
Date Title Writer
27-Oct-2000 A New Beginning Ashwin Acharya
28-Jan-2024 A Robot to Redefine Home Management & Pet Care P. Mohan Chandran
30-Mar-2001 Actions Ankur Kamthe
02-Mar-2024 AI to the Rescue of Childless Couples Sujata C
24-Feb-2024 AI Will Always be a Slave Rather Than a Master Dr. Anil Rajvanshi
13-Jan-2024 AI: The Unstoppable Melody Reshaping the Global Stage P. Mohan Chandran
12-Mar-2006 All The Music, Half the Cables: Laptops as Stereo Sets Verena Wolff
31-Mar-2002 An Introduction to Computer Networking Deepak Chandrasekaran
30-Apr-2006 Are you Safe on Network? Ruchi Gupta
08-Mar-2001 Arrays Sachin Mehta
07-Feb-2002 Arrays and Overloading in Java Deepak Chandrasekaran
19-Mar-2001 Arrays Multi-Dimensional Sachin Mehta
18-Feb-2024 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare P. Mohan Chandran
28-Oct-2023 Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality P. Mohan Chandran
01-Jul-2007 Backing Up Your E-mail: Don't Make it Optional News
04-Jan-2001 Before you Install Red Hat Linux 6.1 Ashwin Acharya
18-Jun-2006 Bluetooth Ruchi Gupta
27-Oct-2000 C/C ++ Sachin Mehta
16-Jul-2006 Changing Technologies Ruchi Gupta
04-Jan-2000 Cluster Computers Subhajit Ghosh
23-Sep-2001 Common Misconceptions About Java Neeraj Mathur
13-Apr-2014 Computer Games Can Make a Child Attentive Sujata C
21-Apr-2002 Computer Network - Basics Deepak Chandrasekaran
21-Apr-2002 Conferencing Era Najma Khan
01-May-2001 Configuring X-Windows - 1 Ashwin Acharya
20-May-2001 Configuring X-Windows - 2 Ashwin Acharya
16-Jul-2007 Core Wars or the Journey from Single to Multi-core Processors News
14-Apr-2001 Creating Buttons Ankur Kamthe
21-May-2006 Data Backup to Avoid Disasters Ruchi Gupta
11-Jan-2001 Decision Making And Branching Sachin Mehta
01-Feb-2001 Decision Making and Branching (if statement) Sachin Mehta
08-Feb-2001 Decision Making And Looping Sachin Mehta
13-Aug-2010 Downloading the Rupee Symbol Priyanka Bhowmick
22-Aug-2020 Emerging Areas in Criminal Law P. Mohan Chandran
06-Aug-2006 Emerging Technologies for Parents Ruchi Gupta
12-Apr-2003 Environmental Impact of IT Subhajit Ghosh
12-Mar-2011 Face-lift? Try Facebook :) Nikhil Sharda
15-Feb-2001 Fills And Gradients Ankur Kamthe
11-May-2001 First Java Application Deepak Chandrasekaran
27-Oct-2000 Flash and Flaunt it !!! Ankur Kamthe
21-Dec-2000 Flash Interface Part 1 Ankur Kamthe
04-Jan-2001 Flash Interface Part 2 Ankur Kamthe
14-Nov-2000 Glossary of TCP/IP Terms Mayur Kamat
31-Jan-2008 Goodbye Netscape, and Thanks for All the Fish Soumya Sarkar
23-Apr-2006 GPS : Tension Free Driving Ruchi Gupta
11-Jan-2000 Hacking Mayur Kamat
30-Mar-2001 Handling of Character Strings Sachin Mehta
01-May-2001 Handling of Character Strings - 2 Sachin Mehta
23-Sep-2001 Handling of Functions Sachin Mehta
21-Dec-2000 Hard Disk Partitioning Ashwin Acharya
25-Jun-2012 Home Automation! Is it really moving from concept to execution? Kalakad Ganapathy
18-Nov-2001 Home Genie Sudeepa Nair
19-Jun-2007 Hot Tips for Keeping Your PC Cool in Summer News
20-Jul-2019 How a Software Tool Overcame the Whatsapp Restrictions in the 2019 Election? Dr. Pranab Bhandari
09-Jul-2017 How do We Feed Intelligence into a Machine? Subhajit Ghosh
11-Jun-2017 How is AI programming Different from Traditional Programming? Subhajit Ghosh
14-Feb-2008 How to Avoid E-mail Threats Jay Dougherty
22-Aug-2010 How to Make your Blog Look Stunning Priyanka Bhowmick
23-Aug-2010 How to Post your Blog on Twitter and Facebook Priyanka Bhowmick
12-Jan-2008 How to Tame Windows Vista News
08-Mar-2001 Important Terms & Terminologies Ashwin Acharya
30-Jul-2006 Increase your Computer's Heartbeat: Add RAM to it Ruchi Gupta
24-Nov-2002 Indian Railway Engineering Sudeepa Nair
16-Nov-2000 Indian Space Program Subhajit Ghosh
18-Jan-2001 Installing Red Hat Linux 6.1 - 1 Ashwin Acharya
25-Jan-2001 Installing Red Hat Linux 6.1 - 2 Ashwin Acharya
25-Jan-2001 Installing Red Hat Linux 6.1 - 3 Ashwin Acharya
08-Mar-2000 Internet Warfare Mayur Kamat
13-Aug-2006 Introduction to HTTP Cookies Ruchi Gupta
08-Mar-2001 Introduction to Layers Ankur Kamthe
06-Apr-2024 Invisible Strings P. Mohan Chandran
06-Jan-2024 Is Humanity Ready for AI that Feels More Human? P. Mohan Chandran
22-Jul-2001 IT : Indian Scenario and the Road Ahead Subhajit Ghosh
26-Oct-2000 IT and its usefulness to the Common Man Subhajit Ghosh
29-May-2014 I’ll Wear My Smartglasses Today Sujata C
10-Jun-2006 Java Virtual Machine Ruchi Gupta
09-Sep-2001 Java – Man, Not Again Neeraj Mathur
18-Mar-2001 JAVA: A Beginner's Guide Deepak Chandrasekaran
29-Jul-2001 Kak Worm - An Internet Virus Mayur Kamat
03-Sep-2002 Layer One of OSI ModelPhysical Layer Deepak Chandrasekaran
31-Mar-2001 Lilo Ashwin Acharya
01-Dec-2000 Linux – Let's Be Different Ashwin Acharya
03-Sep-2013 Man vs Machine – The Uneasy Link Sujata C
14-Dec-2000 Managing Input-Output Operations Sachin Mehta
28-Dec-2000 Managing Output Operations Sachin Mehta
13-May-2018 Meet Sophia: The First Walking Talking Machine Sujata C
29-Jul-2001 Melissa Mayur Kamat
03-May-2000 Molecular Computers Subhajit Ghosh
08-Feb-2001 Motion Guides Ankur Kamthe
14-Dec-2024 Navigating the Cyber Maze P. Mohan Chandran
31-Oct-2012 Nightmarish Frontier of Computer Hacking Ahead Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee
18-Jun-2007 Now Laptops with Flash Memory May Signal End of Hard Disk Drives News
22-Apr-2001 Objects and Classes Deepak Chandrasekaran
03-Dec-2007 Online Backups: Easier, Faster, Safer News
09-Apr-2001 Oops… I did it Again! Deepak Chandrasekaran
15-Apr-2001 Optical Interconnects – System on a Chip Saurabh Kumar
25-Aug-2002 OSI Model and TCP/IP Model Deepak Chandrasekaran
08-Mar-2025 Password Conundrum Bhupinder Singh
16-Apr-2007 Penguin at the Window: Linux as an Alternative to Vista News
20-Jul-2024 Popcorn Brain Sujata C
29-Jul-2000 Port Scanners Mayur Kamat
11-Feb-2024 Quantum Leaps & Microscopic Dances P. Mohan Chandran
19-Mar-2000 RATS Mayur Kamat
03-Dec-2007 Recovery Tools: Emergency Helpers for Data Crashes News
28-Nov-2000 Remote Admin Tools Mayur Kamat
12-Sep-2020 Research on Quantum Bits or Qubits Prof. Pratanu Banerjee
17-Apr-2008 Restarting your PC Jay Dougherty
17-Aug-2024 Riding The Cloud P. Mohan Chandran
14-May-2006 Robots in Human Life Ruchi Gupta
09-Apr-2006 Router: An Introduction Ruchi Gupta
27-Oct-2010 Safety Tip for Networking Socially - Free Advise Nikhil Sharda
17-Sep-2006 Search Engines Technology Behind Searching Ruchi Gupta
25-Jun-2006 Secure Socket Layer Online Data Security Ruchi Gupta
11-Nov-2000 Security: A Futile Endeavor! Mayur Kamat
28-May-2007 Should You Build Your Own PC? News
20-Aug-2006 Smart Wi-Fi Ruchi Gupta
09-Jul-2006 Software Testing Ruchi Gupta
29-Jul-2001 Statements & Expressions Deepak Chandrasekaran
20-May-2000 Subseven – Beware of this one! Mayur Kamat
14-Apr-2001 Symbols Ankur Kamthe
29-Jul-2001 Symptoms of Virus Infection Mayur Kamat
15-Jun-2000 Talking Computers Subhajit Ghosh
25-Jan-2000 TCP/IP – The Entire Net Runs On A Set of Rules Mayur Kamat
04-Mar-2018 Tech and Society - I Subhajit Ghosh
31-Dec-2006 Techies' Wish List for 2007 Jay Dougherty
02-Aug-2012 Technological Enhanced Knowledge Ananya S Guha
06-Mar-2008 Technologies that Don't Disappoint Jay Dougherty
15-Feb-2000 Telnet Mayur Kamat
29-Jul-2001 The Anatomy of A Computer Virus Mayur Kamat
23-Dec-2007 The Computer Helper: Mastering My Documents News
28-Jun-2007 The Computer Helper: Signs of Spyware News
15-Jul-2007 The Computer Helper: Taming Your Pesky PC News
05-Nov-2013 The Digital Industrial Age is Here Sujata C
09-Mar-2024 The Digital Mirage P. Mohan Chandran
15-Feb-2001 The DO Statement Sachin Mehta
14-Nov-2000 The Drawing Toolbar Ankur Kamthe
26-Jun-2024 The Future of Language Learning - How Online Platforms are Changing the Game GPS
15-Jul-2001 The Right Technology for India Sudeepa Nair
18-Jan-2000 The Steps for clicking e-Commerce Dwarika Prasad Uniyal
08-Jul-2011 The World at your Finger Tip: Bane or Boon? G Swaminathan
11-Nov-2013 The World in a Grain of Sand Sujata C
27-Oct-2000 The Worms of the Net Mayur Kamat
17-Apr-2008 There are Ways to Recover Damaged Data Jay Dougherty
13-Mar-2007 Tomorrow's Mobile Phone Will Act as Personal Computer Jean Baptiste Piggin
22-Apr-2000 Trojans: The Method of Infection Mayur Kamat
25-Jan-2001 Tweening Ankur Kamthe
30-Mar-2000 Type of RATS Mayur Kamat
13-Jul-2000 Underwater Photography Subhajit Ghosh
11-May-2001 User Defined Functions Sachin Mehta
09-Jun-2001 User Defined Functions ... continued Sachin Mehta
23-Sep-2001 Variable Type and Declarations Deepak Chandrasekaran
07-Feb-2002 Variables and Strings Deepak Chandrasekaran
02-Jul-2006 Version Control System Ruchi Gupta
21-May-2006 Virtualization Ruchi Gupta
24-Jul-2001 Virus Alert & Computer Security Rajender Krishan
29-Jul-2001 Viruses – Types and Examples Mayur Kamat
16-Apr-2006 VoIP Technology to Cut Phone Bills Ruchi Gupta
07-May-2006 VPN : An Introduction Ruchi Gupta
29-Jul-2001 W95.MTX Mayur Kamat
12-Jan-2003 What is Hacking? Anup Gaurav
04-Jun-2017 What is Intelligence? Subhajit Ghosh
21-Feb-2008 What You Must Do Before You Abandon Your PC Jay Dougherty
23-Sep-2008 What You Need to Know about Chrome News
17-Aug-2024 When Microsoft Systems Went into a Coma! Gollamudi Radha Krishna Murty
09-Apr-2007 Why does Windows get Slower Over Time? Jay Dougherty
03-Sep-2006 Wireless Technologies: Voice and Messaging Ruchi Gupta
14-Apr-2001 X-Windows Ashwin Acharya
09-Jun-2001 Your First Java Applet Deepak Chandrasekaran
