Editor's Choice
Theme: Cynic

The Faultfinder

The archaic nitpicker
employs outdated yardsticks
limps on crutches of enslaving traditions
conforms to egoistic penchants
references icons of the bygone eras
mobilizes to evaluate

the avant-garde 
            reforms and changes
evolving slowly, but surely

on scientific principles
notwithstanding the chaos
in the contemporary environs
the criticisms are clumsy
directionless, unpleasant and absurd
Yet the nagger persists to whine
          unable to trace or vibrate
          with the waves reproduced
like the blemished stylus
found stuck in the grooves
of a vibrant gramophone record
The Master’s Voice
through the resurgent inspiration
cannot be suppressed for long
by bullying whims of obsolete diktats 


More By  :  Rajender Krishan

Views: 1711     Comments: 14

Comments on this Poem

Comment Editor sahib, you're going to put all of us, your writers totally in the shade with such expressive poems. congratulations.

28-Nov-2012 02:56 AM

Comment Five months after a young couple appeared on Aamir Khan's television show, Satyamev Jayate, and talked about the threat to their lives because they had married without their parents' consent, the man was shot dead near his village in western Uttar Pradesh on Thursday November 22nd evening, allegedly by his wife's brothers. [Times of India News Nov 27, 2012] Another crude example of "enslaving traditions". His fault, he was from a lower caste.

Ram Prakash
26-Nov-2012 23:15 PM

Comment Seems some of the stalwarts have not heard of social science that's instrumental in the in both for and against the development of reforms and change in India.

Pradeep Kumar
26-Nov-2012 16:10 PM

Comment Wonderful Sir! The comments following have added value to the post.


Julia Dutta
26-Nov-2012 07:33 AM

Comment 26 Nov. ‘12
TO: Mr. Rajender Krishan

I find your “The Faultfinder” interesting. Yes, I’ll draw “references from icons of the bygone eras” – to be precise, Tagore as I frequently do.
I am quoting from Maitrayee Devi’s book “Tagore By Fireside” –
One day, while discussing with Maitrayee Devi the style of old Bengali literature, the Poet said – “The artificiality of this kind of composition repeals us – so probably a day will come when what I am writing to-day, and what you like so much now, will not be liked. Who knows, there exists, disguised in a mask, much artificial and inferior stuff in my work? The evils that you have not been able to detect, will be found when this child of yours grows up and becomes a connoisseur. She would say, chiding you, “Mother, how funny you were…what did you ever find in Grandpa’s writings that you used to bubble up with admiration! Look at our Pankajaksha Babu’s (imaginary name of course) works… it is far more simple and natural. We don’t like Grandpa’s round about ways at all” ….but Grandpa’s only good fortune is that in his time mother was present to bubble with admiration and grand daughter was not. I have received enough cash, so why worry about future? Still, I wonder, can it be true, that there is nothing in literature, which does not depend on age… which is for all time…some good that is good for ever?.... .”
Your poem reminds me the character Amit Raye of “Shesher Kabita” (=Last Poem) my review of which novel was published in Boloji.com sometime back. You may look up if you are interested to know more about this rebel poet and you are now on the same track. But what confuses me, you even drew inspiration from Vedas / Upanishads for some of your poems and Kabir is your favorite (so also mine). Then why such sudden aversion to
Archaism! And the fact is, great poets are contemporary in all ages and Tagore definitely is, along with Shakespeare and galaxy of other poets, Western, Persian, Indian et al embracing composers of Vedic hymns, Vaishnavite poets with their one millennium history, Kalidas etc. I need not elaborate the list. However, they have all lived through ages to reach posterity by virtue of the inherent dynamism in their literature. I wonder, if the modern poets can ever match their record and how much of their creation will trickle down to the posterity. In fact, we have largely lost the faculty of the poets of the yore,
admit it or not.
As regards “changes evolving on scientific principles” in the poetry field, I feel Mr. R. D. Ashby has said the last word. Yet, I want to add, Science and Aesthetics possibly overlap at the high level of Metaphysics particularly in cosmic perceptions. But these examples are not abundant except in Vaishnavite cult. One example may be Tagore’s “Myself” (published in Boloji.com) where Tagore in fact differed with Einstein.
Rajat Das Gupta

Rajat Das Gupta
26-Nov-2012 05:40 AM

Comment Your poetic expressions are at their zenith and am sure soon we will see them in the form of a book. Keep it up. This one was superb!

V.K. Joshi
25-Nov-2012 09:12 AM

Comment Happy to read all responses generated by this thought provoking poem.Best.

Sony Dalia
24-Nov-2012 13:06 PM

Comment The impatient, irritated protesting voice of modern minds!!!

pavalamani pragasam
24-Nov-2012 09:09 AM

Comment Amazing ideation and wordplay! One keeps running into such people daily...! "like the blemished stylus
found stuck in the grooves
of a vibrant gramophone record

The Master’s Voice"
reminded me of HMV...!

Padmaja Iyengar
24-Nov-2012 02:58 AM

Comment My friend recommended me to read this. I don't understand poetry. But reading this i am happy for i see someone talking sense. There is a lot of khap trash going on. hope they read and understand that revolution is coming

Aniket Jha
24-Nov-2012 00:12 AM

Comment Sir ji, Kiskee Sui Atak Gayee!

Hemant Prakash
23-Nov-2012 22:54 PM

Comment At last, someone has the guts to blast the Khaps. Love it.

Pawan Kumar
23-Nov-2012 22:47 PM

Comment Hahha..your first para reminded me of the old cranky communists who had always resisted any reforms in India. The analogy of "the blemished stylus
found stuck in the grooves of a vibrant gramophone record" was very original and wonderful. I will remeber it

23-Nov-2012 21:50 PM

Comment Poetry evolving on scientific principles resembles a laundry list, where each thought is itemised in a column. Yes, I would agree there is that effect. However, poetry is more than analysis in its most effective form, more than just plain scientific statement: it is to do with the evocation of the unsaid by means of the said, something that is beyond the limitation of scientific statement. I suppose, that is why scientists can't do poetry - did Newton, Galileo, or Einstein compose a single poem between them? - which rather crashes the whole notion of poetry evolving on scientific principles.

23-Nov-2012 20:30 PM

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