Upon the rays of gentle sunshine
I was shaped from the dust of stars
I danced around on clouds of change
I was nurtured from fallen flowers
For long have I travelled through galaxies
Scaling the mountains and trenching the oceans
Journeying through horizons for long
Eons I have spent singing your song
My will is strong like a diamond
Yet my ways soft and yielding
For every glimpse of you my heart has fluttered
And for each time I have failed, withered
I see you now, your glory upon my soul
I come from you and to you shall I return
I was shaped from the dust of stars
To endure this toil and seek your heart
I am the wind that shall give wings to your dreams.
I am water that shall bear life to your ambition's seed.
I am the grain of sand in your oyster that shall transform into a pearl.
I am the fire that shall set your desires ablaze in a torrid swirl.
It is only in your light that I can exist
Only in your shadow that I shall perish