Editor's Choice
Theme: Demented

Did I Do It?

Did I do it?

Yes, I did it.

So why didn't it
Register in my
Mind that I've
Done it?

Why did I again
Have to go and
Redo it?

I never did have
Such a muddled-up

This hotchpotch
Surely, Dementia
Must have done it.

(This poem is very close to my heart as it has come to my mind after having read 2 superb books in the recent past. I recommend these books to anyone who would like to know more about Dementia and how uphill the struggle is for those afflicted with this debilitating condition and how hard their carers work to retain some normality in their fragile, fragmenting lives. Before reading these books, I used to think that Dementia always strikes old people which is true in most cases but I ended up reading some case studies of people in their early Forties.)

The Books are

1) Dementia Essentials - How to Guide a Loved One through Alzheimer's or Dementia and provide the Best Care - written by Jan Hall, published by Vermilion

2) And Still The Music Plays - Stories of People with Dementia - written by Graham Stokes, published by HPL

I bought both these books from Amazon - UK. These are also available on Amazon dot Com


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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