23-Jun-2007 |
A Brutal Act!
Naira Yaqoob |
08-Mar-2025 |
A Case for Justice |
P. Mohan Chandran |
15-Oct-2017 |
A Case for Large Countries |
Sanjay Chowdhary |
12-May-2007 |
A Clever Mind v Wisdom |
Michael Levy |
01-Apr-2012 |
A Comparison of Two Nobel Lectures |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
22-May-2021 |
A Connection |
Neeraj Kumar |
16-Apr-2006 |
A Humble Indian's
Grand Vision for India
Aruni Mukherjee |
14-Apr-2007 |
A Lesson from China
Dr. William R. Stimson |
17-Aug-2008 |
A Life and Death Situation |
Namita Kohli |
08-May-2005 |
A Long Life |
Michael Levy |
04-Dec-2004 |
A Moment of Celebration of Truth |
Sanjay Thakur |
20-Aug-2006 |
A Parable on Proactivity
P. G. R. Nair |
11-Feb-2024 |
A Persian Saying |
Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
11-Sep-2005 |
A Preamble to Beauty |
Rohini S. Murthy |
18-May-2019 |
A Profound Question & a Blithe Answer! |
G Swaminathan |
04-Sep-2012 |
A scientific and Brahmajnaana view of the Physical and Psychological Times |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
31-Jan-2012 |
A Scientific Perspective of the Upanishads! |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
21-Oct-2023 |
A Symphony of Selflessness |
P. Mohan Chandran |
09-Jul-2006 |
A Tragic Tale of Self Betrayal
Michael Levy |
27-Mar-2005 |
A Travesty
Played Out in Ignorance |
Michael Levy |
21-Sep-2011 |
Abolition of Capital Punishment: Objectification of Subjectivity |
BS Murthy |
30-Apr-2012 |
Abstraction in Identity |
R. D. Ashby |
27-Nov-2005 |
Accessing Freedom
Robert L. Sungte |
02-Jul-2006 |
Achievement of Liberation
T. A. Ramesh |
12-Jul-2012 |
Actuality from Potentiality |
R. D. Ashby |
04-Oct-2011 |
Addendum to Evolution: Origins of the World |
BS Murthy |
01-Dec-2012 |
Advent of Dharma |
BS Murthy |
16-May-2012 |
Affection for Life |
R. D. Ashby |
07-Jan-2012 |
Ambedkar and the Bhagwat Gita |
Nalini Pandit |
15-Jan-2005 |
America: A Land of Opportunities
Arya Bhushan |
27-Feb-2010 |
An Idea for India
Anand Rishi |
09-Feb-2013 |
Anatomy of Islam |
BS Murthy |
21-Sep-2019 |
And God Created Man |
R. D. Ashby |
05-Jan-2013 |
Angels of War |
BS Murthy |
16-Jan-2005 |
Animal Magnetism |
Michael Levy |
14-Mar-2013 |
Ant Grows Wings |
BS Murthy |
26-Dec-2004 |
Applause, Applause |
Michael Levy |
01-Aug-2021 |
Appropriation of the Rainbow Colours |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
12-Nov-2006 |
Are We Really Civilized |
T. A. Ramesh |
12-Nov-2021 |
Art and Science of Happiness |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
27-May-2023 |
Aryavarta: Chanakya's Blueprint for a Strong Nation |
Renu Dhotre |
29-Jan-2003 |
As High As A Kite
Michael Levy |
12-Dec-2012 |
Ascent to Descent |
BS Murthy |
05-Feb-2022 |
Atmanibhar Bharat ... |
Dr. Harasankar Adhikari |
29-May-2021 |
Authority: Can be Demanded or Earned |
Dr. Anupama Jha |
17-Mar-2013 |
Autobiographies by Women |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
12-Feb-2006 |
Awaken the Giant Within
Rajgopal Nidamboor |
08-Apr-2007 |
Banking KPIs
J. Ajithkumar |
30-Mar-2014 |
Be Anchored in Now |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
25-Mar-2007 |
Be Careful of What You Wish or Utter
Arya Bhushan |
20-Jun-2020 |
Becoming One World: A Dream Only or Reality? |
T. A. Ramesh |
10-Dec-2023 |
Bee-Ing Human: Lessons We Can Draw from the Honeybees |
P. Mohan Chandran |
19-Nov-2022 |
Better Time Management for Happiness and Success |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
24-Oct-2012 |
Bhagavad Gita and Leadership: Anasakti Yoga |
Satya Chaitanya |
08-Aug-2020 |
Birth and Death are Natural Process in Life! |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Jan-2009 |
Blind Faith |
Michael Levy |
04-Oct-2009 |
Blinding Books
J. Ajithkumar |
31-Jan-2013 |
Blinkers of Belief |
BS Murthy |
02-Apr-2017 |
Bridging of Eastern and Western Thought is in Right Understanding of Time
Amrit Sorli |
12-Jul-2009 |
Buddha in the Business World |
Satya Chaitanya |
21-Aug-2016 |
Build Bridges, Not Fences |
Suresh Kalathil |
14-Dec-2019 |
Caging Birds in the Name of Love |
Satya Chaitanya |
12-Nov-2023 |
Can Ganga Truly Cleanse Our Sins? |
Bibek Sinha |
17-Oct-2020 |
Can Human Existence Be Possible Sans Friendship and Love in Life? - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
24-Oct-2020 |
Can Human Existence Be Possible Sans Friendship and Love in Life? - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
31-Oct-2020 |
Can Human Existence Be Possible Sans Friendship and Love in Life? - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
07-Nov-2020 |
Can Human Existence Be Possible Sans Friendship and Love in Life? - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
14-Nov-2020 |
Can Human Existence Be Possible Sans Friendship and Love in Life? - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
21-Nov-2020 |
Can Human Existence Be Possible Sans Friendship and Love in Life? - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
15-Oct-2017 |
Can India Teach the World a New Way of Thinking? |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
30-Jul-2006 |
Can International Culture be Developed by Friendship? |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Dec-2008 |
Can Mumbai Mayhem Show Us the Way? |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
15-Oct-2006 |
Can Sexual Harassment
be Curtailed? |
T. A. Ramesh |
04-Feb-2011 |
Can Thought Lead Us to the Universal Truth? |
Mandar Karanjkar |
30-Nov-2024 |
Can we Reduce the Fear and Pain of Death? |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
06-Sep-2011 |
Capital Punishment: Doctrine of Torture and Kill |
BS Murthy |
28-Feb-2008 |
Challenge Before the Muslims |
Vinod Jain |
22-Oct-2006 |
Changing Scenarios…
Women’s Lib to Men’s Lib!
Naira Yaqoob |
11-Feb-2023 |
Chemicals: Friends or Foes? |
G Swaminathan |
29-May-2021 |
Civilization of Unity in Diversity promotes Friendship for One Modern World! 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
12-Jun-2021 |
Civilization of Unity in Diversity promotes Friendship for One Modern World! 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
26-Jun-2021 |
Civilization of Unity in Diversity promotes Friendship for One Modern World! 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
10-Jul-2021 |
Civilization of Unity in Diversity promotes Friendship for One Modern World! 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
24-Jul-2021 |
Civilization of Unity in Diversity Promotes Friendship for One Modern World! 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
07-Aug-2021 |
Civilization of Unity in Diversity Promotes Friendship for One Modern World! 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Nov-2000 |
Close Encounters
of the Third Kind
Maalok |
27-Jan-2008 |
Clowns on Parade |
Michael Levy |
20-Dec-2012 |
Coming of the Christ |
BS Murthy |
25-Sep-2010 |
Common Wealth Games Committee - Only for the Commonly Wealthy |
Nikhil Sharda |
16-May-2004 |
Compartments of the Mind |
Michael Levy |
17-Oct-2004 |
Concentration and Meditation |
Vishwa Mohan Tiwari, AVM (Retd) |
25-Oct-1999 |
Concepts & Relationships |
Mary E. Borra |
20-Sep-2012 |
Constitutional Amnesia |
BS Murthy |
05-Apr-2012 |
Contextual Act as Rightness Realisation |
R. D. Ashby |
01-Apr-2020 |
Contextual Rightness Realisation vs Natural Selection |
R. D. Ashby |
02-May-2020 |
Corona Virus: Harbinger of Loneliness or Aloneness |
Bhupinder Singh |
12-Sep-2009 |
Corrupt Perspective, Thinking, Feelings and Actions |
Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar |
30-May-2020 |
Covid-19 Dawn of Repentance |
R. D. Ashby |
29-Aug-2013 |
Creativity and Innovation |
Mandar Karanjkar |
10-May-2012 |
Cultivating Creativity |
P. G. R. Nair |
30-Sep-2012 |
Cultivating Creativity |
Mandar Karanjkar |
10-Feb-2007 |
Culture and Change
Naira Yaqoob |
02-Jan-2013 |
Czar of Medina |
BS Murthy |
22-Feb-2009 |
Daily Battle against Chaos:
Why Order is so Important |
Satya Chaitanya |
22-Feb-2009 |
Dara Shikoh and the Upanishads
Satya Chaitanya |
04-Nov-2007 |
Dawn of De-Evolution |
J. Ajithkumar |
06-Feb-2005 |
Dead Cert |
Michael Levy |
28-Oct-2010 |
Death View Determines Quality of Life |
Flawsome A |
26-Jun-2005 |
Death, Karma and Reincarnation |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
17-Feb-2007 |
Death: A Reality of Life
Naira Yaqoob |
17-Aug-2012 |
Deciphering the Inter-Dimensional Plain of Social Existence |
Omar Alansari-Kreger |
15-Jun-2024 |
Decoding The Sky |
P. Mohan Chandran |
20-Jan-2012 |
Deconstruction: The Double Edged Weapon |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
01-Apr-2011 |
Defining Relationship of Media and Indian Mindset |
Sonali Dhanker |
25-Mar-2013 |
Delusions of Grandeur |
BS Murthy |
15-Sep-2012 |
Deming’s Funnel Experiment and its Application in Relationships |
Nikhlesh Mathur |
19-Feb-2011 |
Demystifying the 2 G Scam for Children! |
Col. Gopal Karunakaran |
18-Jun-2000 |
Destiny and Hard Work
P. Mohan Chandran |
07-Aug-2004 |
Detached Relationships |
Shernaz Wadia |
25-Jun-2006 |
Dharma and the Modern World
T. A. Ramesh |
21-Mar-2004 |
Dialogue Among Civilizations |
Dr. Madan G. Gandhi |
21-Mar-2004 |
Dialogue Among Civilizations 2 |
Dr. Madan G. Gandhi |
21-Mar-2004 |
Dialogue Among Civilizations 3 |
Dr. Madan G. Gandhi |
07-Aug-2005 |
Did You Make the Rich List |
Michael Levy |
28-May-2006 |
Dilemma of
India's Distant Education System
Dr. Prasenjit Maiti |
14-Feb-2007 |
Dimensions of Creativity |
V. Sundaram |
10-Oct-2020 |
Divi Surya Sahasrasya |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
28-May-2006 |
Do We Have Liberty? |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Oct-2004 |
Do we have the courage to be kind?
Shernaz Wadia |
27-Dec-2012 |
Do What You Want Done! |
Mehak Arora |
19-Nov-2006 |
Does Advanced Knowledge give Power to Solve Human Problems? |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Apr-2007 |
Does Crime Imitate Art? The Pathology of a Campus Massacre |
Mayank Chhaya |
24-Sep-2006 |
Does Human Culture Matter
in the Modern World?
T. A. Ramesh |
27-Dec-2009 |
Does Our Curiosity Drive Us
Toward Education Any Longer? |
Pramod Khilery |
15-Sep-2018 |
Don't Chase Your Dream |
Shernaz Wadia |
24-Feb-2013 |
Double Jeopardy |
BS Murthy |
02-Aug-2009 |
Doubting Narens
Janine Daniel |
27-Jun-2020 |
Dreaming in Black and White |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
18-Jun-2006 |
Dreams, Ideas and Realities
T. A. Ramesh |
31-Oct-2004 |
Dutiful Life |
J. Ajithkumar |
18-Dec-2005 |
Duty : To Do or Not to Do? |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Mar-2008 |
DWELL Philosophy |
J. Ajithkumar |
08-Jun-2024 |
Echoes of The Wild |
P. Mohan Chandran |
17-Jun-2007 |
Educating the Literate Generation |
Anjali Anand Seth |
24-Mar-2009 |
Education and the Emperor's Golden Bed |
Satya Chaitanya |
27-Aug-2006 |
Education for Character Building |
Dr. Pradip Bhattacharya |
06-Aug-2006 |
Education for Development |
T. A. Ramesh |
14-Apr-2007 |
Education: A Continuing Process
T. A. Ramesh |
05-Mar-2016 |
Education: How Should it Be? |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-Nov-2009 |
Eliminating Stress by the Natural Process of Evolving Creation
Michael Levy |
05-Jan-2020 |
Emotions Management: A Brilliant Example for Executives from Valmiki Ramayana |
Satya Chaitanya |
10-Apr-2012 |
Entertainment and Enlightenment |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
21-Aug-2021 |
Establishing Lost Paradise Again! - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
04-Sep-2021 |
Establishing Lost Paradise Again! - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Sep-2021 |
Establishing Lost Paradise Again! - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Oct-2021 |
Establishing Lost Paradise Again! - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
16-Oct-2021 |
Establishing Lost Paradise Again! - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-Oct-2021 |
Establishing Lost Paradise Again! - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Jan-2009 |
Eternity is Now : The Theory of Atemporality |
Amrit Sorli |
02-Jan-2021 |
Ethics in Public Sector |
Kavita Jha |
27-Feb-2005 |
Everyone is a Leader of Everyone |
Lalremlien Neitham |
07-Jan-2007 |
Expired Ethics |
J. Ajithkumar |
17-Sep-2022 |
Exploring Life Stages |
Bhupinder Singh |
21-Mar-2011 |
Expressing Love & Care |
G Swaminathan |
27-Sep-2012 |
Facing the Unfair World |
S. C. Arora |
31-Oct-2011 |
Falsity of Fame |
BS Murthy |
18-Jun-2006 |
Fate and Destiny
J. Ajithkumar |
03-May-2000 |
Fear |
Trupti Derashri |
20-May-2023 |
Fear of Intelligence |
K Govindan Kutty |
16-Feb-2013 |
Fight for the Souls |
BS Murthy |
17-Mar-2007 |
Finding The Easy
Dr. William R. Stimson |
20-Jan-2007 |
First Quadrant |
J. Ajithkumar |
26-Aug-2023 |
Focused Thought as a Key to Happiness |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
03-Dec-2006 |
Food For Thought |
Attreyee Roy Chowdhury |
06-Jul-2011 |
Food For Thought |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
27-Mar-2005 |
Food For Thought |
Michael Levy |
06-Jun-2020 |
For Your Happiness |
Kamal (Kam) Joshi |
04-Aug-2007 |
Free Will, Evolution and Chaos Theory
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
02-Apr-2006 |
Freedom |
Naira Yaqoob |
18-Jan-2000 |
Friends |
Venkatesh Krishnan |
13-Aug-2006 |
Friendship and Culture
for World Unity |
T. A. Ramesh |
22-Feb-2004 |
Friendship Thoughts |
J. Ajithkumar |
30-Jun-2024 |
From Prosperity to Generosity |
P. Mohan Chandran |
21-Apr-2012 |
From Slumdog to Maddog |
Raam Gokhale |
11-Jul-2004 |
From Space-Time to a Temporal Physical Space |
Amrit Sorli |
12-Aug-2023 |
Gahe Taba Jaya Gatha ... |
Gollamudi Radha Krishna Murty |
01-Oct-2011 |
Gandhi on Corruption |
Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
01-Feb-2009 |
Gandhi, Grothendieck and the Gita |
Vivek Iyer |
22-Oct-2022 |
Genesis of Fear and How to Reduce it |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
27-May-2012 |
Global Awareness |
Bhavna Mathur |
05-Nov-2006 |
Global Problems: India and the World |
Rajesh Talwar |
24-Jul-2020 |
Global Recession is Almost Here - 7 Things You Must Do Right Now!!! |
Alka Pandey |
30-Dec-2007 |
Global Warming & Religious Conversion |
J. Ajithkumar |
26-Aug-2007 |
God and Religion: The Dividing Bar to Humanity |
Dhanjit Kumar Choudhury |
21-Apr-2013 |
God Religion and Rites |
Aju Mukhopadhyay |
06-Dec-2012 |
God's Quid Pro Quo |
BS Murthy |
04-Dec-2005 |
God's Sorry,
He Has Made a Few Mistakes
and Will Make Amends Soon
Michael Levy |
24-Sep-2010 |
Gold: No Wonder, it Glitters! |
Kamal (Kam) Joshi |
05-Aug-2023 |
Gospel of Betrayal |
K Govindan Kutty |
05-Feb-2006 |
Gratitude |
Sugandha Indulkar |
13-Jan-2008 |
Greatness of Gorbachevs |
J. Ajithkumar |
06-Nov-2005 |
Greed Makes For
Strange Trading Bedfellows
Michael Levy |
11-Dec-2004 |
Groundnut and Almonds |
Jiten Jain |
31-Aug-2000 |
Happiness |
Ramendra Kumar |
07-Jun-2015 |
Happiness and Joy - I |
Ganganand Jha |
14-Jun-2015 |
Happiness and Joy - II |
Ganganand Jha |
13-Jan-2024 |
Happiness of Us Alone |
G Swaminathan |
06-Aug-2016 |
Hard Work Leads to Burn Out ... |
Hema Ravi |
23-Feb-2012 |
Has Man Overcome Fear? |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Aug-2022 |
Her Anklets, My Savoir |
Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
08-Feb-2007 |
Her Story through Photographs
Yamini Ayyagari |
15-Jan-2017 |
Heroes and Heroines of Democracy! |
T. A. Ramesh |
07-Feb-2010 |
Historiphobic Indians |
J. Ajithkumar |
02-Mar-2008 |
Holding On To Illusions |
Michael Levy |
17-Jun-2023 |
Honesty: A Virtue Betrayed |
P. Mohan Chandran |
09-Jul-2022 |
Hope is the Spark of Life! |
Gollamudi Radha Krishna Murty |
26-Nov-2006 |
Hope: The Flame in our Heart |
P. G. R. Nair |
04-Dec-2011 |
How Good is the Indian Muse? |
BS Murthy |
06-Aug-2006 |
How Many Indians?
Naghma Masroor |
01-Dec-2018 |
How Poor Are We? |
Dr. Chetan Chopra |
25-Mar-2023 |
How Pure is the Purest? |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
02-Jul-2006 |
How Rejection Becomes
a Writers Tonic
Michael Levy |
19-May-2007 |
How to Change the Status of the World |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Feb-2007 |
How to Move a Tree
Dr. William R. Stimson |
02-Apr-2006 |
How to Overcome Failure? |
Sugandha Indulkar |
27-Feb-2016 |
How to Unite All Nations to Function as One World? |
T. A. Ramesh |
21-Aug-2021 |
How Understanding the UFO Phenomenon Can Help Us |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
15-Mar-2002 |
Human Cloning and
Ethical Considerations |
Dr. C.S. Shah |
29-Mar-2011 |
Human Excellence |
Dr. Gopal Singh |
29-Jul-2023 |
Human Existence - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Aug-2023 |
Human Existence - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
12-Aug-2023 |
Human Existence - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Aug-2023 |
Human Existence - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
26-Aug-2023 |
Human Existence - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Sep-2023 |
Human Existence - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
29-Feb-2020 |
Human Fanaticism |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
06-Mar-2021 |
Human Life in the Modern World! - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Mar-2021 |
Human Life in the Modern World! - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Apr-2021 |
Human Life in the Modern World! - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
17-Apr-2021 |
Human Life in the Modern World! - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-May-2021 |
Human Life in the Modern World! - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
15-May-2021 |
Human Life in the Modern World! - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-Apr-2006 |
Human Limitations: Is it possible to overcome them ? |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Jul-2020 |
Human Love Known and Unknown Ever! |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Aug-2006 |
Human Power: A Divine Gift |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-May-2010 |
Human Rights for Natural Justice |
Fatima Chowdhury |
22-Jan-2006 |
J. Ajithkumar |
06-Feb-2005 |
I Saw A Flower Flame |
Dr. William R. Stimson |
25-Oct-1999 |
I Think In Layers
Mary E. Borra |
04-Aug-2007 |
Ideals and Achievements |
T. A. Ramesh |
17-Sep-2012 |
Identity as the Basis of Existing Things |
R. D. Ashby |
14-Jun-2001 |
If Life Gives You a Lemon,
Know then How to Make a Lemonade |
Meenakshi Madhur |
10-Aug-2019 |
Image of the Writer |
G Swaminathan |
29-Oct-2023 |
Imagining 2047 |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
03-Dec-2006 |
Impact of Globalization
on Indian Culture
V. Sundaram |
22-Dec-2024 |
Impact of Social Media on Society and Learning |
Lakma Kumari Marrypelly |
12-Mar-2013 |
Important Autobiographies of Modern India |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
14-Jul-2002 |
In Search of Life Purpose |
Amit Bhatt |
29-Jan-2006 |
In Search of Self
Naira Yaqoob |
25-Nov-2023 |
In the Crosshairs of Success |
P. Mohan Chandran |
03-Sep-2006 |
India @ 60 – A Reflection |
Rajesh Ramasubramanian |
21-Feb-2013 |
India in Coma |
BS Murthy |
14-Jan-2020 |
India of My Dreams |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
06-Oct-2024 |
India's Vision for a New Global Order |
P. Mohan Chandran |
22-Jun-2019 |
Indian Constitution - A Vacuity in Verbiage |
BS Murthy |
29-Jan-2006 |
Indian Youth in Search of Icons
Dr. Prema Nandakumar |
18-Sep-2005 |
Inside the Chinese Mind
The Dream of a Woman in Taiwan |
Dr. William R. Stimson |
17-Jul-2010 |
Inspired Living |
S. C. Arora |
05-Nov-2006 |
Integration of the Blind
in the era of Globalization |
Arun Arjun Kurkute |
11-Jul-2020 |
Intellectual and Emotional Intelligence |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
03-Feb-2008 |
Intellectual Apathy: The Cause of Social Ills |
Ramendra Kumar |
03-Apr-2005 |
Intellectual Sound Reasoning
-v- Authentic Intangible Meaning |
Michael Levy |
05-Nov-2022 |
Intelligence and Perverted Intelligence |
G Swaminathan |
12-Oct-2024 |
Intention Vs Outcome |
P. Mohan Chandran |
02-Jun-2007 |
Invited Odium |
J. Ajithkumar |
19-Sep-2004 |
Is Destiny a Matter of Choice or A Matter of Chance? |
Vishwa Mohan Tiwari, AVM (Retd) |
05-Sep-2020 |
Is Dream of Love Life Possible in the World? |
T. A. Ramesh |
12-Sep-2020 |
Is Dream of Love Life Possible in the World?-2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Sep-2020 |
Is Dream of Love Life Possible in the World?-3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
26-Sep-2020 |
Is Dream of Love Life Possible in the World?-4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Oct-2020 |
Is Dream of Love Life Possible in the World?-5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
10-Oct-2020 |
Is Dream of Love Life Possible in the World?-6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
27-Mar-2016 |
Is Fear the Key Ever? |
T. A. Ramesh |
08-Oct-2006 |
Is Hero Worship still there?
T. A. Ramesh |
13-Mar-2016 |
Is Human Life a Mystery or What? |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Nov-2006 |
Is Life an Illusion? |
Arya Bhushan |
07-Aug-2022 |
Is Life Fair to All? |
G Swaminathan |
05-May-2007 |
Is Money Powerful than God?
P. Mohan Chandran |
02-Feb-2012 |
Is Science a Boon or Bane? |
T. A. Ramesh |
10-Sep-2006 |
Is the Cultural Thread
keeping India Intact? |
T. A. Ramesh |
22-Feb-2009 |
Is the Male Gray Matter Muscular Too?
Soma Guru |
16-Apr-2006 |
Is there an Alternative
for the Wars of the World? |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Sep-2006 |
It's a Dog Life*
Michael Levy |
29-Sep-2013 |
It's not about “Rape” |
Alka Pandey |
21-Nov-2020 |
It's Not What You Serve, but How You Serve is What Counts! |
Gollamudi Radha Krishna Murty |
31-May-2020 |
Italian Interregnum |
BS Murthy |
12-Nov-2011 |
J. K. Rowling and Matters Of Faith |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
08-Jul-2001 |
Maalok |
22-Feb-2001 |
Just Do It! |
Meenakshi Madhur |
11-Oct-2009 |
Justice and Just Society |
Pramod Khilery |
25-Jun-2006 |
Justice Denied
Naira Yaqoob |
16-Apr-2013 |
Kinds of Padaarthavaada of Indian philosophical systems |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
25-Jan-2009 |
Krishna and Leadership: A Leader Instills Confidence |
Satya Chaitanya |
27-Feb-2010 |
Landless Indians |
J. Ajithkumar |
04-May-2008 |
Leadership and Integrity:
A Lesson from Kathasaritsagar |
Satya Chaitanya |
08-Jun-2008 |
Leadership and Integrity: A Lesson from the Mahabharata |
Satya Chaitanya |
18-May-2024 |
Leadership Through Questioning |
P. Mohan Chandran |
15-Mar-2009 |
Leadership, Ramayana and the Russian Revolution |
Satya Chaitanya |
23-Dec-2007 |
Learning by Un-learning |
Naira Yaqoob |
12-Mar-2011 |
Learning like Bruce |
Shraddha Vinod |
02-May-2004 |
Learning Times |
J. Ajithkumar |
23-Dec-2012 |
Legacy of Prophecy |
BS Murthy |
10-Oct-2013 |
Legislators – The Need for Experience and an Understanding of Success |
Mark T. Jones |
06-Jan-2008 |
Lend Me Your Ears
Avni Mathur |
05-Jan-2005 |
Less Possessions Produce Happiness
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
23-Mar-2013 |
Lesser Known Important Autobiographies |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
23-Jul-2010 |
Lessons Learnt from Life - 1 |
S. C. Arora |
23-Jul-2010 |
Lessons Learnt from Life - 2 |
S. C. Arora |
11-Apr-2004 |
Lessons Never Learnt
J. Ajithkumar |
27-Jun-2011 |
Let My Country Awake… |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
26-Jun-2004 |
Let the Eagle Soar |
Shernaz Wadia |
04-Jul-2020 |
Let the World Wake Up to Know Notorious Villains! |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Feb-2006 |
Let's Celebrate Life
Viraj R. Rai |
09-Mar-2011 |
Let’s Erase Lines Among Religions |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
19-Nov-2012 |
Life at Source |
R. D. Ashby |
09-Sep-2023 |
Life Experience - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
16-Sep-2023 |
Life Experience - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
23-Sep-2023 |
Life Experience - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-Sep-2023 |
Life Experience - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-Sep-2023 |
Life Experience - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-Sep-2023 |
Life Experience - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-Sep-2018 |
Life in its True Form |
Devi Nangrani |
22-Apr-2024 |
Life Lessons at Later Years |
G Swaminathan |
23-Sep-2023 |
Life Lessons We Can Learn from Cows |
P. Mohan Chandran |
11-Feb-2024 |
Life of 'Prosperity and Happiness' |
G Swaminathan |
31-Jan-2015 |
Life Skills for the 21st Century |
Radha Joshi |
20-Jul-2000 |
Life Too Full?
Trupti Derashri |
14-Oct-2012 |
Life View through my Spectacles |
Swapnil Kawale |
15-Jan-2005 |
Life's A Charade
Anjali Anand Seth |
26-Jun-2001 |
Life's Crossroads
From Nudge To Nirvana |
Maalok |
12-Apr-2009 |
Life, Desire, Happiness and Sustainability |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
06-Jan-2008 |
Literature's Antidote to Hate |
Dibyendu Ghosal |
18-May-2008 |
Live Charts |
J. Ajithkumar |
03-Dec-2006 |
Living Among Enemies |
J. Ajithkumar |
13-Feb-2005 |
Living or Dying
on a Sporadic Hostile Planet |
Michael Levy |
23-Sep-2007 |
Local Solutions |
J. Ajithkumar |
06-Jun-2020 |
Lockdown: Learning to Live with My Self |
Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee |
18-May-2014 |
Loneliness |
Devi Nangrani |
14-Feb-2012 |
Love between Man and Woman! |
T. A. Ramesh |
28-Nov-2004 |
Love Beyond Body Physics |
Ragini Puri |
30-May-2010 |
Love Hurts! |
Anjali Anand Seth |
04-Nov-2001 |
Love is a Verb |
P. G. R. Nair |
05-Jan-2005 |
Love Thy Reflection
Sruti Nayani |
13-Feb-2012 |
Love! |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
24-Feb-2007 |
Love: Belief is its Own Strength
Naira Yaqoob |
26-Nov-2006 |
Love: The Greatest Power |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-Aug-2015 |
Mahatma Gandhi Revisited |
Dr. Narasingha Sil |
09-Nov-2000 |
Man & Nature:
Plurality not Duality!
Naveen Jagan |
18-Jul-2010 |
Man Make-up |
J. Ajithkumar |
13-Jul-2000 |
Man, Animal and Media |
Deepika Singh |
09-Dec-2007 |
Man-Agement: The Sanatana Approach |
Dr. Pradip Bhattacharya |
09-Dec-2007 |
Man-Agement: The Sanatana Approach – 2 |
Dr. Pradip Bhattacharya |
28-Apr-2013 |
Management of Power The Mahabharatan Perspective - 1 |
Maj. Gen. Shekhar Sen |
28-Apr-2013 |
Management of Power The Mahabharatan Perspective - 2 |
Maj. Gen. Shekhar Sen |
26-Oct-2019 |
Managing Time as Resource |
BS Murthy |
16-Sep-2008 |
Market is Immoral |
Dr. Satish Shukla |
16-Oct-2005 |
Marketing: A Social Welfare Tool |
Sudeepa Nair |
16-Dec-2007 |
Mass Media with the Masses
and the Politicians! |
Suchita Jain |
20-Mar-2016 |
Mathematics as Spiritual Haven in Life |
Mamta Joshi |
06-Apr-2008 |
Maya and Daiva |
J. Ajithkumar |
19-Feb-2006 |
Measure Your Value
Naira Yaqoob |
29-Jan-2012 |
Media and Literature |
BS Murthy |
20-Sep-2015 |
Migrant Crisis |
Suresh Mandan |
31-Aug-2000 |
Migratory Birds |
Rajender Krishan |
02-May-2020 |
Mind in Existence |
R. D. Ashby |
09-Mar-2008 |
Mind Management and the Dhammapada |
Satya Chaitanya |
09-Sep-2023 |
Mind Matter Interaction - A Conjecture |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
14-Jul-2002 |
Miracles Happen To Winners |
Lata Jagtiani |
21-Nov-2015 |
Mission Impossible for France |
Suresh Mandan |
28-Jul-2007 |
Money Matters, Love in Tatters |
P. Mohan Chandran |
28-Nov-2004 |
Monopoly of Intelligence |
J. Ajithkumar |
09-Sep-2023 |
Moonshot Thinking |
P. Mohan Chandran |
18-Apr-2004 |
Moral Highgrounds |
J. Ajithkumar |
05-Nov-2006 |
Moustache of Mahatma |
J. Ajithkumar |
22-Jul-2011 |
Mundane Distortions in the Divine Discourse |
BS Murthy |
17-Dec-2006 |
My God, What Have You Done!
Dhiraj Bhimji Raniga |
07-Aug-2010 |
My Idea of Education - Responsibility & Discipline |
S. C. Arora |
08-Aug-2010 |
My Idea of Education - Environment, Wealth, Nature, Anger |
S. C. Arora |
08-Aug-2010 |
My Idea of Education - Refinement & Spirituality |
S. C. Arora |
08-Aug-2010 |
My Idea of Education - Activities & Fitness |
S. C. Arora |
08-Aug-2010 |
My Idea of Education - Literate or Educated? |
S. C. Arora |
08-Aug-2010 |
My Idea of Education - Values |
S. C. Arora |
28-Aug-2005 |
My rendezvous with God's grace |
Karthik Naryan |
23-Nov-2002 |
My Thursday Aunt |
Lata Jagtiani |
09-Feb-2013 |
Nagarjuna and Quantum Physics |
Christian Thomas Kohl |
22-Apr-2013 |
Nagarjuna’s View of Reality |
Christian Thomas Kohl |
22-Jan-2006 |
Nation Building
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
05-Nov-2006 |
Nation Building,
IITians and Happiness |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
19-Feb-2006 |
Natural Evolution and Happiness
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
18-Feb-2023 |
Natural Life - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
26-Feb-2023 |
Natural Life - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
05-Mar-2023 |
Natural Life - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Mar-2023 |
Natural Life - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Mar-2023 |
Natural Life - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
25-Mar-2023 |
Natural Life - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-Apr-2023 |
Nature and Human World - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
08-Apr-2023 |
Nature and Human World - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
15-Apr-2023 |
Nature and Human World - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
06-May-2023 |
Nature and Human World - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
13-May-2023 |
Nature and Human World - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-May-2023 |
Nature and Human World - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Sep-2005 |
Nature is a Creation of God |
Karthik Naryan |
15-Aug-2020 |
Nature is the Invincible Mother of All Mothers Ever! |
T. A. Ramesh |
28-Jun-2010 |
Nature of Desire |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
21-Nov-2020 |
Nature of Form: Why Life is Attached to it? |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
29-May-2004 |
Nature of Human Thought |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
25-Aug-2002 |
Nature of Time |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
08-Jan-2023 |
Nature Source and Destiny - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
14-Jan-2023 |
Nature Source and Destiny - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
21-Jan-2023 |
Nature Source and Destiny - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
28-Jan-2023 |
Nature Source and Destiny - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
04-Feb-2023 |
Nature Source and Destiny - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Feb-2023 |
Nature Source and Destiny - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
05-Feb-2022 |
Nature The Living Scientific Art - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Feb-2022 |
Nature The Living Scientific Art - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
05-Mar-2022 |
Nature The Living Scientific Art - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Mar-2022 |
Nature The Living Scientific Art - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Apr-2022 |
Nature The Living Scientific Art - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
16-Apr-2022 |
Nature The Living Scientific Art - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
26-May-2007 |
Nature: Rendezvous of Religion,
Philosophy and Science |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Apr-2012 |
Need for the Nurture and Use of International Role Models! |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
18-Jun-2006 |
Negotiating Globalization
Dr. Prasenjit Maiti |
18-Jun-2006 |
Negotiating Globalization 2
Dr. Prasenjit Maiti |
18-Apr-2010 |
Neuron, Neuron Burning Bright |
Vinay Verma |
12-Aug-2001 |
New Direction |
Dr. C.S. Shah |
30-Jun-2011 |
No Personal Space |
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati |
14-Nov-2004 |
Non-Violence Still Relevant
Shernaz Wadia |
02-Oct-2012 |
Now Realisation & Knowledge as Certainty |
R. D. Ashby |
21-Aug-2005 |
NRI and Patriotism |
Rajesh Ramasubramanian |
02-Jun-2007 |
Nuclear Weaponry:
The Best Guarantee for Peace?
Naira Yaqoob |
16-Nov-1999 |
Observance and Occurrence |
Mary E. Borra |
07-Oct-2007 |
Old is Often Gold |
J. Ajithkumar |
17-Aug-2024 |
On Attitude to Money |
BS Murthy |
12-Nov-2016 |
On Left-liberal Hypocrites |
BS Murthy |
08-Jul-2001 |
On The Threshold of Success |
R Ravishankar |
09-Nov-2019 |
On Writing 'n the Writers |
BS Murthy |
07-Jan-2012 |
On ‘Ambedkar and the Bhagawat Gita’ |
BS Murthy |
03-Aug-2013 |
On ‘Sorrow’ |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
02-Jun-2020 |
One Knee Down Creates another Crisis |
Bhupinder Singh |
19-Dec-2004 |
One Small Step Backwards
For Humankind |
Michael Levy |
20-Feb-2011 |
Opportunities in Spectrum and Black Money |
J. Ajithkumar |
19-Aug-2023 |
Out of Africa? No, Out of Everywhere |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
19-Mar-2006 |
Overcoming Fear
Sugandha Indulkar |
27-Feb-2013 |
Paradise of Parasites |
BS Murthy |
07-Jun-2012 |
Paradoxes about the Divinity |
R. D. Ashby |
03-Sep-2006 |
Parallel College for Parapolitics |
J. Ajithkumar |
02-Oct-2012 |
Past, Present and Future |
Bhavna Mathur |
17-Aug-2012 |
Paths, Courses, & Predicaments of Societal Progress |
Omar Alansari-Kreger |
15-Jan-2005 |
Perception Defines Life
Mahesh Sharma |
15-Jan-2005 |
Perception Defines Life - 2 |
Mahesh Sharma |
20-Jun-2010 |
Performance Excellence,
Flow and the Gita |
Satya Chaitanya |
22-Jan-2013 |
Perils of History |
BS Murthy |
23-Oct-2016 |
Persistence of Memory (with due apology to Salvador Dali) |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
06-Dec-2020 |
Personification of Nature - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Dec-2020 |
Personification of Nature - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Jan-2021 |
Personification of Nature - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
16-Jan-2021 |
Personification of Nature - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
30-Jan-2021 |
Personification of Nature - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
13-Feb-2021 |
Personification of Nature - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
07-Jul-2007 |
Philosophy and God |
T. A. Ramesh |
09-Jul-2017 |
Philosophy of Language |
Goteti Rao |
04-May-2012 |
Physicist as a Poet! |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
26-Jan-2013 |
Pitfalls of Faith |
BS Murthy |
16-Jan-2013 |
Playing to the Gallery |
BS Murthy |
26-Jun-2011 |
Plight of Prosperity |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
27-Jul-2012 |
Poet and Poetry-Writing |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
14-Oct-2007 |
Politics of Religion |
Wazhma Frogh |
09-Nov-2019 |
Post Break-up Dilemma |
Dipen Shroff |
18-Feb-2024 |
Post-metaphysical Thought |
Dr. Alexis Karpouzos |
28-Oct-2010 |
Power of a Wish |
Flawsome A |
19-May-2007 |
Power-Cut Philosophy |
J. Ajithkumar |
06-Feb-2011 |
Pranic Engineering |
J. Ajithkumar |
11-Apr-2004 |
Prayer : An Individual Viewpoint
Shernaz Wadia |
01-Dec-2012 |
Preface of Strife |
BS Murthy |
08-Jan-2005 |
Presence of Great Soul |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
10-Jan-2014 |
Principled Action in Politics and Life |
R. D. Ashby |
11-Jan-2013 |
Privates of 'the God' |
BS Murthy |
24-May-2009 |
Problems of Teaching English at College Level in India |
Supriya Bhandari |
06-Mar-2012 |
Process and End |
R. D. Ashby |
01-Oct-2013 |
Public Violation of Spirit of Constitution |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
03-May-2009 |
Purpose of Life |
J. Ajithkumar |
09-Dec-2012 |
Pyramids of Wisdom |
BS Murthy |
09-May-2004 |
Questions Left & Answers Right |
J. Ajithkumar |
25-Dec-2005 |
Quiet Laughter from within
The Child's Soul
Dhiraj Raniga |
26-Jun-2021 |
Radio & All India Radio |
G Swaminathan |
07-Nov-2012 |
Ragging a Menace |
Dr. Asha Choubey |
31-May-2020 |
Rama Rajya |
BS Murthy |
08-Feb-2009 |
Rama: A Study in Self-Mastery |
Satya Chaitanya |
26-Dec-2004 |
Rasika |
Kala Ramesh |
26-Sep-2004 |
Rationality of Rebirths |
J. Ajithkumar |
10-Mar-2007 |
Real RDX
J. Ajithkumar |
24-May-2009 |
Real Scientist of Life = Buddha + Einstein |
Amrit Sorli |
13-Dec-2011 |
Realisation and Rightness |
R. D. Ashby |
04-Aug-2011 |
Reconstructing the Concept of Non-Violence |
Prof. R. K. Bhushan |
08-May-2005 |
Rediscovering Fire
in the 21st Century |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
27-Aug-2006 |
Reflected Glory |
J. Ajithkumar |
30-Nov-2024 |
Reimagining Justice |
P. Mohan Chandran |
18-May-2008 |
Reincarnation, Transactional Analysis and Karma |
Satya Chaitanya |
12-Oct-2000 |
Life's Enchanting Dance |
Maalok |
13-Nov-2021 |
Relativity of Things in the Universe - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
27-Nov-2021 |
Relativity of Things in the Universe - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Dec-2021 |
Relativity of Things in the Universe - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
25-Dec-2021 |
Relativity of Things in the Universe - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-Jan-2022 |
Relativity of Things in the Universe - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
22-Jan-2022 |
Relativity of Things in the Universe - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
08-Jul-2011 |
Religion and Science - Complementary Forces |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
24-Jul-2021 |
Religion is Itself a Philosophy |
Dr. Harasankar Adhikari |
18-Sep-2012 |
Repo and Reverse Repo |
Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar |
26-Jan-2012 |
Republic Day Greetings |
Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
08-Aug-2020 |
Reservation for Divyangs like Scheduled Castes and Tribes |
Dr. Satyavan Saurabh |
12-Mar-2006 |
Respect all, Shun Casteism
Naira Yaqoob |
08-Apr-2012 |
Reviewers as Matchmakers |
BS Murthy |
28-Jul-2007 |
Risks of Belief |
J. Ajithkumar |
04-May-2008 |
Robotic 'Poorams' |
J. Ajithkumar |
14-Jan-2018 |
Role Models for Indian Youth |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
11-Jun-2022 |
Role of Corporates in Bringing Social Transformation |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
03-Jun-2023 |
Romantic Life is an Adventure! - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
10-Jun-2023 |
Romantic Life is an Adventure! - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
17-Jun-2023 |
Romantic Life is an Adventure! - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
24-Jun-2023 |
Romantic Life is an Adventure! - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
29-Jun-2023 |
Romantic Life is an Adventure! - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
06-Jul-2023 |
Romantic Life is an Adventure! - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
28-May-2006 |
Roots of Terrorism
V. Sundaram |
24-Jul-2022 |
Rosy Thoughts |
Hema Ravi |
06-Aug-2013 |
Samadhi as a Soliton Wave |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
23-Nov-2019 |
Saptaparni: Enigma of the Voluptuous Devil's Tree |
Satya Chaitanya |
05-Jan-2003 |
Sarkar's 'Sarkar' |
Rajgopal Nidamboor |
17-Dec-2006 |
Science, Arts and Literature
for Human Culture |
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Jul-2005 |
Searching for God |
R. K. Jain |
13-Nov-2005 |
Seeker's Dilemma
Vikram Karve |
21-Apr-2007 |
Seize the Opportunity
J. Ajithkumar |
09-Oct-2012 |
Selection & Sustainabilty |
R. D. Ashby |
17-Jan-2009 |
Self Delusions of Mr. & Mrs. Humbug
Michael Levy |
12-Oct-2008 |
Self Fulfilling Prophecies of Greed, Fear and Doom |
Michael Levy |
25-Sep-2013 |
Self Improvement for a Happy Living |
Ananya Dhawan |
19-Dec-2020 |
Self Unfoldment |
Devi Nangrani |
21-Oct-2023 |
Self-Love |
Hema Ravi |
13-Jun-2020 |
Self-reliant India in the Times of COVID |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
17-Jan-2008 |
Sensitize Men to Make Tourists
Feel Welcome |
Azera Rahman |
25-Mar-2007 |
Servants of India
J. Ajithkumar |
08-Feb-2009 |
Sexuality and Spirituality |
Anand Rishi |
05-Feb-2013 |
Shackles of Sharia |
BS Murthy |
04-Jul-2021 |
Shift Your Energy Towards Love |
Misna Chanu |
19-Jul-2015 |
Shining a Light on Strategy |
Aneeta Chakrabarty |
26-Aug-2023 |
Shiva's Dance, Observer Paradox, and the Alchemy of Disorder |
Renu Dhotre |
28-Aug-2005 |
Should Men Shave? |
Anand Rishi |
17-Feb-2012 |
Should We know everything about everything? |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
11-Jan-2020 |
Should We Take Pride in Everything Our Ancestors Did? |
Satya Chaitanya |
12-Sep-2009 |
Shreyas, Preyas and Gregory Roberts’ Shantaram
Satya Chaitanya |
13-Aug-2011 |
Simplifying Life |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
08-Feb-2001 |
Simplifying Simplicity*
Maalok |
25-Jan-2009 |
Slum Dogs and White Tigers |
Dr. Neria H. Hebbar |
08-Feb-2009 |
Slumdog and After Effects |
Pramod Khilery |
17-Apr-2012 |
Slumdog Philosopher, Richdog Philosopher |
Raam Gokhale |
27-Aug-2006 |
Soaring High to Sublimity |
T. A. Ramesh |
01-Dec-2002 |
Social 'Shock'
Rajgopal Nidamboor |
04-Nov-2010 |
Social Justice: Some Basic Thoughts |
Mandar Karanjkar |
17-Sep-2006 |
Social Rocketry |
J. Ajithkumar |
16-Sep-2007 |
Socially Starved Individuals
and the Act of Killing |
Dev N Pathak |
13-Aug-2011 |
Socio-biological Basis of Corruption – Relevance to Corporate World |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
13-Jan-2008 |
Soul Searching ...
Why Not Bring in the Clones?
Michael Levy |
10-Jul-2005 |
Sound of Music |
Sonali Malhotra Sehgal |
01-Mar-2015 |
Source of Identity Form in Existence - Part 2 |
R. D. Ashby |
08-Jan-2015 |
Source of Identity Form in Existence Part 1 |
R. D. Ashby |
30-May-2015 |
Source of Identity Form in Existence Part 3 |
R. D. Ashby |
02-Mar-2008 |
Sources of Happiness
M. Adnan Farooq |
16-Apr-2014 |
Spirituality + Technology = Happiness |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
17-Aug-2024 |
Spirituality and the question of Formal Higher Education in India |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
09-Nov-2019 |
Standing Tall |
Shernaz Wadia |
16-Sep-2023 |
Standing Tall - Lessons from the Silent Wisdom of Trees |
P. Mohan Chandran |
22-Nov-2011 |
State of Art |
BS Murthy |
21-May-2013 |
Subject as Realising Affection |
R. D. Ashby |
21-Aug-2005 |
Suffering is Just Suffering |
Nancy Freeman Patchen |
24-Oct-2009 |
Suicide of the Human Race
Prem Verma |
05-Oct-2019 |
Suicide: A Crude Form of Homicide |
G Swaminathan |
10-Apr-2021 |
Swami Vivekananda's Love for India |
Dr. Harasankar Adhikari |
23-Apr-2006 |
Taiwan's Cracks
Dr. William R. Stimson |
26-Feb-2023 |
Tale of Tears |
G Swaminathan |
09-Apr-2011 |
Tale of Two Emotional Events |
Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
07-Apr-2011 |
Tale of Two Tongues |
J. Ajithkumar |
08-Feb-2025 |
Tech and Society: Social Media |
Subhajit Ghosh |
14-Aug-2022 |
Technology and the Changing Nature of our Job and its Responsibility |
Subhajit Ghosh |
10-Aug-2024 |
Technology Guided by Spirituality Can Lead to Sustainability and Happiness |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
19-Apr-2012 |
Teleology in Existence |
R. D. Ashby |
10-Jul-2005 |
Terrorism Banishes Fear |
Michael Levy |
24-Feb-2007 |
Thankless Jobs
J. Ajithkumar |
08-Mar-2009 |
The 'Right' Time to do MBA is 'Anytime' |
P. Mohan Chandran |
08-Feb-2025 |
The Abhimanyu Paradox |
P. Mohan Chandran |
10-Dec-2023 |
The Absurdity of Anthropocentrism |
P. Mohan Chandran |
27-Feb-2010 |
The Ad-poem : |
Ravishankar Krishnan |
22-Jan-2006 |
The Art and Bliss of Sexual Union
Meena Iyer |
01-Jan-2006 |
The Art of Eating
Vikram Karve |
01-Jan-2006 |
The Art of Eating - 2 |
Vikram Karve |
10-Aug-2024 |
The Art of Giving |
P. Mohan Chandran |
30-Oct-2005 |
The Art of Happiness
Keep Your Pleasures Mild |
Vikram Karve |
27-Jul-2024 |
The Art of Stillness |
P. Mohan Chandran |
31-Dec-2011 |
The Art of Survival |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
07-Oct-2017 |
The Beautiful Idea of OneWorld |
Sanjay Chowdhary |
16-Aug-2015 |
The Birth of God and Son of God - : Krishna and Christ* |
Dr. Narasingha Sil |
06-Aug-2006 |
The British Never Quit India |
Nancy Freeman Patchen |
22-Jan-2006 |
The Chemistry of Romance
Rajgopal Nidamboor |
03-Sep-2006 |
The Creation of One World
Is it just an utopia?
T. A. Ramesh |
03-Apr-2005 |
The Deafening Silence of Life
Anjali Anand Seth |
06-Nov-2011 |
The Dichotomy of Islam |
BS Murthy |
09-Nov-2024 |
The Diplomacy of Lord Krishna, Hanuman & Angad in Action |
P. Mohan Chandran |
07-Jul-2012 |
The Discovery Of Higgs Boson – A Perspective |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
29-Mar-2011 |
The East Unleashed |
Raam Gokhale |
02-May-2011 |
The Ego of Doing Good |
Prem Verma |
20-Apr-2019 |
The End of a Long Friendship |
G Swaminathan |
02-Sep-2007 |
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend |
Aritra Bhattacharya |
18-Jul-2013 |
The Eternal Appeal of Ramayana |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
22-Aug-2020 |
The Ever Modern Blue Philosophic God Lord Krishna Is! |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Dec-2005 |
The Experience of Being Naked
Meena Iyer |
24-Feb-2007 |
The Eye of the Storm
P. G. R. Nair |
03-Dec-2006 |
The Fate of Mankind |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Jan-2007 |
The Fictionalization of Iraq |
Rajesh Talwar |
02-Apr-2006 |
The First Line of Defense
Michael Levy |
26-Feb-2006 |
The Future of Communications
Arya Bhushan |
01-Aug-2011 |
The Gita, Occassionalism and Deontology |
Vivek Iyer |
16-Jul-2022 |
The Gray Shades of Life |
G Swaminathan |
02-Sep-2001 |
The Heart of Watermelon
P. G. R. Nair |
12-Apr-2012 |
The Herb in the backyard! |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
13-Apr-2013 |
The Hindu Rebound |
BS Murthy |
05-Dec-2020 |
The Human Endeavour |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
22-Aug-2004 |
The Hydra Headed Freak |
Shernaz Wadia |
07-Oct-2023 |
The Illusion of Choice |
P. Mohan Chandran |
02-Nov-2024 |
The Indian Patriot Act |
P. Mohan Chandran |
09-Nov-2019 |
The Joy of Giving; and ... |
Shernaz Wadia |
18-Apr-2020 |
The Lockdown |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
09-Nov-2019 |
The Magic of a Name |
Dr. Anjana Maitra |
02-May-2004 |
The Magic of Awareness |
Shernaz Wadia |
29-Feb-2004 |
The Maintenance Wizard |
Michael Levy |
06-Nov-2005 |
The Map is NOT the Territory
Vikram Karve |
18-Jan-2025 |
The Marvel of Creation |
P. Mohan Chandran |
30-Sep-2012 |
The Mass Illusion of Time |
Dr. Madhu Guptan |
06-Jul-2019 |
The Matrix...Are We Inside One Too? |
Debajyoti Das |
12-Jun-2005 |
The Medicinal Strength of Forgiveness |
Michael Levy |
18-Sep-2011 |
The Metaphor of Blindness |
Prof. R. K. Bhushan |
20-May-2023 |
The Mighty Elephant Within |
Renu Dhotre |
28-Feb-2011 |
The Modern We |
Rishabh Kumar |
26-Feb-2006 |
The Mystery of Human Life |
T. A. Ramesh |
10-Oct-2004 |
The Myth of the Indian Engineer |
Ashish Nangia |
14-Mar-2004 |
The Nature of Reality |
Kumud Biswas |
08-Aug-2013 |
The Necessity for the Cultivation of Mind |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
23-Jul-2006 |
The Necessity of Ambition
T. A. Ramesh |
26-Dec-2020 |
The Notion of Love |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
03-Mar-2013 |
The Number Game |
BS Murthy |
07-Sep-2015 |
The Opening of the Young American Mind |
Dr. Narasingha Sil |
11-Jan-2025 |
The Paradox of Dharma |
P. Mohan Chandran |
06-Oct-2011 |
The Paradox of the Point |
R. D. Ashby |
15-Feb-2025 |
The Peril of Neutrality |
P. Mohan Chandran |
16-Nov-2003 |
The Power of WOW |
Rajgopal Nidamboor |
08-May-2022 |
The Precarious World Today! - 1 |
T. A. Ramesh |
28-May-2022 |
The Precarious World Today! - 2 |
T. A. Ramesh |
11-Jun-2022 |
The Precarious World Today! - 3 |
T. A. Ramesh |
18-Dec-2022 |
The Precarious World Today! - 4 |
T. A. Ramesh |
24-Dec-2022 |
The Precarious World Today! - 5 |
T. A. Ramesh |
31-Dec-2022 |
The Precarious World Today! - 6 |
T. A. Ramesh |
08-Jul-2010 |
The Pressure of Academics |
Nikhlesh Mathur |
14-Oct-2007 |
The Price of Busyness – Must We Pay It?
Shernaz Wadia |
17-Jun-2023 |
The Profound Connection |
Renu Dhotre |
20-Aug-2012 |
The Profundity of Absence! |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
26-Jan-2012 |
The Purpose and Necessity of Philosophy |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Aug-2006 |
The Real Problem
with Globalization |
Aruni Mukherjee |
29-Mar-2012 |
The Relativity of Experience |
R. D. Ashby |
19-Aug-2013 |
The Religion of the Hindus: Its Purport and Purpose |
Dr. Narasingha Sil |
05-May-2007 |
The Rich Life
Dr. William R. Stimson |
03-Apr-2013 |
The Rift Within |
BS Murthy |
02-Sep-2010 |
The Rising of the Indoor Culture |
Kamal Wadhwa |
14-Dec-2008 |
The Roots of Corruption |
Ratnadeep Ray |
18-Feb-2012 |
The Science of Beauty: Aesthetics |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
13-Jul-2024 |
The Short Journey |
P. Mohan Chandran |
24-Jul-2005 |
The Significance of Money |
Michael Levy |
13-Jul-2024 |
The Silent Pursuit |
P. Mohan Chandran |
01-Jan-2006 |
The Stages In-and-Out's of Life
Michael Levy |
01-Jan-2000 |
The Stages In-and-Out's of Life - 2 |
Michael Levy |
01-Aug-2020 |
The Status and Remedy for the Precarious World Today! |
T. A. Ramesh |
19-Feb-2012 |
The Status of Arts! |
T. A. Ramesh |
25-Jan-2014 |
The Status of Kali in American Academia |
Dr. Narasingha Sil |
01-Nov-2009 |
The Stress Busters
Ramendra Kumar |
18-Mar-2013 |
The Stymied State |
BS Murthy |
17-Jun-2007 |
The Superficial Society Emerges Today! |
Dr. Thohe Pou |
26-Oct-2008 |
The Sweet Aroma of Value Investing |
Michael Levy |
09-Mar-2011 |
The Teacher and the Vision of a Teacher in Dr. S. Radhakrishnan |
Prof. R. K. Bhushan |
16-Oct-2005 |
The Ten Essential Requirements
For Asset Management |
Michael Levy |
26-Jun-2002 |
The Trap of Perfectionism
Lata Jagtiani |
04-Apr-2020 |
The Tripartite Nature of Satisfaction |
Dr. Prince Udoyen |
15-Mar-2009 |
The Twine of Conciliation and Confrontation |
Pramod Khilery |
26-Feb-2022 |
The Vast Chasm between Knowing and Understanding |
G Swaminathan |
22-Mar-2013 |
The Wages of God |
BS Murthy |
07-Apr-2013 |
The Way Around |
BS Murthy |
01-Jul-2023 |
The Wheel of Time |
P. Mohan Chandran |
17-Sep-2006 |
The World is One Family |
T. A. Ramesh |
16-Dec-2012 |
The Zero People |
BS Murthy |
26-Jun-2012 |
Theory of Language Acquisition & Communication |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
01-Jul-2017 |
There are More Things in Heaven and Earth… |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
21-Apr-2024 |
They Do Make a Difference |
Dr. O.P. Arora |
01-Jan-2000 |
This is the Moment
Trupti Derashri |
06-Jun-2020 |
Thought Process |
Devi Nangrani |
13-Apr-2008 |
Threats To World Peace And Unity |
T. A. Ramesh |
21-Apr-2002 |
Time - The Most Precious Gem |
Puneet Kaur |
31-Jan-2011 |
Time is a Numerical Order of Change in a 4D Space |
Amrit Sorli |
15-Jun-2000 |
Time To Take Stock |
Deepika Singh |
05-Jan-2025 |
Timeless Lessons from Angad's Diplomatic Mission |
P. Mohan Chandran |
04-May-2019 |
To be or Not to be Positive? |
G Swaminathan |
01-Jan-2006 |
To Believe or Not to Believe
Arya Bhushan |
01-Jan-2006 |
To Believe or Not to Believe - 2 |
Arya Bhushan |
01-Jan-2006 |
To Believe or Not to Believe - 3 |
Arya Bhushan |
01-Jan-2006 |
To Believe or Not to Believe - 4 |
Arya Bhushan |
02-Apr-2022 |
To Err is (Wo)Man |
Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
14-Feb-2004 |
To Seek or ...
Shernaz Wadia |
28-Feb-2008 |
To You Be Your Way and To Me Mine |
S. M. Murshed |
13-Jan-2012 |
Towards a Better Way of the World! |
T. A. Ramesh |
23-Jan-2021 |
Trans-modern Man in Search of Happiness |
Dr. Harasankar Adhikari |
20-Jul-2014 |
Translation of Ideas and Concepts |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
25-Jan-2001 |
Tree As My Role Model |
Meenakshi Madhur |
08-Feb-2001 |
Tree As my Role Model - 2 |
Meenakshi Madhur |
03-Jun-2012 |
Trees as Spiritual Antennas |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
12-Feb-2006 |
True Happiness
Sugandha Indulkar |
15-Jan-2006 |
Truth is No Longer Required
Michael Levy |
28-May-2006 |
TV Invasion
An Addiction to Resist!
Naira Yaqoob |
01-Nov-2009 |
J. Ajithkumar |
18-Nov-2001 |
Understanding Anger |
Smitha Abraham |
28-Dec-2000 |
Understanding The Communication Dynamics |
Rajender Krishan |
03-Mar-2007 |
Unknown Things
Dr. William R. Stimson |
17-Mar-2001 |
Value Erosion |
Dr. C.S. Shah |
19-Sep-2004 |
Venerate the Woman in You?
Anjali Anand Seth |
10-Apr-2005 |
Virtual Reality and Nirvana |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
09-Jul-2006 |
Vision of the Whole
T. A. Ramesh |
23-Nov-2011 |
Volunteerism as I See It |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
09-Mar-2008 |
Voting Relief ?
Malvika Jain |
13-Apr-2013 |
Wait for the Savant |
BS Murthy |
20-Apr-2008 |
Waiting for Chanakya |
J. Ajithkumar |
22-Feb-2011 |
Waiting for Darshan of ‘Black’ Money |
Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
25-Jun-2006 |
Wandering Through Time & Space
Arvind Pandey |
27-Dec-2012 |
War of Words |
BS Murthy |
29-Mar-2013 |
Ways of the Bigots |
BS Murthy |
14-Jan-2024 |
Welcome 2024 |
Gollamudi Radha Krishna Murty |
04-Aug-2007 |
West-toxication |
Naira Yaqoob |
15-Aug-2004 |
What Can I Do?
Nancy Freeman Patchen |
08-Aug-2021 |
What Happens to our Memories After Death? |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
04-Nov-2023 |
What Happens When She Arrives at Night? |
Nitya Muralidharan |
17-Jun-2013 |
What Is |
R. D. Ashby |
17-Oct-1999 |
What is a Concept? |
Mary E. Borra |
07-Nov-2020 |
What is Consciousness? - A Conjecture |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
07-Sep-2000 |
What is in a Name?
Rajender Krishan |
12-Feb-2012 |
What is Love? |
T. A. Ramesh |
08-Aug-2011 |
What is Modernity, I Often Wonder! |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
02-Jun-2007 |
What is the Best Way to Solve all the Problems of the World? |
T. A. Ramesh |
02-Apr-2017 |
What is the Freedom of Creativity and Expression? |
Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
23-Apr-2006 |
What is the Price of Peace?
T. A. Ramesh |
17-Feb-2007 |
What Is Wrong With Our Culture? |
V. Sundaram |
16-Apr-2016 |
What kind of Religion is Suitable for Mankind to Live in Peace and Joy Forever? |
T. A. Ramesh |
20-Jun-2010 |
What Playing Sport Teach Children |
Col. Gopal Karunakaran |
20-Mar-2014 |
What should Motivate me to Vote this time? |
Seshu Chamarty |
30-Nov-2019 |
What's in a Name? A Lot |
P. Ravindran Nayar |
27-Dec-2011 |
What’s Interdisciplinary Approach to Literature? |
Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
08-Mar-2025 |
When Law 'Divorces' Morality |
P. Mohan Chandran |
25-Jan-2025 |
When Nature Strikes |
P. Mohan Chandran |
04-Jan-2015 |
Where is the Time? |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
26-Aug-2000 |
Which Way Forward?
Naveen Jagan |
14-Sep-2019 |
White: The Color of the Gods |
Dr. Anjana Maitra |
09-May-2004 |
Whose Responsibility
is it Anyway? |
Shernaz Wadia |
03-Apr-2005 |
Why Are We Afraid?
Arya Bhushan |
03-Nov-2018 |
Why do we Write? |
Ganganand Jha |
01-Mar-2001 |
Why does a Writer Write? |
Ramendra Kumar |
11-Mar-2007 |
Why Don't We Produce Writers of International Standard? |
Naira Yaqoob |
24-Dec-2006 |
Why is Literature Indispensable for Human Life? |
T. A. Ramesh |
12-Jul-2015 |
Why is the Creation of One World Necessary? |
T. A. Ramesh |
14-Apr-2024 |
Why Life? - And its Purpose |
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
21-Dec-2024 |
Why Politicians should be De-Glamorized |
P. Mohan Chandran |
09-Mar-2013 |
Winds of Change |
BS Murthy |
09-Sep-2007 |
Winning the War Against Global Warming |
Niraj Chandra |
31-Mar-2024 |
Wisdom and Intelligence |
G Swaminathan |
10-Oct-2021 |
Wisdom from Ageing |
G Swaminathan |
23-Oct-2010 |
Womanhood - The Conditioning |
Nikhil Sharda |
30-Apr-2006 |
Women and War
Dr. Prasenjit Maiti |
22-Jun-2000 |
Work Those Little Hands |
Deepika Singh |
23-Apr-2022 |
Work-life Balance: The Tight Rope Walk |
Kiran Tagare |
07-Nov-2007 |
World Moral Issues
Vedantic Perspective |
Vishwa Mohan Tiwari, AVM (Retd) |
19-Mar-2006 |
Write, Write and Write ...
Suniti Chandra Mishra |
25-Aug-2011 |
You Have been Billed! |
Flawsome A |
01-Jun-2024 |
Youth Perspective |
Deepika Tiwari |
27-Feb-2010 |
Youth, Environmental Improvement and Happiness*
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
05-Jan-2011 |
Zakir Naik's claim about Islam |
Pt. NA NA |