
Conserving Trillium govanianum

Trillium govanianum is popularly known as Nag chhatri, is an endangered plant species from Himalaya. It is a robust, trifoliate herbaceous plant species with deep red and green coloured flower on the axis and is found in the vicinities of Himalayas especially in India, Nepal, China and Bhutan at an altitude of 2700m-4000m.

This species is unusual in that the sepals and petals resemble each other, giving a six-petalled appearance. Roots contain Trillarin, which on hydrolysis yields 2.5% diosgenin - a cortico-steroid hormone.

The cortico-steroid hormone isolated from the plant is used in various preparations like sex hormones, cortisone and allied preparation used in rheumatism, regulation of menstrual flow and the like. In spite of this it is also used in stomach related problems. Due to its effective medicinal properties, the demand of this drug is high in the international markets.

Recently, after seven years of excursion in Indian Himalayas, the author was able to discover this species from Har-ki doon Glacier in Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand. A population is found to be rare in this habitat of Himalaya. Anand Bodh (Times of India, June 2012) have reported the continuous smuggling of Nag chhatri in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh. About 215 kg of this rare herb at Tunuhatti check point of the district and have arrested two people in this regard. On may 29, 2012, Mandi police had seized 720 kg of this rare herbs worth over Rs. 1 crore in international market from Mandi town which being smuggled out of Khullu district in luxury bus.
Continuous exploitation by poaching of this important drug from its local habitat of Himalaya is a bigger concerned globally in nearby future. More appropriate techniques towards its conservation and unabated despite ban of exploitation from the Himalaya can conserve this rare herb Nag chhatri.  Finally, it is time for us to strategies our efforts to fulfil the obligation of Chang mai declaration of 1988 “Saving plants that save lives”.

More By  :  Dr. Harsh Singh

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  • Comments: 28

Comments on this Blog

Comment Im researcher and intrested in propagation either invivo or invitro of this plant. Any guidenss/ help in this regards will highly appreciated so as to conserve this specie.Please share literature/ publication on this imp plants. my email ID i will be very thankful..

15-Jun-2016 06:58 AM

Comment I have worked upon propagation/ cultivating techniques of trillium govanianum. I would like to look forward for purchasers of such and more medicinal plants.

23-Apr-2016 12:40 PM

Comment very nice article Dr. Harsh i really appreciate your work. do you know more about its distribution in uttarakhand and adjoining areas?

vaishali chandola
07-Apr-2016 01:38 AM

Comment anybody have the seed?

12-Feb-2016 02:37 AM

Comment I have some of this herb with me

Raj Pandita
05-Aug-2015 12:53 PM

Comment Please save this. Herbal plant . FOR NATURE ?? .

10-Jun-2015 08:42 AM

Comment sir , I want to grow nag chhatri . Can i grow it as a crop. From where i get the plant/ seed of nag chhatri. Prince Thakur

prince thakur
29-May-2015 03:02 AM

Comment Thanx to Dr. Harsh Singh for providing valuable information on Nag Chatri

dr.navneet sharma
26-Aug-2014 02:33 AM

Comment Dear All botanists, Foresters, conservationists, and those who have the positive approach to conserve this species. I am suggesting you all to establish a fund and train the farmers and extractors to grow this species in Nurseries. Just criticizing the individuals and institution is not enough. we have to think, plan and act appropriately. I will request to IUCN, WWF, FAO, UNDP/GEF and UNESCO to include this species in the special concern and support its conservation. my email is and our organization " Himalayan Conservation and rural Support program HCRSP is developing a Project to conserve this species at an ex situe livel.

Syed Aftab Hussain bukhari
09-Aug-2014 02:59 AM

Comment Species has almost become extinct in Uttarkhand and Himachal Pradesh. In J&K smuggling is taking place at a higher scale. Since the roots of species are used therefore villagers uproot the plant. Plants once uprooted cannot be replanted and replenished. Vigilance of Forest department in all the three states is extremely poor. Like other Himalayan herbal species this species is also going to be extinct shortly. International community and all Himalayan states and countries should take strict measures to protect this species.

21-Jul-2014 16:27 PM

Comment 45 Kg Forest Produce (Nagchattri) Recovered - Accuse ArrestedDoda, May 19: Continuing staunch drive against the drug menaces, timbersmuggling and illicit sale of forest produce. On a specific information a team of District Police Doda laid a nakaat Sah Mohalla near grid station Bharath Road Doda headed by Inspr. Pushpinder Singh SHO Police Station Doda on 18.05.2014.During checking of vehicles (Trax) bearing registration No. JK06-1939 45 Kg forest produce (Nagchattri) was recovered from the possession of one Salam Din S/o Kasim Din R/o Sowara Tehsil Gandoh.The accused was arrested on the spot.In this connection a case FIR No. 87/2014 U/S 379 RPC, 6 Forest Act stands registered at Police Station Doda and further investigation started.The drive was made under the close supervision of Mohammad Sharief Chouhan (KPS) SP Doda..

19-May-2014 21:59 PM

Comment sir I am a naag chatri license holder , but I am not able to find proper importer or purchaser who can call me with better price . If u could suggest me anything favourable, shall be thankfull to you.

raman primta
17-Jan-2014 01:55 AM

Comment respected sir, i need to know about the market of this herb (trillium govananium) because i have this herb , which i want to sell. I need your help from your great experiences. THANK YOU.

abdul karim
25-Dec-2013 09:56 AM

Comment If the concerned governments not act now then this species can be protected only under the name of religious. Like Banayan, pipal and many plants are considered sacred today as once they were about to extinct. It can be mass planted through plant tissue culture, plant breeding etc.

baljit gill
12-Nov-2013 19:08 PM

Comment sir tell me what the uses of nag chhatri and tell me benfits of nag chhatri herbs thanks sir kindly tell me all befits and affected

inder bandral
04-Nov-2013 12:50 PM

Comment Trillium govanianum can be easily grown from seed . but due to illicit extraction the availability of seed is difficult. the growing economic importance of this herb deserves proper attention from forest departments for its conservation and propagation. this herb is integral part of temperate Eco-system excessive removal of this herb can fragile the whole temperate forests.the role of forest department in conserving this herb is irresponsible. in my view a separate biodiversity conservation wing should be established for conservation of medicinal flora.

Sheikh Abdul Hamid
20-Oct-2013 03:56 AM

Comment I have seen comments of Mr. Khawaja Nazeer Ahmed sb and Mr. Rayees sb. I do agree with Mr. Rayees and would like to add that not only Trillium govanianum is a threatened species, there are few other threatened plants which are exploited from Neelum and Jehlum Valley of AJK annually by the involvement of Forest Department of AJK, Department is announcing tenders and exploiting these non renewable resources annually. Even I have personally pointed out to the DFOs and Range officers that the contractors are exploiting medicinal plants are listed in the notification from the National Parks especially from Musk Deer National Park Gurais Neelum valley and more than 80% is coming from the park. I have shown them pictures and videos but they have even not said a word of thank you to me and have not taken any action. WE ARE DESTROYING OUR NATURAL RESOURCES BY INVESTING OUR OWN TAX MONEY THROUGH THE INVOLVEMENT OF OUR OWN FOREST DEPARTMENT................. Please stop it..................

Sardar Muhammad Rafique
02-Oct-2013 05:46 AM

Comment Botanical name: Trillium govanianum Family : It used to be treated in the family Trilliaceae or trillium family, a part of the Liliales or Lily English name : Wake Robin, Wood Lily & Trinity flower Shina name : Laidi Urdu name : Nagchhatri Hindi name : Satva/Nagchhatri Distributions : Kanzalwan, Phalgham, Poonch, Gurez, Sonamarag (Kashmir), Iran, Afghanistan & Pakistan Parts Uses : Leaves/roots Ecological notes : Prefers humus rich soil in shady places Status : Un-Common Trillium govanianum is 20 cm, tall bulbous herb, leaves 3, broad ovate, flower solitaryterminal and brownish purple. Fruit bright red. Also named as Trillium govaniana. order. The APG II treats Trilliaceae as a synonym of the family Melanthiaceae. Tags: Trillium govanianum plants, Trillium govanianum root Availability parts: Trillium govanianum plants Seed/whole plant/roots

Dr. Khawaja Shafique Ahmad
26-Aug-2013 02:08 AM

Comment As for as the comments of of Mr. Khawaja Nazir Ahmad Conservator of the Forests AJK Muzaffarabad are concerned I dont agree with him that 370 kgs roots of Trilliam govanianum have confiscated by the forest staff and 6 culprits have been arrested and vehicles are locked up. Dear Conservator Sahab tons of Trilliam govanianum are been exported to India by Muzaffarabad Srinagar Trade. What about Men women and children who are busy now a days to root out this specie in Jehlum and Neelum valley selling @ 3000/kg ?

Muhammad Rayees
08-Aug-2013 01:10 AM

Comment Trillium syn. Trillidium govanianum is a Himalayan herb with immense medicinal properties. Its demand globally has increased in last three years. I heard that in HP and Uttarkhand every inch of forest floor has been dug up to remove the species as if somebody has ploughed the forest floor. May be that its use has been found because of sex hormone as a substitute or an adultrant to the Vaigra in China and SE Asia and other European countries. At this rate of extraction, species will become extinct in Himalaya soon. Governments of these three states of J&K. HP and Uttarkhand are sleeping. Recently HP has set up a high power committee to study the reasons for sudden demand and check its extraction. But by the time committee will come with recommendations most of the forest areas will become clear from the rare herb. What is the use of Forest Act, Wildlife Act, Environment Act and Biodiversity Act. If these Acts cannot prevent the extraction form forests these should be scrapped.

02-Aug-2013 04:06 AM

Comment Trillium Govanianum herb is present in plenty of amount in upper riches of tehsil Mahore of district Reasi j&k.

rajinder singh
08-Jul-2013 12:47 PM

Comment I am thankful to Dr. Harsh Singh for his valuable info regarding this medicinal herb. During last 2 weeks about 370 kgs roots of this herb has been confiscated by the forestry staff of Muzaffarabad Forest circle in AJK state. 6 culprits have been arrested and 2 vehicals which were used in transportation of these roots have also been confiscated under section 28 of AJK Forest regulation II of 1930.

Khawaja Nazeer Ahmad
20-Jun-2013 14:34 PM

Comment Recently I had been to Himanchal for Trekking & I saw locals collecting Nagchatri in huge quantity. They sell it @ 1500 to 2000 a kilo. But are not aware of its medicinal use. They collect the bulbs & roots , then they dry it and sell it to Agents. There is a risk of extinction as the plant is uprooted from the base. I think Government should legalese the sale to help conserve the plant. It's urgent before its too late.

Jeetendra Worlikar
31-May-2013 04:13 AM

Comment This plant is rare and found in the vicinities of high altitudes of himalaya, due to its importance in the ayurveda and other systems of medicine it is highly expolited for commercialisation, thus cause serious threat to degradation from the Himalayas.

Dr. Harsh
28-Mar-2013 23:34 PM

Comment so but then why is this plant smuggled in such quantity why is it illegal? n why is so important?

28-Mar-2013 13:16 PM

Comment i am the student of botany final. i am now going to research on trillium isolation process and i am happy that you had given good description of this plant. so plz lead me in my work and this is good for me

inamul haq
13-Mar-2013 03:58 AM

Comment great to see this and your work i am at the university of malakand. i want to know more about this plant/.

inamul haq
13-Feb-2013 01:54 AM

Comment i read about the herb in tribune &astonished . if these types of herbs are made available to ayurvedic doctors then we can make the society disease free . for that make herb commercially available at low cost through cultivation

dr jasdeep singh
09-Nov-2012 01:51 AM

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