A prisoner
Held in a cubicle
Shabby and reckless
Would you please listen?
The cubicle has a wonderful
Ever lucid and sparkling
Strange the prisoner is
Full of praise for his incarceration
Never does he throw a glance
At the twinkling stars
Gleaming moon
Shining pearls from sun
Barely touch him!
Merged in self-aggression
Rebel that he is
Fights with his self
His wants are unlimited
Hardly does he know?
Ever busy in a desert
Counting sands of exasperation
Woes from bygones
Fetter his feet
Worries of future
Get him handcuffed
Misses him forever
The cubicle
The mad dwelling hole
The unconscious mind
The illumined sky
Sparkling “awareness”
Would the prisoner ever find?
Beautifully summarised....at times human being happens to be such prisoner of dreams and confines himself to a cubicle...he may not find the inclination to see others firmament.