In the warp and weft of life
the fabric of love does not change colour,
it remains fadeless and bright forever
When I see two little birds
chart their flight together
turning to right, some times to left,
up and down in perfect unison,
I wonder who has taught them such perfection?
Does anything, the debate is going on,
travel faster than visible light?
Perhaps not, but who knows
the velocity of love? Does it travel straight
or meanders from one heart to another?
And who has seen love, who knows its colour?
All that we see, all that we hear,
all that we feel and touch are its byproduct?
The aroma of kindness and the fragrance of silence,
Tell me if you know, but I know not!!!
All I know is you are my morning lotus,
Anything sweeter than you I am yet to come across!!