Mystic Songs

Kaun Thagwa Nagariya Lutal Ho 

Chandan Kaath Ke Banal Khatola, Tapar Dulihan Sutal Ho 
Utho Sakhiri Maang Sawaro, Dulha Mosey Ruthal Ho
Aye Jamraja Palang Chadi Baitha, Nainan Ansuwan Tutal Ho 
Char Jane Mil Khath Uthain, Chahun Disi Dhu Dhu Uthal Ho 
Kehat Kabira Suno Bhai Sadho, Jug Se Nata Chutal Ho 


Who Is The Thug Who Is Robbing The Town.
A Small Cot Is Made Of Sandalwood,
On Which The Bride Is Sleeping
Get Up Beloved Companion 
Adorn Me With Bridal Makeup,
The Groom Is Upset With Me
Yamaraj, The Lord of Death, Is Sitting On The Bed,
Eyes Are Filled With Tears 
Four People Pick Up The Cot,
Sounds of The Flaring Flames Come From All Four Directions
Says Kabira Listen Oh Sadhu,
The Relationship With The World Comes To An End 


The town symbolizes the body. The thug is death itself. It robs the body of its life force. The symbolism is at two levels. At the physical level where body and spirit are intertwined like groom and bride, the spirit thinks that body is its abode and tries its best to hang on. It cries at the sight of such a catastrophic loss. But the relentless time (personified as Yamaraj) is sitting in no mood to yield. The bride or spirit thinks that the groom (body) is upset so tries its best to attract its mate and resorts to all kinds of means represented in the song as "bridal makeup". The impermanence of the physical reality is manifested ever so clearly as the body is consumed by the very sensory attributes that it identified with (represented as flames). At the spiritual level, of course, the bride is starting its true journey to reach its permanent abode and therefore the relationship with the world comes to an end. The latter part is inferred in contrast to the more apparent physical reality. In his typical mystical fashion, Kabir urges the listener (Sadhu or one who is doing Sadhana) to come to this understanding on their own - a realization that is not bookish but experiential. 

Illustration by Vaish 
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Comments on this Mystic Song

Comment Wonderful understanding of soul of both languages, nicely interpreted । thanks

Dr Agrahari एक
04-Apr-2023 08:45 AM

Comment I was looking for the translation of this bhajan for quite sometime. Today I chanced upon this blog and extremely happy to know the meaning of each line. Deep down I knew it was about impermanence of life but knowing the full meaning is very satisfying. Thank you so much

Jayesh Sanghani
19-Oct-2022 20:10 PM

Comment Thank you so much for the wonderful translation- i have some trouble with bhojpuri which i think is the language. always interested in kabir.

karunakar narayan
18-Jul-2021 08:19 AM

Comment कबीरके ये चमचमाते हीरे हम तक पहुँचाने के लिए हार्दिक धन्यवाद !

Shubhada Randive
17-Nov-2020 03:15 AM

Comment Fantastic explanation, thanks!

10-Dec-2013 21:13 PM

Comment Amazing!! Thank you so much for the beautiful translation and meaning. :)

12-May-2013 09:45 AM

Comment marvellous

21-Jan-2012 11:32 AM

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