She is a woman from the land of five rivers.
A very middle class;
husband and two daughters.
Repeatedly she was misunderstood
and lost popularity with colleagues
over a period of time.
Finally she got a boss
from the land of five rivers.
First year was a honeymoon period.
She got excellent report form her boss.
But somebody had been chuckling
unseen, no doubt!
For she earned the epithet of a shirker,
soon enough.
And repeatedly was she insulted, threatened.
She would come to tears often,
and became depressed
and had hypertension.
She had no friend.
She found a Bong giving ears to her woes.
He faught for her
as much as he could
and got her transferred.
He had identified her woes.
It was in the shape of a well entrenched woman
who thought
her boss was falling for the other lady!
Moral: Beware!
Do not give a damn chance to anybody
that you may fall for one or the other!