The seeds of love sown in the womb with patience and care- coming into life, holding innocence in the very first breath opening eyes to the world full of strife
As a baby cuddled by the mother snuggling in the warm security of the arms around, crawling into every crevice at sight fondly put to sleep with love abound
As an infant walking with a finger held step by step learning the vagaries of the path to tread, each fall making further efforts stronger to rise to fulfill each of life's needs
Adolescence teaching the child to mature with experiences at life's every bend, youth giving vigor and color showing the way for difficulties - to fend
The man -from the child- bringing responsibilities patience, perseverance and grit building character, the passion and love embarking on a search for a soul-mate the sight of whom causing the young heart to flutter
As a parent - showering affection and doting on the child fulfilling wishes of the family - a perfect parent, watching the children grow with a look of satisfaction amidst changing times and thought - strong as a current
In old age - going through feeble paces of life with the strong arms of the grandchildren to support on, thoughtfully looking back- satisfied - on the road traversed -of times inspirational enough at bad times - to fall back upon
The ultimate goal of life reached The path ahead meandering narrowly, As the sight once so powerful - dims out slowly Till the last milestone crossed - the soul resting peacefully !