The queen of my heart,
O, when will she come, say you,
The queen of my heart,
The girl of my dreams
Who I go seeing stealthily?
The queen of my heart,
Queen of Dreams,
When will you come? I keep waiting for you
In all my fancy and imagination,
Waiting for your arrival
A beautiful girl,
Lovely and attractive, is my love,
The girl of my imagination,
Of my lyric and heart
Who I keep hiding in my heart.
The queen of my heart,
The girl of my dreams,
For whom I go waiting,
Humming and whistling a song,
When will she, when will she come?
Say it to her,
Get the message sent across to her
That I am waiting for you so much so earnestly,
So much so expectantly,
So much in love with her.
I love her,
I like her, my love,
She my own,
The girl of my dreams,
The picture of mine.
Her photograph into the heart of mine
And the world seems to be a photograph of hers,
The different poses and postures of her,
She bidding goodbye to me,
She smiling sweetly and coming into the dreams of mine.