Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Spirituality | ||
Date | Title | Writer |
16-Dec-2007 | A 'Properly Working' Nature | Chaim Ratz |
31-Mar-2002 | A Commonsensical View of Life | Anand Rishi |
02-Sep-2023 | A Divine Dialogue | P. Mohan Chandran |
08-Oct-2006 | A Matter of Faith | Naira Yaqoob |
07-Apr-2013 | A Mongoose in a Yajna | P C K Prem |
04-May-2013 | A New Religious Philosophy | P V Rajeev |
13-Oct-2002 | A New World of Contentment | Rashmi Bhardwaj |
18-Nov-2010 | A Paradise called Puttaparthi ! | G. Venkatesh |
30-Nov-2019 | A Sufi, A Rishika and A Modern Master - The Common Experience | Satya Chaitanya |
17-Sep-2017 | Abdication in the Self - The Divine Wisdom | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
08-Feb-2012 | About Bhakti! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
23-Oct-2013 | Abraham and Brahma: Part I | Anonymousfor JoshuaMessiah |
12-Jul-2015 | Achieving Inner Silence in Meditation - Practical Suggestions | Satya Chaitanya |
24-Aug-2013 | Adjusting Our Lenses | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
06-Dec-2010 | Advaitic Ayyappans | J. Ajithkumar |
05-Oct-2019 | Aims of Human Life and their Relation to Astrology | Dr. Mukul Shri Goel |
29-Aug-2013 | An Experience in Krishna Consciousness | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
05-Nov-2006 | An Exploration of the Ultimate Reality | T. A. Ramesh |
11-Jun-2022 | An Ode to Shiva | Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
26-Aug-2001 | An Update on Indian Philosophy | Anand Rishi |
27-Oct-2018 | Anatomy of Anger | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
29-Jun-2014 | Anatomy of Anger | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
04-May-2011 | Another Light of Bhakti Movement: Bahinabai (1629-1700) | Shernaz Wadia |
14-Jun-2009 | Approaching Spirituality | P. G. R. Nair |
30-Apr-2006 | Are You the Right Man? | Dr. Krishna Saksena |
14-Sep-2019 | Ashtavakramaharsi - A Brief Study | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
12-Feb-2006 | Awareness of Oneself | Viraj R. Rai |
28-Jun-2011 | Basavanna : A Kabir in his Own Right | Prof. Shubha Tiwari |
10-Feb-2006 | Be Still and Be My Friend - by God! | Michael Levy |
29-Jun-2000 | Beauty is Always in the Eyes of the Beholder! | Rohini Ranjan |
24-Nov-2018 | Before Entering the House | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
13-Mar-2011 | Being Nothing | Akshay Patil |
13-May-2011 | Being Oneself | Akshay Patil |
20-May-2023 | Bhagavad Gita and the Birth of Atoms | Renu Dhotre |
14-Aug-2012 | Bible and Science | R. D. Ashby |
22-Jun-2003 | Bouls of Bengal | Gautam Sengupta |
10-Dec-2013 | Brahma and Abraham, Part II | Anonymousfor JoshuaMessiah |
15-Mar-2025 | Burn my Sins, Wash my Sins-How? | Pt. Srikant Mohanty |
13-Oct-2002 | Can Problems be Solved by Prayer? | Lata Jagtiani |
01-Aug-2020 | Can the Mystery of Reincarnation be Explained? | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
19-Nov-2016 | Carving a Sky | Ganganand Jha |
03-Apr-2014 | Centenary of the Mother’s Coming to Pondicherry | Aju Mukhopadhyay |
07-Dec-2000 | Chir-Haran-Lila | Bhagwat K. Shah |
16-Apr-2017 | Christ’s Ministry: Wisdom & Courage Personified | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
11-Aug-2018 | Cognitive Scientific Concept of Guna | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
06-Feb-2012 | Cognitive States of Mind as revealed in the Gayathri Mantra! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
18-Dec-2012 | Common Question | Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar |
14-Aug-2005 | Comprehensive Theory of God | Phishna |
16-Jan-2013 | Concept of Advaita and Dvaita States of Mind | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
28-Jul-2002 | Concept of Universal Religion | Dr. C.S. Shah |
08-Feb-2012 | Concept of Yoga! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
27-Apr-2001 | Concepts and Symbols | Dr. C.S. Shah |
11-Feb-2024 | Conduits of Consciousness | P. Mohan Chandran |
17-Apr-2005 | Continuous God's Grace through a Spiritual Teacher | Sujata Ashwarya Cheema |
25-Feb-2012 | Conversation with Lord Krishna | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
08-Jan-2022 | Cosmic Mind and Creativity | Dr. Alexis Karpouzos |
01-Feb-2020 | Courtesan to Saint | Shernaz Wadia |
01-Jan-2000 | Creation | Michelle |
16-Jul-2006 | Credits to Islam | Naira Yaqoob |
29-Oct-2006 | Death An amazing phenomenon! | Pradeep Joshi |
05-Sep-2020 | Depths of the Upanishads and Advaita Siddhanta | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
22-Jul-2023 | Dharma's Chameleon Nature | P. Mohan Chandran |
12-Jun-2016 | Differentiate between Soul, Self and God in Yoga | R C Ganjoo |
22-Feb-2004 | Distinguishing Spiritual Realization from Scriptural Literacy | Sushil Kumar Vasudeva |
19-Dec-2004 | Eastern View of God and Religion | Swachid K. Rangan |
17-May-2001 | Everything Happens for a Reason | Dr. Pradip Bhattacharya |
14-Mar-2011 | Evolution of Gods | J. Ajithkumar |
04-Nov-2001 | Evolution of Prayer | Dr. C.S. Shah |
15-Nov-2010 | External God Delusion | J. Ajithkumar |
04-Apr-2010 | Faith Formulations | J. Ajithkumar |
21-Sep-2010 | Feel the Zen, Be the Zen | Mandar Karanjkar |
15-May-2021 | Feminine Energy: A Dimension | Manish Khanna |
01-Jan-2000 | Five Questions | Milton Redman |
03-Jul-2011 | Footprint on the Sands of Time | Rajesh Karmahe |
15-Mar-2012 | Forms of Ego! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
10-Jul-2021 | From Personal God to Universal Consciousness | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
18-Mar-2018 | From the Abode of the Spiritual Master | Devi Nangrani |
16-Sep-2001 | Fundamentalism The Oldest Folly | Anand Rishi |
21-Aug-2012 | Ganesha Pancharatna Shloka by Adi Shankara | G. Venkatesh |
03-Aug-2010 | Gen-ex Spirituality | Nikhil Sharda |
12-Oct-2012 | General Theory of Theology | J. Ajithkumar |
21-Jul-2018 | Gestures of Grace and Compassion of Sri Trailingaswami: The Saint from Andhra | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
26-Jan-2013 | Glossary of Brahmajnaana: A Cognitive Science Perspective | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
16-Oct-2012 | God * - * Conditions Apply! | Swapnil Kawale |
30-May-2011 | God at the Center of Everything | Akshay Patil |
26-Nov-2022 | God Audit | P. Ravindran Nayar |
24-Apr-2010 | God Concept | Anand Rishi |
13-Jan-2008 | God is Altruistic Nature | Bnei Baruch |
27-Jan-2019 | God's Creation and Death | Ganganand Jha |
30-Jul-2011 | God's Existence: A Matter of Faith | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
09-Oct-2012 | God, Stress, Dharma & Adharma | Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar |
17-Jun-2007 | Gods and Religions | T. A. Ramesh |
26-Feb-2023 | Grain of Sand | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
25-Aug-2010 | Guru - A Catalyst in the Spiritual Process | G. Venkatesh |
02-Sep-2001 | Happy Journey | Anand Rishi |
19-Aug-2023 | Harmony of Heaven & Earth | P. Mohan Chandran |
12-Nov-2023 | Harnessing the Intimate Dance of Sexual & Spiritual Energies | P. Mohan Chandran |
23-Sep-2018 | He Is The Creator | Devi Nangrani |
27-Sep-2009 | Heaven on Earth | Shubarna Mukerji |
15-Jun-2024 | Hospitality aka Atithi Devo Bhava! | Hema Ravi |
23-May-2021 | How do you Demystify ... | Manish Khanna |
30-May-2015 | How Great Masters Teach: A Few Stories | Satya Chaitanya |
23-Apr-2006 | How to make God Listen to us? | G.V.S. Gopalarao |
17-Apr-2005 | Human Destiny After Death | Sujata Ashwarya Cheema |
06-Feb-2005 | Human Thought, Karma and Bondage | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
09-Apr-2017 | Humility: A Divine Virtue | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
11-Jan-2000 | In God We Trust | Vaish |
03-Sep-2006 | In Search of a Guru | Arya Bhushan |
08-Oct-2006 | In Search of God | Pradeep Joshi |
17-Feb-2019 | In Search of My God | P. Ravindran Nayar |
07-May-2022 | In Search of Sanjeevani, Once Again - 1 | Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
14-May-2022 | In Search of Sanjeevani, Once Again - 2 | Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
21-May-2022 | In Search of Sanjeevani, Once Again - 3 | Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
28-May-2022 | In Search of Sanjeevani, Once Again - 4 | Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
04-Jun-2022 | In Search of Sanjeevani, Once Again - 5 | Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
19-Jun-2002 | In Search of the God | Bhushan Parulekar |
21-Jan-2023 | In The Name of Our Lord, The God | P. Ravindran Nayar |
17-Apr-2011 | Indivisible Individuality | Akshay Patil |
25-May-2024 | Inspiring Love Story of Radha-Krishna | Deepika Tiwari |
28-Sep-2000 | Is God Lonely? | Maalok |
17-Sep-2017 | Is there a Life after Death? | Dr. Jaipal Singh |
13-Jul-2003 | Islam - A Brief History | Dr. Neria H. Hebbar |
15-Dec-2002 | It's All in The Gut! | Rajgopal Nidamboor |
02-Aug-2014 | Jagatguru Adi Sankaracharya ... | J. Ajithkumar |
21-May-2023 | Joy or Sorrow: Hari Naam in Every Situation | Pt. Sanatan Das |
11-Sep-2016 | Judgmentalism: Its Cause, Effect and Remedy | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
22-Nov-2012 | Kashmir Shaivism and Universal Fraternity | Dr. Jana Bandhopadhyay |
17-Jan-2013 | Kill Terror with Awakening | Bhavna Mathur |
06-Nov-2010 | Lal Ded: The Yogini | Shernaz Wadia |
20-Nov-2005 | Law of Karma | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
18-Jun-2012 | Layers of Reality | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
29-Oct-2012 | Leader from Behind | Bhavna Mathur |
09-Jul-2006 | Learning A Mantra | A. Thiagarajan |
18-Jul-2020 | Lessons from COVID - Simplify Life | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
09-Mar-2019 | Lessons from Sundara Kaanda | Dr. Venkata Koteswara Rao Nandanavanam |
21-Jun-2000 | Life 'Moments Lived in Conscious Awareness | Ooma Tiwari Tariang |
11-Jun-2011 | Life and Management Principle (LAMP) | Rajesh Karmahe |
23-Apr-2006 | Life is Action | Dr. Krishna Saksena |
15-Nov-2012 | Light and Dark | Bhavna Mathur |
13-Jan-2007 | Like The Fairy Slipper Orchid | Dr. William R. Stimson |
07-Aug-2005 | Little Bird Says ... | Chinmaya Padhi |
22-Nov-2009 | Living in God's Modern Day World | Michael Levy |
22-Oct-2011 | Logic of Revelation | J. Ajithkumar |
28-Jan-2011 | Look for the Star in Your Life | Rajesh Williams |
20-Jul-2012 | Love - The Best Four Lettered Word | Ananya S Guha |
29-Dec-2019 | Lovemaking: What a Playboy Sci-fi Story Can Teach Us | Satya Chaitanya |
27-Feb-2021 | Loving Ignorance in the Dim Light | Bhupinder Singh |
02-Nov-2000 | Madness | Bhagwat K. Shah |
15-Apr-2011 | Magic of Life! | Akshay Patil |
01-Mar-2025 | Mahashivratri | Deepika Tiwari |
06-Aug-2016 | Mala, Vikshepa, Avarana - Three Obstacles on the Spiritual Path | R C Ganjoo |
18-Sep-2016 | Man, Mind and Spirituality | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
15-Apr-2014 | Man, Mind and Spirituality | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
29-Mar-2020 | Martin Luther: The Reformer | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
26-Feb-2012 | Me and Lord Krishna! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
09-Jun-2012 | Me and Ramana Maharshi! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
16-Apr-2006 | Meditation and Beauty | Sugandha Indulkar |
03-Jun-2018 | Meditation and Nature of White Light | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
01-Apr-2018 | Meditation on Atman or Brahman | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
03-Feb-2012 | Meditation on Meditation! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
17-Oct-2004 | Meditation, Neurobiology and the Journey to the East | Satya Chaitanya |
01-Jan-2000 | Metaphors | Milton Redman |
08-Jan-2023 | Metaphysics and Science - Everything is Made of the Same Universal Matter | Dr. Alexis Karpouzos |
31-Mar-2011 | Mind It! | Akshay Patil |
10-May-2009 | Mind: The Double-edged Sword | Alpana Agarwal |
24-Jan-2004 | Moksha and Nirvana | J. Ajithkumar |
06-Feb-2021 | Moses (1300BC-1220BC) | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
16-Jan-2011 | Muktabai of Maharashtra | Shernaz Wadia |
21-Jun-2008 | Myth Of Compassionate God | J. Ajithkumar |
28-May-2013 | Naranath Bhranthan: Sisyphus minus His Curse | Satya Chaitanya |
30-Jun-2007 | Narmada Parikrama | Julia Dutta |
11-Jan-2000 | Neurophysiology of Meditation | Dr. C.S. Shah |
29-Jun-2000 | New Culture in New Millennium | Dr. C.S. Shah |
04-Aug-2002 | New Vision | Bhuwan Thapaliya |
26-Oct-2019 | Nirvana is Getting Out of the Earth's Gravity Field | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
14-Feb-2011 | No Space, No Mind | Mandar Karanjkar |
15-Feb-2015 | Of Things Other-Worldly | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
24-Jun-2013 | Oh My God | Sanjoy Barua |
01-Oct-2022 | Oh, My God | P. Ravindran Nayar |
21-Sep-2024 | OMG Really Means 'O' (is) My God | P. Ravindran Nayar |
29-Mar-2013 | Origin and Evolution of Universe | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
15-Sep-2012 | Our Sai: The Mission of a Saint | Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi |
30-Jan-2021 | Pain and Sufferings | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
17-Jul-2016 | Panchakosha - The Five Sheaths | R C Ganjoo |
11-Feb-2018 | Panchatantra, Mores, Morality and Tradition | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
13-Oct-2018 | Paramatma in Our Living Room | P. Ravindran Nayar |
18-Dec-2012 | Paranoid and Maniacal! | Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar |
07-Jun-2001 | Passionate Mind, A Divine Workshop | Meenakshi Madhur |
15-May-2021 | Past, Present and Future | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
14-May-2011 | Pleasure and Pain! | Akshay Patil |
09-Feb-2003 | Post Enlightenment Ordeal When Reality Strikes | Anand Rishi |
23-Feb-2012 | Powerful Sudarshana Shloka | Kalakad Ganapathy |
28-Aug-2016 | Praasthaana Traya - Same Text Books - Different Lessons | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
31-Aug-2010 | Prabhu Tero Naam: Bus to Bhakti Marg | G. Venkatesh |
03-Oct-2010 | Practical Aspects of Bhakti | Om Johari |
22-Feb-2009 | Prahlad, the Greatest | J. Ajithkumar |
05-Nov-2022 | Prana as Life | K Govindan Kutty |
23-Oct-2016 | Pravritti and Nivritti - Two Ways of Life | R C Ganjoo |
01-Jan-2000 | Prayer | Milton Redman |
20-Aug-2011 | Quest of Truth | Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
30-May-2012 | Quest of Truth - The Baba Syndrome | Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
14-Feb-2012 | Quest of Truth: Karmaphal | Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
09-Nov-2011 | Quest of Truth: The Absolute | Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
04-Dec-2011 | Quest of Truth: The Religion | Mahesh Chandra Dewedy |
19-May-2002 | Reality of Revelations | Anand Rishi |
02-Oct-2004 | Realizing Truth | Chinmaya Padhi |
17-Jan-2016 | Reincarnation: Persistence of Memory | Satya Chaitanya |
17-Sep-2017 | Relationship Between the Youth and the Aged | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
08-Jan-2006 | Religion and Yoga | Meena Iyer |
02-Feb-2003 | Religion In The New Millennium | Dr. D.Jeevan Kumar |
11-May-2003 | Religion is One and Eternal | Sushil Kumar Vasudeva |
28-Oct-2001 | Religion Vs Spirituality | Dr. C.S. Shah |
02-Jul-2006 | Restlessness Itself is Mind | A. Thiagarajan |
08-Jun-2003 | Rise Up for Better World | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
15-Jul-2011 | Ritual versus Spiritual | Rishabh Kumar |
18-Apr-2000 | Riverwatcher | Mary E. Borra |
15-Feb-2012 | Role of Faith in Human Lives! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
08-Dec-2018 | Sage Wisdom | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
15-Oct-2006 | Satan Wrote Parts of the Bible | Michael Levy |
03-Dec-2010 | Science Against Spirituality | Mandar Karanjkar |
09-Oct-2021 | Science of Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
19-Nov-2016 | Science of Patanjali’s Yoga sutras! | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
01-Jul-2012 | Science of soul | Devi Nangrani |
14-Oct-2001 | Scriptures and Science | Anand Rishi |
23-Sep-2001 | Scriptures, Religions and Synthesis | Anand Rishi |
10-Aug-2010 | Search for Truth can Only be a Spiritual Problem | Mitrabhanu Mahapatra |
04-Jan-2015 | Searching for Silence | Prerna Prasad |
12-Feb-2012 | Seers and Cults! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
30-Jul-2006 | Self Realization: How do you Attain it? | Pradeep Joshi |
26-Jun-2004 | Self-knowledge and Renunciation | Sujata Ashwarya Cheema |
28-Jan-2014 | Self-realization - An irreversible Physiological Transformation? | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
18-May-2003 | Sensible Adieu | Pavalamani Pragasam |
07-Mar-2020 | Seven Lessons I Learned from Hindu Devotionalism | Dr. Mukul Shri Goel |
03-Jun-2018 | Sharanaagati – Sure way to Salvation | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
05-Mar-2017 | Shiva Yogini of Kashmir – Lalla Devi | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
06-Feb-2005 | Silence More Eloquent than Sound | H.C. Shukul |
19-Feb-2012 | Siva Tatva! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
08-May-2021 | Some of the Best Ways to Manifest Your Dreams | Manish Khanna |
06-Feb-2011 | Something Beyond Science | Akshay Patil |
11-Apr-2015 | Space and Cyberspace! | T. A. Ramesh |
07-Feb-2012 | Spirit in Realisation | R. D. Ashby |
23-Dec-2013 | Spirit of Service - A Virtue | Bhavna Mathur |
04-Jan-2013 | Spiritual Nature of Discovery | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
21-Dec-2019 | Spiritual Wisdom: The Only Way for Liberation | Dr. Ramesh Singh Pal |
10-Mar-2012 | Spirituality and Religion! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
27-Jun-2020 | Sri Ramana Maharishi Revisited | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
22-Dec-2011 | Sri: The Legend of Goddess Lakshmi | G. Venkatesh |
10-Nov-2018 | Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5 | Dr. Venkata Koteswara Rao Nandanavanam |
22-Aug-2014 | Sringeri - The Temple Town in Karnataka | G. Venkatesh |
27-Feb-2021 | St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus) 5-67 AD | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
02-Feb-2013 | Stress, Death and Rebirth | Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar |
01-Mar-2000 | Subconscious Mind | Dr. C.S. Shah |
02-Dec-2001 | Suffering Meaningfully | Aurpon Bhattacharya |
18-Jun-2016 | Sufi and Bhakti Kindred by Love | Aju Mukhopadhyay |
29-Dec-2024 | Sufism, Rumi, and the Universal Message of Divine Unity | Renu Dhotre |
12-Mar-2014 | Talking Angels and Arts with Mani Goel | Dr. Sunil Sharma |
21-Apr-2002 | Talking to Youth: Seeking Fulfillment | Dr. C.S. Shah |
02-Nov-2000 | Tao Te Ching | Naveen Jagan |
15-May-2016 | Tatvas and Gunas - (The Origin of the Universe) | R C Ganjoo |
29-May-2004 | Teaching of The Little White Feet | Dr. William R. Stimson |
26-Dec-2020 | The Abode | Devi Nangrani |
13-Feb-2011 | The Alekh Cult: A Religion of the Masses | Prof. R. N. Mishra |
11-Nov-2001 | The Basic Point about Philosophy | Dr. C.S. Shah |
08-Feb-2000 | The Big Questions | Dr. K.R.S Murthy |
01-Jun-2019 | The Borders of Heaven | P. Ravindran Nayar |
26-Mar-2006 | The Capacitor Theory | Jack Bischke |
16-Apr-2012 | The Central Metaphysics of Superultramodern Science and Philosophy | Kedar Joshi |
14-Apr-2002 | The Confucius Han Fei Tzu Question | Aurpon Bhattacharya |
27-Jul-2000 | The Dawn of Isolation: The Power in a Grain of Sand | Rohini Ranjan |
26-May-2012 | The Devi Worship! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
23-Jun-2007 | The Dialogue of the Buddha and the Shephard | Satya Chaitanya |
05-Oct-2000 | The Divine Romance | Vaish |
22-Jun-2003 | The Essence of Qur'an | Aurpon Bhattacharya |
22-Aug-2020 | The Functional and Resting Mind | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
12-Apr-2001 | The Golden Rule | Suniti Chandra Mishra |
19-Nov-2016 | The Guru and the Creation | P C K Prem |
11-Jun-2022 | The Heroes of Sufi and Bhakti Cult | Dr. Satish Bendigiri |
23-Oct-2012 | The Immanence Of Puja... | Ananya S Guha |
17-Jun-2023 | The Immutable Laws of Energy | Renu Dhotre |
04-Sep-2010 | The Importance of Lamp in Hindu Culture | G. Venkatesh |
09-May-2012 | The Journey Of Life | Bhavna Mathur |
26-Feb-2006 | The Journey of the Soul! | Tom Beal |
19-Nov-2017 | The Karma Revenge | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
28-Nov-2010 | The Life and Times of Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Mantralaya | G. Venkatesh |
16-Apr-2022 | The Lion Who Attained Salvation | Kshitij Jain |
30-Aug-2010 | The Magic Potion | G. Venkatesh |
03-Sep-2023 | The Message | Dr. Alexis Karpouzos |
10-Oct-2021 | The Messengers of Freedom | Dr. Alexis Karpouzos |
29-Dec-2002 | The Mind 'Intel' | Rajgopal Nidamboor |
09-Mar-2014 | The Minds of the Seers | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
17-Sep-2022 | The Missing Awareness | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
15-May-2022 | The Mystery of The First Breath | P. Ravindran Nayar |
01-Sep-2011 | The Naked Saint | Shernaz Wadia |
08-Aug-2012 | The Nectar of Krishna's Pranks | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
22-Jun-2000 | The New Age Spirituality that is Upon Us! | Rohini Ranjan |
27-Jul-2000 | The Oasis | Mary E. Borra |
11-Jul-2020 | The Path of Unconditional Love | Devi Nangrani |
08-Dec-2002 | The Power of Sound | Rajgopal Nidamboor |
09-Jan-2014 | The Power of Vishnu Sahasranamam | Valliyoor Satya |
25-Mar-2013 | The Power of Words | Kunal Arora |
11-Jan-2000 | The Prophets and Pure Reason | Satheesan N. Kochicheril |
02-May-2004 | The Quantum Metaphysical Spirituality of Science | Michael Levy |
30-Apr-2012 | The Real Identity of 'I' | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
17-Feb-2008 | The Real Islam | Naira Yaqoob |
22-Aug-2020 | The Real Item | Dr. William R. Stimson |
15-Jun-2019 | The Religion of Man - Rabindranath Tagore's Spiritual Journey | Ramarao Annavarapu |
16-Apr-2017 | The Renunciation of the World | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
02-Feb-2003 | The Science of Meditation | Rajgopal Nidamboor |
07-Aug-2013 | The Seer and the Seen | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
31-Jan-2012 | The Serenity of Mind! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
21-Apr-2007 | The Spirit is Sexless | Julia Dutta |
04-Feb-2012 | The Structure and Function of Mind | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
03-Sep-2016 | The Third Millennium | Dr. Frank S. K. Barar |
09-Mar-2003 | The Thought Lexicon | Rajgopal Nidamboor |
06-Jun-2020 | The Timeless Lifetime Master | Devi Nangrani |
16-Apr-2012 | The Ultimate God Paradox | Kedar Joshi |
21-Jul-2012 | The usefulness of Inactivity | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
15-Jun-2000 | The Utopian Dream | Anmol Chowdhry |
17-Aug-2000 | The Visitors | Amit Shekhar |
15-Jul-2018 | The Vital Question | Ganganand Jha |
01-Jan-2000 | The Voice of God | Milton Redman |
26-Mar-2006 | The World of Advertising | Jack Bischke |
27-Sep-2009 | There is no Christian Yoga | Tom Beal |
11-Jan-2011 | This is How I See - The God Delusion | Pt. NA NA |
26-Apr-2003 | This is how Jesus comes into the world | Dr. William R. Stimson |
28-Sep-2000 | Thoughts: A Form of Energy | Rohini Ranjan |
13-Oct-2018 | Thus Discoursed Poojya Bhaishri | Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. |
02-Feb-2012 | Time and Mind! | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
01-Mar-2000 | Tirtha | Sandhya Keller |
28-Sep-2008 | TOaOTi Advaita | J. Ajithkumar |
08-Feb-2020 | Trigunas: Three kinds of Mental Knots | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
28-Aug-2016 | Tritapas - The Three Forces of Destiny | R C Ganjoo |
21-May-2017 | True and False | Kamal (Kam) Joshi |
19-Aug-2011 | Truth always Survives | Devi Nangrani |
09-Feb-2012 | Truth and Reality | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
02-Jan-2005 | Tsunami : Should We Lose Faith in God? | Swami Sunirmalananda |
28-Nov-2004 | Twam Radha Bhava | Chinmaya Padhi |
15-Apr-2023 | Understanding the Science of Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Dr. Anil Rajvanshi |
26-Nov-2010 | Unification of Religions | Mandar Karanjkar |
23-Mar-2008 | Vipassana : Meditation in Action | Dr. Manish Agarwala |
06-Sep-2015 | Vivekananda and Bhagwad Gita | Sarika Goyal |
16-Feb-2019 | War and Violence in the Name of God | Prof. Dr. Dominic KV |
09-Nov-2000 | War! | Bhagwat K. Shah |
21-Dec-2012 | What Christmas Means to me… | Ananya S Guha |
29-Jun-2000 | What is a Diaspora? | Doreen Dotan |
13-Aug-2006 | What is an Avatar? | C.R. Gopalakrishna |
01-Feb-2020 | What is God? | Dr. Mohinder Thapar |
01-Feb-2020 | What is Religion? | Dr. Mohinder Thapar |
02-Jan-2011 | Who is Andal? | Shernaz Wadia |
20-Nov-2005 | Why Am I Here? | Shefali Burns |
18-Jun-2002 | Why I Am An Atheist? | Bhagat Singh |
09-Aug-2012 | Why I Am Not An Aethist... | Ananya S Guha |
28-Aug-2021 | Why I Thank God for Every Meal | Randy Johnson |
01-Jun-2011 | Why is the Hanuman Chalisa so powerful ! | G. Venkatesh |
11-May-2008 | Why Would You Follow Your Dreams in the 21st Century? | Dr. Mukul Shri Goel |
02-Jan-2000 | Wildflowers | Milton Redman |
31-Oct-2015 | Wisdom of the Body | Prof. Dr. Ram Krishna Singh |
26-Feb-2017 | Wise Brahmins | P C K Prem |
15-Nov-2009 | Yam: The 10 Vedic Restraints | Aparna Chatterjee |
08-May-2016 | Yoga in Daily Life | R C Ganjoo |