Theme: Heart


Full of life,
Full of vitality,
With an amazingly consistent universality,
The heart beats.

When life is merry,
And joys abound.
Every time a good friend is found,
The heart beats.

When sorrows befall,
And tears start,
When all the hopes of your life depart,
The heart beats.

When I am in doubt,
When I feel fear,
When the way is lonely and the road unclear,
The heart beats.

When there is no hope,
To rely upon,
To thoughts of despair the mind is drawn,
The heart beats.

When the mind is empty,
And the thoughts are still,
When seconds don’t pass and the hours don’t fill,
The heart beats.

With amazing grace,
With consistency,
Without any fault or discrepancy,
The hears beats.

As long as I live
Till the day that I die,
Until the time comes
For my wanton soul,
To fly
Into the sapphire blue sky
My heart beats.


More By  :  Trisha Kesar

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