Boy arranged
a bike from someone
for a little while
to pay the first visit
in solitude to his beloved
thus the visit takes place - in twilight
it is all alone
up to far distances
Bike stops at a right place
hugs-lip lock
fingers rolling
sighs-magic touch
lightening passes through
the bodies
manifestation of some human figures
yeah, people are coming this way
and the lovers from a traditional land
move onwards
At a right place again they stop
touch- embrace- caress
sliding palms-deep breathing
then again - sounds occur from opposite side
people are coming up
again the lovers move on
now many people are coming up
solitude of the lane is broken
Now it's time to return
bid goodbye to each other
the girl is dropped at a spot
both are on their own ways
the boy is regretting
with a slime under his belly
that-'he missed the great chance
what if people hadn't came'
But the girl with tears...admires
'what a deep ocean of love was that
whose single drop is
enough for me....!'