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Our poetry section is edited by Ms Aparna Chatterjee. Please check your poems for typos to make sure they are free of spelling mistakes. Please read this Blog on how to submit your poems. Please UPLOAD images of which you hold a copyright. DO NOT upload images by copying from other websites. 

Featured Poet

Kulbir Bhalla

Theme of the Day


Articles Encore

In Conversation with Jayanta Mahapatra
Time - Space Continuum:

Poems Encore

Harry Potter
Have You?
He is Crying Too!
Jane Webb Needs Our Prayers
Mom Thought I Would Be a Girl
Mountains Avalanche of Perceptions
On Road
Rough To Be Sweet

From Editor's Choice

Autumn Waterfall
Death of a Youth
Don't Be Deceived!
I do not Look at Damsels' Faces Anymore

Date Title Writer
20-Jan-2025 "Chaat" Chat N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
20-Nov-2024 150 Aparna Chatterjee
27-Feb-2025 A Dose Of Silence Kulbir Bhalla
28-Feb-2025 A Layman's Perception of Viruses Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
04-Feb-2025 A Rainy Cloud Sanjai Poovathum Kadavil
04-Mar-2025 A World Above from Down Below Kewal Paigankar
11-Dec-2024 Accept What You Can't Change Kulbir Bhalla
10-Dec-2024 Accident-Prone N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
09-Jan-2025 Afternoon Aparna Chatterjee
26-Jan-2025 Ageless Friendship Dr. Jaipal Singh
08-Dec-2024 Aggressive Beggar Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
25-Nov-2024 Alien Swatantra Sharma
24-Nov-2024 Aligned Swatantra Sharma
29-Dec-2024 An Acrostic Tribute to Ratan Naval Tata U Atreya Sarma
27-Feb-2025 ASAP Aparna Chatterjee
06-Jan-2025 Asks Aparna Chatterjee
09-Jan-2025 Attitude Determines Altitude Kulbir Bhalla
17-Feb-2025 Attitude Matters in Life Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
08-Feb-2025 Be Swatantra Sharma
25-Feb-2025 Beasts of Burden N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
28-Dec-2024 Bedtime Stories Swatantra Sharma
15-Jan-2025 Beliefs Need A Checkup Kulbir Bhalla
07-Jan-2025 Better Aparna Chatterjee
04-Jan-2025 Beware Swatantra Sharma
08-Jan-2025 Blessed Aparna Chatterjee
25-Jan-2025 Blessed Swatantra Sharma
07-Mar-2025 Born Aparna Chatterjee
20-Jan-2025 Borracho (Barfly) Kewal Paigankar
25-Dec-2024 Bound Swatantra Sharma
14-Dec-2024 Canopy Dr. Jaipal Singh
07-Jan-2025 Charisma Dr. Jaipal Singh
31-Jan-2025 Cherish Life Kulbir Bhalla
08-Jan-2025 Childlike Behaviour Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
25-Jan-2025 Choices Swatantra Sharma
11-Dec-2024 Christmas Cactus Kulbir Bhalla
06-Jan-2025 Clouds Aparna Chatterjee
23-Feb-2025 Cradled Aparna Chatterjee
03-Dec-2024 Cuckoos' Language N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
01-Jan-2025 Destination Weddings N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
08-Feb-2025 Did Someone Tell You That? Rupashri Chatterjee
16-Jan-2025 Dreams Aren't Free Kulbir Bhalla
25-Dec-2024 Endearing Madras N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
23-Feb-2025 Faith and Prayers Never Fail N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
22-Dec-2024 Fear Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
14-Mar-2025 Festival of Colours Dr. Jaipal Singh
07-Jan-2025 Filth Aparna Chatterjee
10-Dec-2024 Flooded Aparna Chatterjee
05-Jan-2025 Forgiveness Kulbir Bhalla
12-Mar-2025 Free Swatantra Sharma
01-Dec-2024 Freezing Aparna Chatterjee
17-Jan-2025 Futility of Aping Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
23-Nov-2024 Gist Aparna Chatterjee
04-Jan-2025 Giving Kulbir Bhalla
18-Mar-2025 Giving Hope Kulbir Bhalla
03-Jan-2025 Going On Swatantra Sharma
27-Feb-2025 Goodbye Gene Hackman Randy Johnson
03-Mar-2025 Goodbye Gene Hackman - Part 2 Randy Johnson
08-Mar-2025 Goodbye Gene Hackman - Part 3 Randy Johnson
27-Dec-2024 Granny's Spectacles N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
22-Nov-2024 Half Aparna Chatterjee
10-Jan-2025 Helping The Victims Of The Wildfires Randy Johnson
09-Dec-2024 House Aparna Chatterjee
17-Mar-2025 Hurt Aparna Chatterjee
02-Dec-2024 I'm Right Kulbir Bhalla
17-Feb-2025 In Such A Hurry Kulbir Bhalla
28-Jan-2025 Insights Swatantra Sharma
23-Dec-2024 It Wasn't A Wonderful Life Randy Johnson
07-Mar-2025 Kindness Kulbir Bhalla
04-Jan-2025 Know What You're Sowing Kulbir Bhalla
28-Jan-2025 Life Aparna Chatterjee
03-Mar-2025 Life Aparna Chatterjee
01-Dec-2024 Little Birds' Pranks Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
28-Jan-2025 Lives Aparna Chatterjee
22-Nov-2024 Living Aparna Chatterjee
25-Nov-2024 Living In The Past Kulbir Bhalla
18-Jan-2025 Look Back Swatantra Sharma
13-Jan-2025 Los Angeles Burning Kulbir Bhalla
08-Feb-2025 Love Aparna Chatterjee
01-Feb-2025 Love and Lust G Swaminathan
24-Jan-2025 Lull Aparna Chatterjee
02-Dec-2024 Made For Each Other N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
28-Feb-2025 Maha Kumbh 2025 Dr. Jaipal Singh
15-Mar-2025 March Aparna Chatterjee
24-Jan-2025 Marionettes Kewal Paigankar
25-Dec-2024 Maturity Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
25-Dec-2024 Merry Christmas Madathil Rajendran Nair
01-Dec-2024 Merry Christmas, Mom - Part XII Randy Johnson
12-Dec-2024 Middle-Aged Mother N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
19-Mar-2025 Mine Swatantra Sharma
27-Feb-2025 Missing Swatantra Sharma
24-Nov-2024 Mobile Mania Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
04-Mar-2025 Moment Aparna Chatterjee
05-Dec-2024 Moments Swatantra Sharma
16-Dec-2024 Moonlit Moments Sanjai Poovathum Kadavil
12-Jan-2025 Motherly Instinct Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
30-Nov-2024 My Gratitude to the Almighty Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
18-Dec-2024 My Joy Overflows Kulbir Bhalla
19-Dec-2024 My Mother's Golden Words N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
06-Jan-2025 Need Aparna Chatterjee
23-Jan-2025 Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Dr. Padmapriya S
21-Jan-2025 Never too Late to Learn Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
02-Feb-2025 Nothing Happens By Chance Kulbir Bhalla
20-Dec-2024 Nowhere Time Is Sold Kulbir Bhalla
29-Jan-2025 Old-Fashioned N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
28-Dec-2024 Opportunity Kulbir Bhalla
19-Jan-2025 Out Swatantra Sharma
07-Dec-2024 Overwhelming Aparna Chatterjee
24-Nov-2024 Parents Aparna Chatterjee
10-Jan-2025 Parting Swatantra Sharma
02-Dec-2024 Peace You'll Weave Kulbir Bhalla
17-Mar-2025 Perplexity Aparna Chatterjee
08-Dec-2024 Petroglyphs Madathil Rajendran Nair
30-Nov-2024 Phantom Warmth Bhavni Sikdar
06-Mar-2025 Phases Swatantra Sharma
30-Jan-2025 Practice with Pride Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
28-Jan-2025 Precious Aparna Chatterjee
26-Nov-2024 Price Swatantra Sharma
18-Feb-2025 Privacy G Swaminathan
30-Nov-2024 Promise Rupashri Chatterjee
16-Dec-2024 Rare Presence of Peacock Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
19-Jan-2025 Reflections G Swaminathan
23-Jan-2025 Remembrance Swatantra Sharma
17-Jan-2025 Remnants Aparna Chatterjee
08-Jan-2025 Resist Not Change Kulbir Bhalla
06-Jan-2025 Rest Aparna Chatterjee
09-Dec-2024 Rest In Peace, Hazel V Randy Johnson
06-Mar-2025 Rest In Peace, Mom - Part VIII Randy Johnson
11-Mar-2025 Routine Aparna Chatterjee
15-Jan-2025 Rural Life Aparna Chatterjee
05-Dec-2024 Same Aparna Chatterjee
25-Dec-2024 Santa At The North Pole Kulbir Bhalla
09-Jan-2025 Settling Down N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
11-Jan-2025 Seven Steps To Happiness Kulbir Bhalla
13-Mar-2025 Short Aparna Chatterjee
07-Jan-2025 Similarity Aparna Chatterjee
01-Jan-2025 Smoke-Free For One Year Randy Johnson
11-Jan-2025 Snow View K.S. Subramanian
07-Dec-2024 Soul Aparna Chatterjee
07-Jan-2025 Spread Aparna Chatterjee
17-Mar-2025 Spring Is On Its Way Kulbir Bhalla
20-Dec-2024 Stop Whining! Kulbir Bhalla
13-Mar-2025 Tactics Swatantra Sharma
27-Dec-2024 Thank God Kulbir Bhalla
27-Nov-2024 That Smile Kulbir Bhalla
26-Dec-2024 The 50th Anniversary of Jack Benny's Death Randy Johnson
23-Nov-2024 The Chase Swatantra Sharma
01-Jan-2025 The Cross of Age K.S. Subramanian
30-Jan-2025 The Divorce Randy Johnson
29-Dec-2024 The Echo of a New Year's Ring Dr. Punam Pandey
09-Dec-2024 The Job Is Not Yet Done Kulbir Bhalla
11-Feb-2025 The Late Douglas Adams Randy Johnson
18-Dec-2024 The Lawsuit Randy Johnson
06-Mar-2025 The Pitter-Patter Of Rain Kulbir Bhalla
18-Mar-2025 The Poet Sanjai Poovathum Kadavil
04-Mar-2025 The Rebel Swatantra Sharma
24-Nov-2024 The Shrewd Butterflies Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
05-Dec-2024 There Aparna Chatterjee
02-Dec-2024 These Eyes Kulbir Bhalla
26-Nov-2024 Think Aparna Chatterjee
25-Jan-2025 Through My Eyes: The Soul of My Nation Dr. Punam Pandey
25-Jan-2025 Today Aparna Chatterjee
01-Mar-2025 Too Settled? Swatantra Sharma
15-Feb-2025 Travelers Kulbir Bhalla
25-Nov-2024 Traveling into the Twilight Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
13-Dec-2024 Trending AI Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
15-Dec-2024 Tribute To My Aunt N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
03-Mar-2025 Truly A Sage Kulbir Bhalla
23-Jan-2025 Twenty-Five Aparna Chatterjee
24-Dec-2024 Twilight Swatantra Sharma
17-Jan-2025 Uecker Randy Johnson
05-Dec-2024 Unity Dr. N. Raghavendra Rao
14-Feb-2025 Valentine's Day Bijay Kant Dubey
14-Feb-2025 Valentine's Day Celebration Bijay Kant Dubey
01-Dec-2024 Wailing Boy Madathil Rajendran Nair
07-Mar-2025 Weather Report Kulbir Bhalla
02-Mar-2025 What A Pain! Kulbir Bhalla
15-Jan-2025 What Makes One A Sage Kulbir Bhalla
01-Feb-2025 When Life Beckons... Hema Ravi
21-Feb-2025 When They Grow Up Swatantra Sharma
28-Dec-2024 Why Call It Quits? Kulbir Bhalla
04-Dec-2024 Why I Stood Out N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
05-Mar-2025 Wild Palash Trees Bijay Kant Dubey
15-Mar-2025 Winter Is Saying Kulbir Bhalla
07-Jan-2025 Winter's Color Kulbir Bhalla
21-Dec-2024 Winter's First Day Kulbir Bhalla
11-Mar-2025 World Aparna Chatterjee
21-Feb-2025 You Better Worry Kulbir Bhalla
13-Feb-2025 You Can Achieve Kulbir Bhalla
06-Dec-2024 You Can't Thank Enough Kulbir Bhalla
15-Mar-2025 You Wouldn't Be Sad Kulbir Bhalla
15-Feb-2025 Your Embrace Kulbir Bhalla
03-Feb-2025 Your Inner Voice Kulbir Bhalla
09-Dec-2024 Yummy Street Food N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
