
Chronology of Tamil Genocide

Sri Lanka is better known for its ethnic rancor against Tamil population and invariable, inevitable, unbridled attitude to eliminate the opposed people is obvious, perhaps too justified by Sri Lankan Heads.  Prime Minister of Singapore Mr. Lee Kuan Yew once remarked aptly referring to Rajapaksa that, “I have read his speeches and I knew he was a Sinhala extremist I cannot change his mind” being an exclusive testimony to Rajapaksa’s fascism.
Gone are the days tied and tired with violence and massacre in Sri Lankan soil where hearts of Tamils were bleeding, suffering the loss of kith and kin at the brutality of Sinhala hegemony.  Entire world witnessed the long history of blood soaked pages written by Sinhala Army.  It was Sri Lanka Government a seasoned fascist force in Asia that proved its competence in attaining historical shame from the year 1980.  Imposing the pride lies in unmatchable barbaric influence with culture that launched Tamil genocide despite the pressure from international community demanding Sri Lanka to refrain from mass killings.
Global Tamil diaspora shocked in panic at gruesome massacre and human right abuses perpetrated by Sri Lanka army against innocent Tamils of Indian-origin.  Nearly 12,000 Tamil Liberation Tigers were detained and whereabouts were not still known.  They may either be killed or disappeared.
Tamils across the world observe May 18 as “Genocidal War Crimes Day” to mark the death of thousands in the war waged by Sri Lanka army.  Sri Lankan army dumped heavy arms on civil population as a part of evil plans to transform Sri Lanka the Country sans Tamils.  Sri Lanka proved its ethnic colour and emerged “Cradle of Genocide” shocking the entire world.  Past and present Sri Lankan rulers never compromised in any peace process or initiatives but pursued nothing except retaliation and large-scale atrocities unleashed on Tamil population.
Large scale massacres, vandalism and ethnic hostilities staged by Sri Lankan Army since 1981 have been presented hereunder:

  • The Jaffna Library which was biggest in Asia was set ablaze and reduced the whole structure to ashes in 1981.  It had 99,000 volumes of books covering all aspects but nothing remained.
  • While civilians were sailing onboard Kumudhini, a government owned ferry to Ninateevu 30 kms away from Jaffna, a Sinhala navy boat intercepted, navy personnel entered into Kumudhine then started killing most of the passengers.  This tragic incident occurred on May 15, 1985 at mid-sea.
  • Mannar Massacre in 1984, Akkaraipattu Massarce in 1986, Jaffna Hospital Massacre in 1987, Velvettithurai Massacre in 1985, Kalmunai Massacre in 1990, Vantharamullai in 1990, Jaffna Lagoon Massacre in 1993, Navaly Church Massacre in 1995, Kokilai, Keat Dollar Farm Massacres in 1998, Vaharai, Pesalai Church Triconamalee Massacres in 2006,
  • 64 Tamils were killed in Hospital blast launched by Sri Lankan air force in 2009.
  • 1,200 were killed by cluster ammunition, multi-barrel rocket launchers and cannons at Mullaiteevu in 2009, Batticaloa Schools were bombed, 140 students killed in 2007.  Unheard cries, abundant trauma, mutilated bodies, perished dreams, buried lives and torched generations that reflected a great historical tragedy over the period. 

So the plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka stands a mute witness to government-sponsored genocide in Sri Lanka.  Thus responsibility lies with UN and World Human Rights Organization to step up investigations into abuses and violations.

More By  :  T. Anandh Krishna

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Comments on this Blog

Comment This photo is misleading people. This criminal not done by Srilanka Army. This shows that innocent sinhalese in villages were killed by Ltte tigers. Sinhalese innocent victims in the photo.

h fonseka
31-Oct-2017 02:43 AM

Comment I am moved to tears reading this As if nobody over there ever heard of Lord Buddha King Ashoka Yesu Christu Mahatma Gandhi No one on both sides of the civil war You can justify it when you are on the winning side But you can't hide the genocide It is there for all humanity to learn and behave My heart aches More so because I feel connected to both sides Peace

P. Rao
05-Oct-2016 06:29 AM

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