years old. I am suffering from PCOD since I was 18 years old. I have tried everything but nothing worked out. Now I am getting depressed. I don't know what will cure me.

Sona Chakraborty
12-Jan-2014 02:40 AM

Comment Thanks for the information....... We cn use kashay basti which is good to reduce Kapha...

14-Oct-2013 11:57 AM

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