Was it all fake? A big mistake?
Did I take too long to awake?
I, who felt I could always shift,
How could I let myself so drift?
Was it all love? Or simply lust?
Was I alone and you a must?
Till now so firm, so convenient,
Did I just err and turn deviant?
Was it an urge? A void to fill?
Why couldn't I resist you still?
Of all the people I could meet,
YOU, swept me off my feet?
Why did you win? And I let go?
Was the forbidden gripping so?
I, woman, who knew in you a boy,
Could I the man in you dare enjoy?
Was this sin? Should I feel guilt?
Should I, in shame, forever wilt?
I know it to be a forbidden taboo,
Yet why do I still feel close to you?