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The Anatomy of Love |
A Quick Look as a Prepublication Review
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Rajiv Khandelwal is an enthusiastic and competent poet with just one published volume of poetry. Conch Shells And Cowries (Indian Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, was published in 1998.) A trained engineer and a technocrat-poet and Khandelwal’s next love is highly imaginative poetry, the first being his love for his two daughters Vertica and Vernica. In the Author’s preface to his first collection he has some confessions to make, which I quote here, for the benefit of budding poets bubbling with enthusiasm to become bards of excellence.
I searched for you He has flair of titillating expression but it is not just for titillation.
“I searched and searched Searching for words for the description of coloured rainbow like flashes in imagination is surely the beginning of the makings of a poet. For one thing this is humility, devoutly to be wished for instead of saying oysters and pearls a step higher for diamonds in the deeps looking for conch shells and cowries is surely a spring board for imaginative surfing. Khandelwal thinks about the sad condition of poets in his “Condolences to the Poet”. This is no time for poetry and poets have little to do. What he does is not taken seriously or effectively
Assuming The condition of today’s poets is further described in “Failure”
No swanky cars Poesy thoughts of wit intense feeling in a number of ways now recalled:
They are the days when There is his experience - an engineer’s encounter with a la belle dame in “An Encounter”
The moment my eyes recorded your image With all science vocabulary of mechanics and sciences, he moves into an area of laughter in the poem “An Encounter”
The face, an index of the mind The speaker of the poem “Today”, obviously a poet today thinks off writing a letter to his lady love in a musical scenario:
Today The poet becomes a musician and musical instruments are there and enthused and pepped up he declares and finally thinks of making a proposal with gusto:
The joke is that still the languor and cowardice are still there and the lover only decides to propose the next morning. A realistic situation is of the youthful man still in adolescence. This is the title of the new poem “Hope at Sixteen” – a poem on poetry and the poet composing it. Here is the bombast of being flabbergasted by a mere smile. World famous painter, sculptor, lark and a poet all are remembered in adolescent exuberance making the reader smile – “she favoured me with a smile” (Ibid, p.14)
Who needs
This is deeply serious thought demanding the chopping of lines in the poem. The poet is immensely disturbed and influenced by not mere chopped up thought. It took him fifteen years to produce another book of poems (to be published this year) 21st Century Love Poems - Love is a Lot of Work. There is mellowness of feeling and understanding of the condition of human life in which love is the important impetus to nature psychologically. As Reginald Massey in his forward says: “In these poems I detect a new voice singing songs of love to the new generation of the new world”
It is irrelevant Sublime love is in the mind beyond the flesh, skin and the body, it is in thinking
What is of dying importance It is beyond today, beyond time – hence is a lot of ‘work’. The basis of true, sublime and divine love is Dante’s love for Beatrice Portinari, it is the greatest of unrequited – distant love, the basic details are awe inspiring. Dante was betrothed at 12 and married later at 22. Beatrice married a year later and dies at the age of 24. Devastated, Dante remained devoted to Beatrice for the rest of his life, Dante wrote a poem La Vita Nuora – the new life. This is not carnal, not youthful love, but divine and everlasting. When Dante was 18 in 1283 Beatrice spoke to him once as they saw each other while passing in the street. Her greeting filled him with ecstasy which inspired him to write the greatest love poem, the Italian “La Vita Nuora”. The first poem “My First Memory of You” with this backdrop in the poet’s mind set his theme perspective. Sublime love is not always the subject of Khandelwal’s poems. His “Recession Hits Love” is a case in Point. Some loves are jinxed like the one here:
Dwindling contact
“Love poet Khandelwal (b.1957) waits like a bird watcher staying far away unobtrusively observing the flutter and the flight of the bird “– the editor of this collection Bhupinder Parihar writes. “Work is the cardinal feature of love as an act of seeing, recalling and anticipating, so the words become welcome visitors and the language of poetry ’an act of the mind’”. It would be just to call it an act of benediction too.
While you are always away The oneness of the feeling, grieving and hoping together is all about love – especially in the present scenario of life. Learning strategies differ from business to business and effort to effort. The strategies to scale the peaks of sublimity are simple – even in the present new millennium for this poet:
While thinking of you The thirst for lady love never changes in the poem “Nothing has changed”
When I hear Holding hands in the dark in the theatre is a love-image which makes the lovers mind feasting in the music of love remembering the saying ‘if music be the food of love, play on’. In several places at different points of time Dante’s thoughts/feelings/ecstatic moments come in Khandelwal’s hero. When the well of want in him overflows as shown in his poem “You Came” stereotyped love, the lust package is not really lovable for it is no love in the real sense. The speaker says that he wouldn’t say “I love you”, “I like you” or “I have you” – the love is in his heart – mind - soul (manas) is the absolute sublime which can say briefly:
Let me look back At another peak among the ubiquitous the lover says:
“Nothing is simple The images of the cannon and the gun can lead only to pain which has no relevance for the soul felt amour. Finding an old photograph ought to have been a simple affair but it reminds the speaker of Marlowe’s Dr Faustus and he asks:
“Must I die a hundred deaths The impassioned lover remembers his lady love taking her pet canine running amok to the canine doctor, if not to the four lettered bliss called love in the poem “You Do Nothing”. The poet has abstract painting in his mind:
Well, you did what you have to
“The hidden-in-plain-sight view, There is the image of motorbike swishing fast and disappearing from the view in his thinking of his lady love. Here’s the lover’s heart throb:
And in that split second In poem after poem – “Girl Swooshes By”, “Motorbike Moves Away”, “Something About That Girl” “Fusion”, “Charges Of Solicitation” ”Girl On The Motorbike”, “Your Look Alike Speeds By” the lady love appears in a flash, fleshy, flashy, fantasy rising love seen in all these poems:
The bandhej sari Then another such flash of feeling:
There is something And there is fusion of many desires:
“Everything is make believe Then there is the libido on an overdrive:
For insatiable desired The lover thinks only of his heart-throb when he sees a girl on the motorbike:
Your look-alike on the motorbike These are only various aspects of feelings in the 21st century love poems. Delcious, sensitively sensuous sweet love, not carnal love or just worldly – this is love with a difference in the scenario of corporate business and fast flashing lily ponds are there in some more poems.
Shyly Sensuous sensibility always fascinates:
The cooing There are a number of remembrances and sweet recollections of sensuality and passion in this poem:
It’s the one place This experience is unforgettably sensuous
I walk the lily pond park
This is no chopped up prose except for the mere eyes with no heart- mind -soul. manas.
Coffee aroma floats
The references to Pheidippides , Greek King Tantalus and the techniques of monytage, Taoism and the concept of action through inaction , naturalness are all brought in sometime slyly and subtly and sometimes quite openly enriching the expression with imagery with aplomb. There appears to be an urgent need to provide a brief Glossary and notes for the benefit of neo poetry enthusiasts. Not all poems are heavy with absolutely important references.
Large grey Clouds A hundred poems in 108 pages (the number has a significance in religion) could have been a boulder instead of a string of pearls. But the poet is an autocrat in all languages, especially in Bharat: kavayoh nirankushah). The complexity is manifold: science, technology, philosophy, corporate business, lust, lechery, dream, fantasy and abstract reality all are brought in. The poet deserves a pat on the back! Works cited
30-Apr-2013 | ||
More by : Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B. | ||
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