It was on a cold February night I got up with my chest so tight, The thought of nature as a great sight Struck me like a light! ..Was I asleep or awake?
I thought of the golden sun, so bright As if fire with flaming light Polluted by us, is the blue river Oh! Think of Ganges our great mother.
Against the purple sky, I saw the silver stars gleam, And the ripples in the quiet stream, On either side are the green fields And lo! The power it wields.
Yes, the nature I saw That which no artist can ever draw The earth with her mighty, colorful dress Which from almighty is really a bliss.
Then suddenly I woke up with despair, Full of fear, I began to perspire I shudder to think what will happen If the nature is corrupted so often?
Nature's uses are so vast But we pollute it by bomb blast In this world which is developing fast The nature is ignored and away it is cast.
Trees give us pure air, But about them we don't care, Without trees imagine the world so bare Truly it is not at all fair.
Still there is time to act, Let's handle the situation with tact. Plant trees and make the world green To make the air healthy and clean.
Life can be colorful as a rainbow, It's true, don't raise your eyebrow, Clean city, Green city should be the goal Let everybody play their good role.