Mar 11, 2025
Mar 11, 2025
1. You can make a living doing what you love.
2. In bad time, everyone can't help you and in good times, everyone isn't as happy for you.
Learn how to discern and develop trye friends.
3. God is always listening, be careful with your inner self-talk.
4. Practice everyday saying and/or doing something that is loving, helpful and purposeful.
5. Unrealistic expectations create frustrations.
6. Everything you say and think has power to create it's likeness.
7. Fear and procrastination are major enemies of success.
8. Don't ignore or mistreat people, everyone is important.
9. Don't take everything so serious, have a sense of humor.
10. Stay away from negative, critical, judgemental, gossip people.
11. Spend as much time as possible around nature and beautiful environments.
12. Sometimes things you can't learn in a book or from a parent, teacher, you have to experience yourself.
13. Acknowledge your shortcomings and work to improve them.
14. Acknowledge your strengths, be humble without diminishing or denying them.
15. Stay focused to get a job done. Either do it, delegate it or dump it.
16. Have a life, don't depend on others to make you happy and fulfilled.
17. Marriage and parenting are serious commitments, don't be in a hurry.
18. Find ways to show appreciation to those you love and care about.
19. Time is everyday to it's fullest....everyday is a special occasion.
20. People come into your life for a reason. They bring joy and lessons.