I went to visit a friend of mine, it had been a year since
I last saw him when he had been at my home. He didn't
seem glad to see me but invited me in, appeared nervous
didn't offer me anything to drink, and I felt embarrassed.
He bent forward so as to say something, but changed his mind.
I made my stay short and he was relieved to see me go.
I suddenly knew why, when he had last visited me, some money
in an envelope on my desk, for paying bills, went missing;
I never suspected him. I got over the loss, it was only
misplaced cash. Alas, he had not forgotten his theft and it
gnawed on his mind and he could no longer bear to see me,
as if he blamed me for his fall from grace. Poor man, if he
needed money he could have asked me. As it is, I have lost
a friend who is suffering in his own private hell.