You are a bird in the blue sky
Free of preconceptions, expectations
The goal is to fly upwards and high
No scale can measure the heavens
Do not look below and compare
Upwards is the only way you can go
Do not look above and compare
That is exactly where you will go
Close the eyes to all barriers
They bend as you leap over as a cat
Be deaf to voice of the worriers
And those who just say “do this and that”
Be mute, as to speak is wasting words
As they can hear only what they want
Don’t be the one who follows the herds
Walk alone, only you know what you want
The seed for this thought of mine was planted in my mind when I happened to see an interview with Steve Jobbs. Basically he was saying that when you get a new idea and want to do something ambitious, always, a hundred people will discourage, but if you want to be successful you should never listen to them - Thank you.