
Entitlement Mentality in the US (Part 2)

Continued from Previous Page

Evaluation of Outcomes
ResearchResearch would have to be conducted on a long-term basis.  Initial hypotheses based upon current data would be a starting point to secure approval to implement an educational program.  The results of each program would need to be measured through academic progress and positive social and behavioral change.  Observational research would need to be conducted on children as they go through the various educational programs on a progressive line from young elementary to secondary school years.

PermissionThere would be required permission from the governing bodies of the region, the school administration, and parents of the children (AAPOR, 2010).  As always, with any research, it is vital that informed consent be given, complete with language that indicates that the participants can be removed from the research at any time, how confidentiality will be maintained, and provided results to anyone who requests the data at the end of the project (AAPOR, 2010).

As the future success of the United State’s economy is at risk of depletion due to overrunning entitlement programs it is in the best interest of the private, political, and public sectors to consider alternate methods of increasing the economic viability of the nation.  Educating children is a good first step in the process of improving the future economic climate of the country.  As recession threats continue to lie on the horizon, the best defense is a good offense; teaching future generations who have not yet caught complete hold upon the opportunity of entitlements. 
Introducing these ideas to government entities would require statistics and calculable research that would show potential economic growth based upon the proposal of educating children.  The government would expect appropriate improvement in the potential for taxpayer growth and reduction in entitlement recipients, which will both require long-term research.  Currently there is no definitive proof that education will work to teach children to be more self-sufficient in the future, it is conjecture and speculation based upon past, present, and future ideas of theorists and this author.

Previous Page 

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