
Life is simple for those who can comfortably dismiss astrology as bunk, superstition and a global mental aberration;  a globally shared delusion that plagues some modern minds. Having said thus, the skeptics can then return to their lives with all the random inherent chaos as they continue to make their way through the foggy minefields that represent life and its uncertain realities for them. For the rest of us, presumably the majority - the strength of faith varies across the sample and in any given individual from one time to another as well; we must continue to seek the answer, the solution.

Date Title Writer
04-Sep-2018 A Niche for the Study of Archaeoastronomy in Travancore Dr. V. Sankaran Nair
31-Aug-2000 A Sum of our Parts Rohini Ranjan
05-Oct-2000 Adhik Mas and the Blue Moon Jagdish C. Maheshri
09-Nov-2000 Astro-Treasures that have Survived through Time Rohini Ranjan
17-Aug-2000 Astrology for the Feeble Mind! Subrata Mukherjee
15-Jun-2000 Astronomical Identity of Saptha Rishi's, Dhurva & Arundhathi Dr. S. Balakrishna
16-Nov-2000 Beginnings of Journey On a Never-ending Path Rohini Ranjan
11-Mar-2010 Belief in God Vs Astrology Bhagwat K. Shah
27-Aug-2006 Can Signatures Affect your Destiny? Pt. Aaadietya Pandey
11-Mar-2010 Consciousness in a Horoscope Rohini Ranjan
01-Feb-2001 Cycle of Anniversaries Rohini Ranjan
20-Dec-2009 Dashas - A Primer Rohini Ranjan
20-Dec-2009 Dashas - A Primer 2 Rohini Ranjan
11-Apr-2010 Dashas - A Primer - 3 Rohini Ranjan
11-Apr-2010 Dashas - A Primer 4 Rohini Ranjan
23-Feb-2002 Dating Mahabharata - Two Eclipses in Thirteen Days Dr. S. Balakrishna
09-Mar-2008 Enigma or Confusion? Rohini Ranjan
17-Feb-2002 Fate or Free-Will The Ever Continuing Puzzle of Our Being! Rohini Ranjan
14-Sep-2000 For Beginners in Jyotish Rohini Ranjan
14-Sep-2000 For Beginners in Jyotish 2 Rohini Ranjan
16-Sep-2002 How Astrology Works Rohini Ranjan
24-Sep-2006 How to make Your Signature Lucky? Pt. Aaadietya Pandey
05-Mar-2006 Impact of Mars Shanker Adawal
29-Jun-2000 Is Jyotish incapable of reaching beyond events? Rohini Ranjan
16-Sep-2002 Jyotish and Scientific Method Rekha I Nambiar
01-Jun-2000 Jyotish: A Recipe for Easier Living Or a Wake-up Nudge for the Prepared Soul? Rohini Ranjan
10-Apr-2000 Jyotish: A Vedic Approach to Astrology Rohini Ranjan
27-Dec-2008 Kalapurusha and Human Karma Rohini Ranjan
16-May-2004 Maya in the Horoscope: The Glue That Keeps Us Earth Bound Rohini Ranjan
12-Mar-2006 Methodology and Effects of Mercury in Various Houses Shanker Adawal
25-Aug-2010 Micro Astrology: The Mysteries of Time and Event Saibal Ghosh
22-Aug-2004 Moon and its Nodes: Points of Confluence or Separation? Rohini Ranjan
11-Apr-2004 My two cents on Eastern &Western Astrology... Rohini Ranjan
07-May-2006 Myths in Jyotish: Injected and Sustained by Jyotishis Rohini Ranjan
22-Jan-2004 Nangol Houses of Travancore Dr. V. Sankaran Nair
16-Oct-2005 Palmistry in Action T. Stokes
02-Nov-2000 Personal Planets in Vedic Astrology Rohini Ranjan
15-Apr-2000 Pisces:The sign of Mystics Rohini Ranjan
25-Apr-2010 Reinventing the Indian (Hindu) Calendar Dr. Rajen Barua
29-Mar-2001 Remedies in Vedic Astrology Rohini Ranjan
08-May-2000 Research in Astrology: Pondering Upon Some Issues Rohini Ranjan
15-Jun-2000 Retrograde Planets: Another Perspective Rohini Ranjan
22-Dec-2000 Sade-Sati of Saturn Rohini Ranjan
21-Apr-2000 Saturn Blessings Rohini Ranjan
07-Apr-2002 Science and Astrology Ashish Khandekar
10-Apr-2000 Some Thoughts on Jyotish of Today Rohini Ranjan
21-Feb-2004 Taming the Malefic Saturn Tom Beal
16-Apr-2000 The 12th House in a Horoscope Rohini Ranjan
08-Jun-2000 The Astrological Signature of Alternative Energy-Healers Rohini Ranjan
02-Jan-2005 The Cosmological Insights of the Vedic Seers Subra Narayan
23-Mar-2003 The Horoscope of Mahatma Gandhi Dean Dominic DeLucia
07-Aug-2004 The Jyotish Journey Continues... Rohini Ranjan
12-Oct-2000 Tithi Jagdish C. Maheshri
23-Jan-2005 Traps in Jyotish Rohini Ranjan
19-Oct-2000 Tropical & Sidereal Zodiac Systems Jagdish C. Maheshri
06-Nov-2005 Varga Chakras (Kundalis) in Jyotish Classics? Rohini Ranjan
14-Mar-2021 Vimshopaka: Vargabala was not enough! Rohini Ranjan
13-Aug-2010 Visual Astrology – Introduction Saibal Ghosh
19-Mar-2006 Who will Pursue Medical Profession? Shanker Adawal
15-May-2000 Y- Chromosome's and 'Gothra' Dr. S. Balakrishna
