
It's never too late

 All my life uptill now, I have always lived with the philosophy that once I miss an opportunity, that particular path is gone forever. But, now I sincerely believe that it's never too late to work on your dreams, to talk to an old friend, to mend old ways and relationships. Everything will fall into place only if we believe that will happen and only if we work in that direction. We often ignore our true calling by feeling that that time is gone or by thinking that I am a different person now. We should overcome these fears.

We are all here for a limited time period. 75 or 80 years are all we have to do what we want to do. Why waste them thinking it's not possible now?  Why not be optimistic and pursue what we truly want to do? This life is meant to be lived without fear and without binding constraints which kill our basic essence and feeling of self-happiness.

More By  :  Anusha Badhwar

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Comment Anusha-ji, there was a time I also used to think that a lost opportunity is as good as gone for ever. But late in life I learnt from a dialogue mouthed by that inimitable Raj Kumar in the role of a professor, where he says, when God closes a door, another door gets opened. I reflected, How true it is! If I do not qualify to be a pilot, I can become an Engineer! If not an engineer then probably a writer. And if not even that, probably a clerk in an office. And may be who knows as a clerk I probably hit upon such a friendship in office which can probably change my life for all time. If opportunities go by, something better might happen. Life is a continuous process. I like to believe, what I can not achieve in this life, I surely will get an opportunity in my next birth. Though all of us may wear different faces! Never mind.

Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
21-Aug-2012 05:19 AM

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