Editor's Choice
Theme: Affection

Soft Feelings

During the passage of time
From teenage to mature age
Through waning glory of youth
Appears, everything has changed

No more boyish enthusiasm
No more youthful exuberance
Old age wrinkles so distinct
All over body, mind and heart

If anything remains unchanged
It is those soft feelings for you
As if this sublime and eternal bond
Is beyond all age, space and time.


More By  : Dr. Jaipal Singh

Views: 1470     Comments: 4

Comments on this Poem

:-) welcome :-)

30-Oct-2015 08:49 AM

Comment Thanks a lot, Aparnaji, for making it Editor's Choice and commensurate image.

27-Oct-2015 08:06 AM

Comment Thank you, Kulbirji.

27-Oct-2015 08:03 AM

Comment Jaipal Sahib,

So true!

26-Oct-2015 19:11 PM

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