Education for Growth and Success
Date Title Writer
30-Jul-2017 A Brief History of Ancient Indian Mathematics Dr. Rajen Barua
06-Oct-2018 Aluminum: The Wonder Metal G.P. Verma
14-Mar-2020 An Adventure of An Old Language! T. A. Ramesh
14-Dec-2019 An Overview of Language Learner Strategies Prof. Annapoorni Balan
22-Mar-2014 Ancient Maps of India Timeline Venkat Ramanan
07-Sep-2013 Architecture, Planning and Manufacturing Ashish Nangia
20-May-2018 Are we in the Kali Yuga or in the Dvapara Yuga? Dr. Rajen Barua
10-Jun-2020 Attention, Attention! Cement Your CompTIA A+ GPS
14-Aug-2021 Basic Concepts in Research Methodology for Social Science Dr. Prince Udoyen
13-Oct-2018 Beryllium: From Emerald to Space Age Metal G.P. Verma
16-Mar-2019 Bijective Analysis of Physical Equations and Physical Models Amrit Sorli
19-Oct-2024 Blaise Pascal: Heart & Logic Dr. Alexis Karpouzos
11-Dec-2021 California, Indian Calculus and the Technology Race - 1 C. K. Raju
24-Dec-2021 California, Indian Calculus and the Technology Race - 2 C. K. Raju
27-May-2013 Catching Them young - To Learn by Doing Hema Ravi
04-Oct-2012 Classroom Tautology Ananya S Guha
02-Jan-2022 Co-existence Ansulika Paul
03-Sep-2017 Consciousness Studies and Quantum Mechannics Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
24-Aug-2019 Constraints of Centralization BS Murthy
05-Feb-2013 Creating More Classrooms Ananya S Guha
24-Mar-2013 Cryogenics Engineering Vikas Tripathi
16-Nov-2024 Decoding First Language Acquisition Renu Dhotre
07-Oct-2012 Distance Education Ananya S Guha
30-Dec-2023 Diverse Approaches to Technology in Education Renu Dhotre
19-Sep-2013 Do Boys Learn Better from Men? Sujata C
01-Oct-2013 Does Learning have an End? Sneh Bansal
05-Sep-2012 E-Learning: Alternating Between Work and Education Ananya S Guha
09-Apr-2013 E-Reading Effaces Text-Reading in the Classrooms Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee
23-Jul-2017 E=mc2 The Story Behind Einstein's Immortal Equation Dr. Rajen Barua
11-Jun-2013 Early Intervention to Help Overcome Learning Disabilities Hema Ravi
17-Aug-2012 Education For Whom, By Whom? Ananya S Guha
28-Jan-2023 Education in Bharat: Past, Present and Future! Dr. Padmapriya S
05-Apr-2014 Education: An Instrument to Empower Women and Inclusive Growth Bhavesh Jha
23-Mar-2019 Effective Oratory Ramendra Kumar
09-Nov-2019 Email Etiquette Dr. Anjana Maitra
09-Feb-2019 Enhance Your Brain Power Dr. Anjana Maitra
30-Mar-2019 Euclidean-Planck Metrics of Space, Particle Physics and Cosmology Amrit Sorli
01-Apr-2018 Five Great and Simple Ways to Improve Your Education Dr. Lily Turner
07-Sep-2013 Flowers and Fragrance Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.
14-Oct-2018 For Cutting Edge Competence in Maths Go Back to the Vedas Madhusree Chatterjee
11-Jan-2025 Gas Cylinder Safety Shailendra Chainani
15-Dec-2018 H.G. Wells : The Sci-fi Pioneer Swapna Dutta
23-Sep-2018 Hand Multiplication N. S. Murty
17-Nov-2018 Hand Multiplication - 2 N. S. Murty
10-Mar-2019 Higgs Mechanism Demolition Amrit Sorli
25-Jan-2014 Higher the Education, Lesser the EQ Sujata C
30-Mar-2019 History of Homo Sapiens Ganganand Jha
01-Jun-2024 How Long Does it take to Learn Music? Deepika Tiwari
19-Sep-2024 How to Balance Work and Study While Earning Your Ohio Real Estate License Online GPS
04-Sep-2019 How to Stay on Track with a To-Do List in College GPS
14-Mar-2020 How to Submit Dissertations Bijay Kant Dubey
22-Mar-2014 How to Write a Research Paper? Dr. Sachin Khot
30-Apr-2017 How to Write Research Papers for High Impact Journals? Subhajit Ghosh
18-Jan-2013 I Shall be Damned! Ananya S Guha
22-Aug-2024 Impact of AI on Engineering Education in India Subhajit Ghosh
15-Mar-2025 Implications for English Language Learning Renu Dhotre
17-Apr-2021 Indian Education in Teaching Shop Dr. Harasankar Adhikari
22-Mar-2010 Indian Education System – An Introspection P. Mohan Chandran
08-Feb-2020 Intellectuality and Education Prof. Annapoorni Balan
02-Mar-2019 Introduction to Bijective Physics Amrit Sorli
24-Nov-2018 Iron: A Metal without which Man Cannot Exist G.P. Verma
29-Jan-2022 Kautilya's Arthashashtra and its Relevance Today Dr. Satish Bendigiri
28-Oct-2023 Leadership in Higher Education Conference Prof. Shubha Tiwari
24-Jan-2016 Life and Environment Ganganand Jha
03-Sep-2013 Literary Translation: A Need for Rapid Educational Activity Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.
01-Jan-2020 Lord Krishna's Message for 2020 Ed Viswanathan
12-Nov-2022 Man Could Change the Trajectory of a Cosmic body but ... Gollamudi Radha Krishna Murty
02-Feb-2019 Marie Curie: She Lived for Science Swapna Dutta
15-Sep-2018 Mathematics Made Easy N. S. Murty
05-Dec-2020 Media Career: A Journalist Speaks Satya Chaitanya
01-Jun-2021 Meet Smart Goals Every Student Has to Set in College GPS
19-May-2013 Moral Education is the Perfect Way to Improve Society Kunal Arora
19-Aug-2023 Navigating Challenges with Kolb's Learning and Kadavy's Mind Management Renu Dhotre
07-Sep-2024 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation Shalini Vohra
12-Jan-2019 Newtonian Mechanics G.P. Verma
30-Jul-2013 Nipped in Bud – Crisis in Children’s Education Dr. Anil Rajvanshi
03-Nov-2018 Nipping the Mathematical Talent in the Bud N. S. Murty
26-Oct-2014 Notes (with sampler) on Literary Translation Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.
04-Sep-2013 On Teachers’ Day Prof. Shubha Tiwari
20-Oct-2013 On the Real and Unreal Existence of Time Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
08-Jun-2024 One and the Multiple: Philosophy of Mathematics Dr. Alexis Karpouzos
03-Aug-2016 Parrot Talk - Is it Learning? Hema Ravi
18-Sep-2012 Peace Education Ananya S Guha
09-Apr-2013 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 1 Dr. Raj Vatsya
03-Aug-2014 Perceptions of physical reality - 10 Dr. Raj Vatsya
08-Sep-2013 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 2 Dr. Raj Vatsya
05-Oct-2013 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 3 Dr. Raj Vatsya
21-Oct-2013 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 4 Dr. Raj Vatsya
04-Nov-2013 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 5 Dr. Raj Vatsya
04-May-2014 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 6 Dr. Raj Vatsya
08-Jun-2014 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 7 Dr. Raj Vatsya
29-Jun-2014 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 8 Dr. Raj Vatsya
13-Jul-2014 Perceptions of Physical Reality - 9 Dr. Raj Vatsya
08-Jun-2019 Public Speaking: Conquering Stage Fright Dr. Anjana Maitra
13-Nov-2012 Re-thinking Indian English Criticism Prof. Jaydeep Sarangi
07-Dec-2024 Reimagining Education P. Mohan Chandran
17-Aug-2019 Reinvigorating Individual Managerial Environment (RIME) BS Murthy
20-Apr-2019 Respect the Text G Swaminathan
18-Jul-2012 Right Education . . . Ananya S Guha
24-Jul-2022 Rivers Which Contributed the Vedic Nomenclatures of Gold Dr. Ashok Grover
15-Jul-2018 Science and India Dr. Neria H. Hebbar
14-Dec-2019 Science Awareness: Needs and Prospects Tamorika Mohapatra
28-Jan-2023 Scientific Temper or Colonial Temper -1? C. K. Raju
04-Feb-2023 Scientific Temper or Colonial Temper -2? C. K. Raju
11-Feb-2023 Scientific Temper or Colonial Temper -3? C. K. Raju
13-Oct-2013 Second Green Revolution through Precision Agriculture Dr. Anil Rajvanshi
14-Jan-2019 Silver : The Champion Metal of a Noble Origin G.P. Verma
27-Jan-2019 Stephen Hawking - The Brilliant Physicist G.P. Verma
29-May-2016 Study and Leisure Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
26-Oct-2012 Sustainable Education . . . Ananya S Guha
26-Dec-2020 Sweet Sorghum Syrup R&D in India Dr. Anil Rajvanshi
05-Oct-2012 Teaching - The Neglected Sector . . . Ananya S Guha
16-Sep-2007 Teaching and Learning Manisha Parekh
04-Oct-2012 Teaching and Learning – Reflections Ananya S Guha
09-May-2022 Teaching Generates Future Icons Dr. Noor Fathima
22-Aug-2012 Technology and Learner Centric Education Ananya S Guha
03-Aug-2024 Ten Points to Top the CBSE Tenth Board Exams Dr. Padmapriya S
05-Sep-2013 The Aim of Education Dr. Kavita Sharma
30-Oct-2012 The 100 Greatest Books Anonymousfor JoshuaMessiah
02-Sep-2013 The Case for a Multi-Cultural Architect(s)ure Ashish Nangia
07-Sep-2019 The Colour of Glass Fatima Chowdhury
09-Nov-2013 The Definition and Cultivation of Scientific Temper Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
19-Aug-2013 The Indian Style of Recording History Rati Hegde
02-Feb-2019 The Inventor with the Impediment G.P. Verma
09-Feb-2019 The King of Metals and the Metal of Kings: Gold G.P. Verma
20-Jul-2019 The Led 'n the Leader BS Murthy
01-Dec-2018 The Magic of Pencil Seshu Chamarty
11-Jun-2020 The Most Strategic Path to Become an Enterprise Administrator Expert ... GPS
11-Mar-2018 The Possibility of Developing an Oldest Language! T. A. Ramesh
07-Sep-2024 The Road Less Taken ... Nethra Sailesh
30-Dec-2023 The Symbiotic Dance of AI and English Language Teaching Renu Dhotre
09-Jul-2022 The Tiger of Mysore - The Distorted History Dr. Satish Bendigiri
14-Feb-2020 The Universe is Physically Interconnected Prof. Bill Gaede
09-Nov-2013 Time and Relativity: The Mathematical Constructions Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
21-Jun-2014 Time, Space, Energy, Mind and Consciousnses Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
02-Jul-2019 Top 5 Agile Certifications You Can Earn with ExamSnap GPS
07-Feb-2013 UGC Golmaal Bhavesh Jha
20-Sep-2024 Unwinding the Knots: Natural Ways to Combat Student Exam and Essay Anxiety Lydia Havens
14-Nov-2020 Vinculum Continued N. S. Murty
20-Oct-2018 Vinculum, An Unexplored Tool N. S. Murty
09-Oct-2012 Volunteering and Education. Ananya S Guha
15-May-2021 What is Schrodinger Smiley? Manish Khanna
05-Jun-2021 What is space? Is it Made of Smaller Units? Manish Khanna
27-Aug-2012 Where is The Teacher? Ananya S Guha
