Alexander, Napoleon
Hitler and their tribes
tried in vain to draw
with blood of the innocents
imaginary borders of their empire
In sympathy for the simple and poor
the rain of time came down in showers
the stains to wash off
and the face of the earth to glow again
Buddha, Jesus, Nanak,
Kabir, Rumi and Gandhi
did not carry lethal weapons,
yet occupied the three worlds –
aren’t they superior warriors!
Newton, Einstein, Curie and Raman
did not march with a mammoth army,
still their imaginations touched infinity;
so did Kalidas, Dante and Shakespeare,
Milton, Eliot, Frost, Tennyson and Tagore
nurtured the gardens of beauty
and laid flower beds in the hearts of the humanity.
Muscles and weapons have hardly any power,
the mind has – its territory
goes beyond space and time
and enters into a realm –
enchanting and sublime!