A perfectly quiet day is coming to an end no breeze rustles amongst green leaf that have got a shimmer on from the pale sun. The almond trees that have been allocated the best place in the sun have sprung flowers pink and white, I can sense their boastful jubilation, and why not? After being spindly and ugly for months they deserve applause and, yes, a bit of envy from the less successful ones.
Rabbits on green run under stones I see more of them now than my old dog lived, she was forever chasing rabbits, even in her sleep. From my vantage point I can see the sun go down behind, not the first sea but the seventh one, as this day is so clear that I can see forever, but there are no clouds on the sky for it to paint pink, but there is no need today.
And then it is night and dogs will bark from one village to the next, perhaps they lament the burden of living in the shadow of man, or they just like to gossip and have a good laugh on our behalf. Should they stop barking one night I will wake up and fear for my life